What is the leading cause of this?

What is the leading cause of this?

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I'm 90% sure it's from internet/ video game/ technology addiction. I've had it for a year or two now

faggy thinking

Sugar. No joke. Do a week without added sugar. Fruit is okay. Added sugar is not.


not practicing sobriety and exercising daily.

Im serious. Stop drinking, smoking, masturbating, and start exercising every day. even if itts just a little bit, just go for a jog or something

Bam, brain fog goes away

Too much drinking, stress, anxiety, depression, all cause brain fog.


What does Brain fog even mean.

Postmodern life

To be more specific, I don't know which nutrient(s) it is but eating freshly cooked meals rather than things out of a can or packet help a lot. Many important ones break down quickly and are simply not present in these sorts of preserved foods.

Fluoride, lack of magnesium, sugar, lack of zinc, lack of exercise ALL contribute to brain пиздeц.

This. Brain fog only happens to me for a few days after I smoke weed


>citation needed

It's like your brain is lagging.

internet/cell phones/electronic radiation
polluted water and air
parasites and other harmful microorganisms
daily spiritual assault

Jewish mind control

Lack of taurine or zinc

2 outa 4 aint bad …….right???

I can't give a citation, but I have had it myself. The cure was eating better.

which 2 are you lacking

Weed for some

>high carb
>no exercise
>bad sleep
>masturbation addiction
>low serotonin


>Low carb diet
>lifting 3-4 times a week, cardio 2 times a week
>8 hours of sleep
>sex only with a partner
>use a supplement like St Johns Wort or 5-HTP (NOT BOTH, ALSO DON'T DO THIS IF YOU USE SSRIs )

You are constantly stuck spending your day in your head daydreaming and can't get out of it. It fucking sucks. I guess it's the opposite of being an NPC.

potassium will help too, but don't overdo it.

anxiety, booze, and lack of exercise caused it for me in the past

I've had it for ~5 years and nothing I've changed has fixed it. I think some of it comes with aging.
>exercise regularly
>don't drink
>don't smoke
>no drugs
>take vitamins + supplements
>drink only water, sugarless tea on occasion
>no more than an hour or two a week on videogames
>cook meals
>no fast food
None of it fixed my brain fog. It doesn't bother me as much as it used to, though.

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Adderall is the solution to all of this if you go the drug route. Adderall is a fucking amazing wonder drug to me. It changed my life for the better.

don't forget a simple mens one a day multivitamin and fish oil. Fish oil is mainly for heart health but the multivitamin can be beneficial if you don't exactly have a balanced diet.

that's not brain fog, dipshit. brain fog is when your thoughts and memories are clouded, like your real life is bordering on a dream.

don't eat anything for a few days
just drink water
your mind will be blown

i'm sick right now so i can't be arsed to write a ton, so here's (my) pasta:

buy emeramide off the deep web and, after verifying that it's real, just eat shittons of it
hell—you can bloody well snort a gram of it every day if you want to
literally every one of your health problems will go away, you'll turn into a ripped superchad when you work out, and you'll have james bond-tier wits
your breathing, your memory, your intestinal function, your happiness and creativity, your energy—everything will improve dramatically
in other words, you'll be the kind of normal, healthy male that used to be fairly commonplace, even in times remembered for their widespread famine and shit medicine
remember—just as research has made quite clear, testosterone amplifies the toxic effects of mercury
high-test males—whether an intention move from government health authorities who defend dental amalgams and thimerosal-containing vaccinations or not—are the ones who suffer the most markedly from exposure to mercury, as the presence of testosterone greatly increases the incidence of mercury-induced neuron death when compared to neurons only exposed to mercury

mercury poisoning is the true cause behind nearly every chronic disease and mental illness that has hallmarked the last century, and it is what is slowly but surely murdering the west

also, buy emeramed stock.

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Probably monosodiumglutamate. Look up what glutamate does in the brain. It's an important neurotransmitter.

Absolutely not an option for me. If I take it, I end up masturbating for an entire day.


Real life becomes clouded and distant when you are stuck in your head. It's hard to explain

The leftists are trying to steal and pollute my essential bodily fluids

I don't know how that is possible. I usually eat when I begin to feel a little hungry. If I don't eat, I'm going to rip someone's head off from being hangry.

For me, the solution was losing 30 lbs.


certain vaccines still contain thimerosal, and thimerosal WILL fuck you up
this is especially true in males, as testosterone amplifies the toxic effects of thimerosal, and mercury in general
the presence of other metals and metal compounds—aluminium hydroxide (as is what is in vaccines) being one of them—will do this as well

emeramide is a very powerful, very bioavailable, non-toxic mercury chelator and antioxidant—though, it has the ability to chelate other metals that are attracted to thiols as well, such as lead, cadmium, and arsenic
this chemical has had success in curing COPD, type 2 diabetes, parkinson's (& abnormal), huntington's, alzheimer's, autism, ALS, headaches (that were not believed to be caused by heavy metal poisoning), joint pain (ditto), and numerous other things

mercury poisoning from vaccinations and "silver" dental fillings is what is, and has been killing the west
it is what has caused nearly every "genetic", "uncurable" disease that has hallmarked the last century
it is bioaccumulative; once it gets in the cells of your soft tissues, it doesn't leave
emeramide is, without question, the ONLY effective mercury chelator that can get inside of cells, and it is also non-toxic
it fixes the root problem of the above-mentioned diseases, completely exposing the blatant lies of the FDA and CDC

if you wanna hear that emeramide is capable of doing these things yourself, you can contact the company that's trying to get this on the market—emeramed
if you want this chemical, your only hope right now is to produce it yourself
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3346673/ (NBMI Synthesis)
fortunately, synthesis is not terribly complicated—so i hear
boyd haley (CEO of emeramed) has stated that mistakes are commonly made during synthesis, which may explain the virtually useless "emeramide" that i've encountered from at least one lab research chemical supplier (medkoo)

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Caffine addiction, and most people never using their brain in the first place

ADHD/ADD or a poor diet.

check out Jow Forums if this applies to you. read the sticky and better your life. i ate well and exercised for 1 month with a very strict yet manageable plan and the fog went away. you have to do it yourself. ween yourself off video games and only masturbate once a week.

I drink vodka every night and have a very physical job during the day. I am celibate by choice.

>le radical skeptic

Same. I'm about to get mine after not being on it for 2 years. It's amazing.

oh ok, fair enough, that sounds more like brain fog. my apologies for lashing out

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no problem

Caffiene sharpens my spacial acuity.


sedentary lifestyle

Too many burgers.

low t

Non-Native Electromagnetic Fields and strong Blue Spectrum light frequencies from LED screens

Have you tried meditation?

Meditate 10 minutes a day.

Definitely will get further research from me. Good tip.

has to be sugar, added sugar.

Fits the narrative of fat being demonized and added sugar getting a pass mid 20th century. Its speculated this happened for capitalistic reasons, could also be for population control reasons

Try no added sugar for a week

Iodine deficiency.

Also this.

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nigger blood


Onions and veganism

i'm right here as well
on paper, healthy as fuck n shit
but can barely think straight or learn anything new
i literally depend on my subconscious mind to learn things now. i'll just have to read it and stare at it and hope the gears turn, cause otherwise it's out of my conscious mind's hands.

Soda and carbs.

yeast which is fed by sugar


The blue light late in the evening will definitely mess with your deep REM sleep.

yeah i tried for a while, the typical "control your thoughts meditation" didn't do me much good. deep breathing/wim hof exercises help a bit though

The meditation is supposed to help you focus on the task at hand when youre not meditating. Too much multitasking will cause constant low level confusion. Prioritise.

Have you started taking iodine?

you got it
that's an utterly outrageous price, though
if you can find a chemist who is willing to produce it for you, you can probably get ~25g for $1000 using the synthesis method i'd linked

be extremely mindful when ordering from companies that only offer chemical for research purposes. you're *very* unlikely to purchase something from them and have it actually be poisonous—rather, the concern is that the product that you get may not be real. with this in mind, i stress—DO NOT BUY FROM MEDKOO. they may, in fact, be synthesizing and shipping out real emeramide—but what will arrive at your door will not be legitimate.
whatever it is that they're selling, it's totally insoluble in both DMSO and vegetable oil. didn't bother checking the melting point or doing anything else with it. i don't care to speculate what it is, but i know that it's non-toxic.

anyway, if you're gonna order it from any place that offers it, you're gonna need a business that's licensed to whatever necessary extent your local/federal authorities require. pretty bullshit, but in some places, it's easier than others.
i don't know of any places that *for sure* sell real emeramide, but again, i do know that medkoo's isn't real. whatever you decide to do, i wish you luck.

oh—and, by the way, the power of emeramide's antioxidative properties should not go overlooked; see pic related.
keep in mind, emeramide is readily lipid-soluble and should thus go anywhere in the body, and remains in the blood for far longer than most antioxidants; no other non-toxic antioxidant can compare to this thing. it boosts glutathione levels like mad.

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Fuck that western atheist pseudo science mind is merely physical shit, friend.
Dive deep down the Buddhist dogma.
Despair, and then rearrange the chaos.
The light is waiting for you, but you're imprisoning yourself.

Years ago.

Jow Forums

sounds like some placebo self-voodoo to me, boss. do i need to ingest shrooms for it to work
i bet there's some truth to that, i multitask way too much and everything's all scattered

...And? How did it improve things? Was it in lugol's form or eating salt?

Focus, grasshopper, focus.

You think more clearly and feel more even tempered. Hair and nails grow faster too.

Drugs are for the retards.
Sometimes placebo is all you need to achieve what you want.
Sometimes there is something more than but you want to convince yourself that there isn't. The light out of the cave can be blindingly scary.

Glucose and high eating frequency. The brain functions better using ketones as fuel than glucose. But yeah internet addiction doesn't help.

Pineal gland calcification
Look it up

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Turn down the blues on your monitor and you will sleep better when you turn it off.

i have to agree with other anons

ive been dealing with this for years and ive given up many times, but the few times i got close to clarity was probably not eating.

i think 'brain fog' is a real thing but comes from many sources. it could be emotional.

But if you never knew an ideal state to be in, try to imagine feeling like you thank God every moment to be alive. some people live like that. they are truly 'here.' On the opposite end are people who are totally numbed out. Those people have one foot in the grave.

Leaky blood brain barrier aka assloads of neurodegenerative disease

Eat your cheap vegetable oil deep fried foods you stupid goyim


>lol this faggot doesn't just believe words on the internet!

>daily spiritual assault

big one

Fasting is a necessary function of good health and long life, it helps normal cell death and new cell division. (sorry, no citation)

Fasting is proven to increase your lifespan as well if you do it regularly

Fap, Internet, diet.
Change those and hope life doesn’t hit you so hard you fall back into them.

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So I tried:
not eating sugar,
not eating anything too sweet,
not eating wheat,
not eating starchy stuff,
cutting down carbs,
not drinking coffee,
drinking coffee,
not drinking tap water(because "muh fluorides"),
eating breakfast,
not eating breakfast,
drinking only water for 2 days straight,
eating only supper,
taking zinc,
taking vitamin d,
taking melatonin for better sleep,
and probably some other stuff over several years.

Its all bullshit. Maybe it helps but just a bit. I don't know why but only half a day I'm thinking more or less well, another half I just feel dumb, when I go to sleep my brain suddenly starts working 10 times faster, I can visualize any object right in front of me, I can solve that math problem I couldn't for 2 days straight, I can even write a poem... and I don't know how to make my brain work like that during daytime.


I've been eating nonstop again, not a lot but just non stop, i think ill start another fast right now.

Did you try not being a faggot?

This. Started taking iodine a week ago and already feel less foggy.

Eating carbohydrates and sugars.

most often than not, brain fog is from being trapped in some sort of routine, it could be a physical routine, but you need to abstain from - something - in your life for a little while.

fasting is one example of this. no nut novembers a good one too. looking away from your phone or screen is good too. not sleeping for a bit if you sleep a lot is good, sleeping a lot for once if you never sleep, going for a walk if you only drive, etc.

the brain needs STIMULI!

Are you kidding me nigger? The only fuel for the brain is glucose, have you ever even taken a biology class?

lack of nature walks

Even fruit is not really okay. It is unnatural to have access to fruit year round like we do.