Amy McGrath is going to Congress! Kentucky anons get in here.
She's the first female to fly an F-18 into combat! And she has a clit like an eagle's beak.
Amy McGrath is going to Congress! Kentucky anons get in here
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No women in combat.
check how the operator is talking to her like a complete retard
then she crashes and dies
As long as it doesn't bite my dick off.
Hopefully this is an Alison Grimes situation. Polls were close and Mitch won by like 14 points
Looks like some scrub on DCS, not an actual real life certified fighter pilot.
Don't hate her but tired of her constant military shilling and Matt Jones being a partisan hack for her.
I don't live in her district, but I live about a mile from the heart of it (already encountered several dumbasses in my area that think they're going to be able to vote for her tomorrow) and a friend of mine is one of her campaign managers. I'm inclined to think she'll win - white women in Lexington love her, the state fucks in Frankfort will probably go for her too, and she's got all the Bevin v. teachers shit on her side. She's got a decent amount of rural support as well, though some people doubt her honesty as being nonpartisan. Barr's run a shitty campaign - too negative and cheap compared to her nice, professional ads powered by Sorosbux. In the end, she's a good candidate that's run a good campaign - don't disagree with her on a lot of things but I really don't want a Pelosi stooge here in central KY.
The ad of her blocking soccer balls is epic.
I'm a Indian-American in Lexington KY. I'm voting for Andy Barr tommorow. Went to the rally in Richmond a few weeks back with my family of 8,all voting Andy Barr. We were literally paraded as God's in the wait line. I love white conservatives!
Enjoy that tokenism. I don't blame you. Get that white church girl conservative pussy while you can, dude!
This look like Tom Cruise and John Travolta's bastard son turned tranny
Jesus I'll never unsee it.
Kentucky user checking in
Owensboro here.
She's a former fighter pilot. No idea why she is Dem but it's the least worst outcome in terms of getting a Dem elected.
All you good folks vote red tomorrow, okay?
Because she's a deepstate CIAnigger plant which is why there was dozens of Ex-military and intelligence agents running as Democrats this cycle.
Hey my guy, I'm married to a Desi Indian girl :D white girls for white guys, black girls for niggers, Desi girls for Desi men!
You sure you don't want just a taste? A sniff and a taste?
I had a white gf back when I lived in Pittsburgh. Her family was from Mcdonald PA, which is very conservative, her dad had a confederate flag on the back of his Truck. They still accepted Me as im very conservative myself. I didn't see myself spending my life with her though so we broke it off.
I had to take a long double-take at the thumbnail to make sure it wasn't Tom Cruise
kek I thought it was another Steven Crowder tranny character.
>clit like an eagle's beak
This is my fetish.
Pics or it didn't happen.