What's the first world country with the dumbest people? Give reason or meme

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I would say america, but america isn't first world.

I read today that by the end of the century, 20% of Canadians will be white

Id say uk

americans are pretty dumb but I would vouch for canada above since americans are mroe diverse in their interests and beleifs (chicks in texas liking hitler, masachusets red heads liking the kkk). those kinds of outliers simply dont exist in canada, its a massive hive-mind here.

we may be mroe educated and obviously less stupid, but we do not differ from another AT ALL


I'd be inclined to say the US, but that might be just because Americans are the loudest so you get exposed to a lot of stupidity by Americans.


The Netherlands.

>high rate of cousin marriage
>highest rate of dyslexia in the world
>continue to build BELOW sea level
>tried to make typhus a swear word because they know it's how the jews really died
>blackface christmas elves
>100 decibel music in the clothing stores making it impossible for young people to shop without going deaf, shopkeeper yelling at you in mustard german
>national parks are literally abandoned cattle ranches
>took until 2009 to discover a "new" knee ligament that was known to the rest of the world since the dark ages
>spuiten and slikken
>groningen is rude people
>the randstad(aka: mohammed zone)
>rotterdam is 100% black for some reason ???
>everyday murders in schiedam
>wtf is with schagen up in noordholland it looks like white trash central, graffiti and pregnant smoking white women everywhere
>go further north and there are child slaves with wooden shoes pushing tractors in fields
>go even further north and there are people who think mud-wading is a sport
>hark shall I continue?

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I forgot to add the rule that Canadian opinions don't really matter in this thread.

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Underrated post


dog fucking and weed -- The Worlds biggests cuck Pm as well

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As a leaf studying in the states, I can see how burgers can consider us as dumb and docile.
We are two very different people after all.
America was built by people who rebelled against the status quo.
Even after all these years, they will never take shit from anyone and will always be ready to fight for what they think is right.
Canada was built by people who wanted to be under the rule of the Brits.
We tend to just let things happen and dont really object to many things the government does.


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FPBP, last time I went to the USA I saw nothing but immigrants and homeless

Rek lifs, but they can't even win at being worst. Worst are Sweds. Lifs are just a cheap ripoff of Swed.

>drinks coffee at boiling point but blame throat cancer on cigarettes
>obligatory race discrimination in the police force
>border control basically zero, can buy guns in maastrict
>crime on borders is censored
>suicide statistics censored
>terrorist attacks censored
>minarets on every corner
>"it's very windy here don't you think" no I do not. I live in the roaring forties fuck off with your "windy" lies.
>people shocked that I learned how to ice-skate when my hometown has seen snow in every month of the year
>"australia doesn't get snow you are lying"
>people shocked that I drink more than 2 beers in a row when the beers are literally 4 inches tall and the rest is foam
>all the women have FLAT BREASTS and weird long pear shaped asses
>all the men have erectile dysfunction from sitting on a bike seat all day
>sex in public
>brown children trashing supermarkets
>dutch people loudly mocking tourists thinking that their accent gives them privacy
>even belgium was nicer

Well if you forgot then its not really pertinent to bring up anymore.

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>>suicide statistics censored
>>terrorist attacks censored
>>minarets on every corner

so basically australia...

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based leaf, mutts are incredibility dumb. Seeing their blood run in the streets starting tomorrow will be great.

Too much k-9 asshole and Molson?

Don't mad, your death will be remembered while I'm chowing down on some Dorito's.