Are the Jews OVERRATED?

Do you think people on Jow Forums exaggerates the influence of jews over media/government/economy/historic events waaaaaaay too much?

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How do you not feel bad after making such a terrible thread Rabbi

>Are the Jews a powerful and rich ethnic group?


>Do they control the world?

No. I don’t think so.

No, and show your flag rabbi.
Look, it's not that they're smarter, or the master race.
Gentiles gave them a monopoly on banking. And they used that to buy influence, start wars, and get rich. Now they got the greatest scam in world history: Fractional reserve banking with debt based fiat money. Every $1 of a country's debt is $10 in their pocket. They buy the media, put lacky jews in key positions in government, and fuck the goys like $2 whores.

JIDF hitting hard right now

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The black hat men like in your photo are very much outside of international control over anything other than their specific communities, families, and denominations. They are not the Soros-Rothschild sorts, who are Atheists, or cultural-Judaic Secularists.

I don’t buy that jews are the only ones doing this

No, Jow Forums is right.

This fills an atheist Gentile with rage. He feels impotent and outmatched and fantasizes about destroying them all in a great conflagration.

A Christian laughs at the Jews' position. For all their power is no power. Money matters little and lies matter less because the Catholic Church exists, her teachings are infallible, and everyone receives the necessary grace to enter into her, in this life or the afterlife. The proper attitude toward Jews is pity. Thinking themselves wise, they became fools. I pray for their conversion.

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There is a wide gap between American Jews and Israeli ones to be exploited
I dunno about European ones.

Yes and no.
Jews are a symptom of larger sickness within white civilization, which allows them to thrive.

>satanic jew pedophile catholic church


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True. Even American Orthodox Jews are on the right. Their religion and even ethnic culture are of Satan, to be sure, but their political unity is a fantasy.

No we are genuinely superior

Fuck jews

Muh Sola Scriptura

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That's wassup brah

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Careful bub
Wrong and right, in ways

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Thanks for the pic brah

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Spoken like a true christcuck. Im ready to bloody eagle every kike in sight. JUDEN RAUS. HAIL WOTAN

Good luck with that

the fake jew kike stands in the way of
greatness, there is no other purpose
for the fake jew kike amalekite, it is
a golem a dirty worker of lilith and

The fact that you can't even bring up Jewish influence in anything in public should tell you something. For fucks sake if you just start listing verifiable facts about them you get shoa'd immediately.

Based Paco. You may cross the border someday.

And yet the Catholic Church, with the full Bible, keeps growing in this country. The Jews are so strong, yet so weak. They cannot damn a single soul who doesn't reject Christ of his own free will.

God is in charge, that's true. In a natural sense, the Jews have the most power politically and culturally.

No, love them. It's their kryptonite

No. Watch these and you'll know.

The Israel Lobby In The US Documentary Has Been Released!!


Downloadable links

The Lobby - USA, episode 1

The Lobby - USA, episode 2

What we know.
It has taken 2 years for these 2 parts to be released, the Israelis suppressed the release, we don't know how long before the next 2 will be released.

Want to know more about the underhanded tactics of Israel?
They pulled this with the UK too.

The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations
The Lobby P2: The Training Session – Al Jazeera Investigations
The Lobby P3: An Anti-Semitic Trope – Al Jazeera Investigations
The Lobby P4: The Takedown – Al Jazeera Investigations