The Black man's empires were destroyed and stripped of their wealth.
Now we're strong again. We just have to reconquer Egypt from Arabs and repopulate it with Blacks from Europe and USA after the Arab genocide and create our ethnostate in Egypt and live there like our ancestors did centuries ago.
The only "wealth" your populations had were labor, and those weren't stripped away, they were sold.
Kayden Turner
why blacks from the USA or europe? why not sub saharan africans? is it for our european dna the nigger slaves stole like the kikes?
Joshua Brooks
revisionist subhuman cracker fuck off
Luis Phillips
Because Europe and USA are racist shitholes and we need to create a new ethnostate like the Jews of USA and Europe did
Joseph Green
Meme countries like Latvia and Albania could colonize all of Sub-Saharan Africa if they really tried.
Caleb Cooper
>we wuz kangz n sheeit we dun built dem mufuggin.. tooms n shit >don't try rewriting history >muhfuggin dick
Jason Rodriguez
They were sold by their own leaders. Mostly unpopulated, undeveloped, filled with uneducated people.
Justin Johnson
So you are going to exterminate the native populations of said area, just like the Jews are exterminating the Palestinians?
Nathaniel Baker
Arabs are invaders
Egypt's natives are Blacks
Jose Martinez
WE WUZ KANGS AND SHIT NIGGA >ethnostate just move to sub saharan africa, dumb nigger 99.9% of zimbabwe is already niggers
Chase Ward
Yeah and Antarctic natives are penguins. GTFO out of my fellow-penguin country you damn humans!
Liam Cook
Any real black african would beat the crap out of you for being so annoying and kang.
Jack Thompson
Egypt was never your creation, It's well known that nubians just moved in as things started to collapse, chiselled their dumb faces into the Sphynx which was likely a cool statue of Leo before, and then got beat back to subsaharan africa where they came from.
They've done the DNA analysis of many pharaohs now. They aren't black...
Using your own slaves to build pyriamids for no user other than art, later complaining about slaves (which where sold by your own people). And yeah the arabs fucked everyone. They basically created european and afghan Islam by raping their women.
Human remains from the ancient Egyptian period all prove that they were Mediterranean people, even lighter than what the average Egyptian looks like now because of mixing with Arabs. The descendants of Ancient Egyptians are the Copts who to this day speak a form of the ancient Egyptian language. In fact, the only reason the Egyptian hieroglyphs were deciphered was when someone discovered the link between the Coptic language and ancient Egyptian. The sooner you give up on African supremacist pseudo-history the sooner you can actually build something for yourself and for future generations.