I knew all I needed to know about this POS 30 years ago...

I knew all I needed to know about this POS 30 years ago. I have loathed this horrible man since the first time I laid eyes on him

Attached: 1530199036696.jpg (960x946, 63K)

These kikes really have to learn to use fake profiles. They are bound and determined to get gassed.

The fact that his name is (((Weinstein))) tells you all you need to know about him.

America is not legally permitted to be in Iraq, Syria or Afghanistan so why would any president go there?

If anything he should tour the south china sea to shore up support vs Chinese expansion plans

Fuck off. Trunp flew over here amd visited us and was very nice, spoke to many of us one on one or in small groups.

The real tragedy is white people agreeing with these kikes. Kikes will always act like this as they always have. Whites go through cycles and Jews have understood and latched on to that fact.

It's time for white people to recognize this and redetermine their response and behavior.

Every fucking time.

Major Combat Operations are over
Trump Isn't going to visit SF units
Mattis visits the small regular units still deployed in support roles.
That's who the Military really wants to see.

There is no combat zone anymore. Unless he visits some FOB in the Pakistan border

Trump is fighting the fifth column.