If you could kill off 1 billion people, who would they be.
If you could kill off 1 billion people, who would they be
Jews 66 times
All non whites in white countries, thats like 150 million. Israel. Then use the rest on muslim countries.
Hard choice, it'd either be niggers or muslim's
The earth is flat
750 Million Africans, 300 Million Poos, and 50 Million Chinese
the most amputated ones
can I bring a billion people of my choosing back to life instead?
who would those people be?
I kill the jews. Then I use my remaining kills to kill the jews again. Once the jews are gone we can deal with the rest on our own in like six months.
trumpflets goodbye family
Definitely nasty greasy no good niggers. They are fucking useless.
they're all Canaanites, 50 shades of nigger.
White people
Israel, Texas, California, Washington DC, Jew York. Spread the remainder across India, China, and black and evangelical neighborhoods in America.
Other men
Just start from the lowest IQ imaginable and work it's way up. If I could erase everyone on the planet with an IQ of 80 or less, I'd call that a good day. Like legit doing every race, creed, and country a favor.
>There's less stupid people for you to deal with. You're welcome.
This is a pretty good answer. Though instead, I think I will go with the spots in Africa where people are having like 9 kids each. And that's not even out of hatred, as much as it is trying to ACTUALLY curb overpopulation and eventual flooding of other countries. Dunno how many that would be overall, but the rest would be Jews, the most aggressive Muslims, Antifa of any kind and other useless libshit whites who brought us to this point.
Oooo that gives me an Idea, can I use 500 million on all black women in Africa? That would pretty much mean Africans go nearly extinct in one generation, and then all the rest on all black and arab men in white countries. Jews can't jew us to extinction if there aren't any niggers around to use up world resources.
All non-whites in white countries including goyish jews, mag dump the rest of the kills onto the arab world starting with kikeland.
It's a hard one. On one hand, getting rid of most of Islam and the worst Islamic countries would be great for world peace.
On the other hand, as China and India develops and their consumption is even close to ours, the globe will become uninhabitable. But the Chinese population will shrink.
The fastest growing population is the Nigerian. Not very good...
fag flag thread
instant yous
for fucks sake kids stop replying to these shit threads.
Damn, that's pretty harsh, user. Of course it DOES also increase the likelihood of the remaining males going off to create mulatto offspring with someone else, and I wouldn't wish that anyone, white or otherwise.
China will become a better place as their population shrinks and their country develops.
All the murrikans and some chinese. That would be an interesting world to live in.
People who say axe instead of ask
People who reply “I don’t know, can you?”
Anyone who listens to country or rap
I'd swim in pussy
also cia niggers(you)
Communist and shit skins
>7 billion people
>ratio in 2017 was pretty much 1:1 (102:100 actually), so 3.5 billion males
>2.5 billions males with 3.5 billions females, which is a 5:7 ratio
>in relative terms there's 40% more females that there's males
Idk leaf. Your chances do improve, but they don't get that good either. More like you can comfortably swim instead of just standing like an idiot in a comically small pool.
Anyways, it doesn't matter if the pool gets as deep as a trench if you're too much of a pussy to get in the water.
1 billion is not nearly enough