What will Rush be peddling tonight?

What will Rush be peddling tonight?

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+3 senate
+4 house

praise kek

Attached: God+does+exist+his+name+is+kek.jpg (500x320, 56K)

Oxy, obviously.

daily reminder that Rush is a constant shitposter on Jow Forums

His own line of tacos.

his motorcycle


Yids fuck kids dot com

Isn't Rush's show in the afternoon?

you're on to something user.

Some more fear mongering like THE LIBS WILL TAKE UR GUNS IF THEY WIN!


Two if By Tea or the latest installment of Rush Revere


Oxy, penis pills, and discrete vacations to Thailand. It's all part of a package they sell, good times.

>OP says “peddling” like Rush is some nigger selling crack

OP glows in the dark

Not so much. I just listen to Savage.


Ahh there is a great new local guy who is on at his time so I don’t put savage on anymore.

0% chance, repubs will gain seats in the house - senate you're right probs

who is the new guy, and where are you from?
Never hear Savage on the radio.. have to listen to fuckers like Glenn Beck. its horrible - NC

Hopefully, peddling all the shit that annoys the limp-wristed faggots that disparage him here.
>Redpilling the masses on the corruption of American news media for 30 FUCKING YEARS.
>Redpilling the masses on the destructive nature of liberalism and the Democrat party.
>Believing in the power and righteousness of Conservatism and the American Constitution.

We wouldn't have Donald J. Trump for President if Rush didn't have the balls to tell the libs to FUCK OFF 30 years ago and everyday since. God bless that man.

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