Vote all Republican

>Vote all Republican
>Vote no for all female/jewish/brown judges
>Vote no for all tax increases

You may not like it, but this is what optimal voting looks like.

Attached: ballot-box~13724276.jpg (400x400, 28K)

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Nah. The only vote I ever cast that wasn't 3rd party was for Trump and that will probably be the last too. I'm not going to be part of the problem. Michigan fags get john james in

>Vote for massive deficits added to the debt which you, your children, your grandchildren, etc. will have to pay for
>Vote for massive corporate tax cuts, putting a greater share of the tax burden on you
Is this what Democrats mean by Republicans voting against their own interests?

>female republican or male democrat
which do you choose?

>>Vote no for all tax increases

i disagree with this but i'm boycotting the democrats anyway this year

>throwing away your vote instead of using Reps to inch towards a better future

damn those wicked female judges, pure evil if you ask me

>female judge
Hmmmm a female being in charge of tough decision...............

I would vote for all the white males regardless of their party.

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A vote for the democrats is a a vote for
> censorship
> thought police
> socialism
> open borders
> incivility
> high taxes
> big government
> social justice warriors
> political correctness
> racism (identity politics)
> rule of leftist mobs
> corporate fake news media
and a vote against
> jobs and economic growth
> the first amendment
> the second amendment
> the rule of law
> presumption of innocence
> meritocracy and fairness
> the USA and the American people

already did this in CO


Blue wave incoming, hold the line!

Attached: this_is_war.jpg (648x648, 137K)

>I would vote for all the white males regardless of their party.
Well you're a God damn idiot then. Just who do you think it is that has wrecked this country?

White liberal males. They have a propensity for black cock , mexican STD tacos and stupid slits that control them.

Get a grip, there are more BAD whites of both genders than any other race in this country you stupid faggot.

>vote republican
>vote for more funding for Israel

Because no white man was ever wrong....

Attached: America_never_great.jpg (792x792, 210K)

Im not going to vote for a female or black republican.

Attached: Pepethefrog.jpg (780x438, 41K)

Yep. For some reason they expect corporations to be inherently benevolent and governments inherently evil.

>any option
>not sending money to israel

Then you are part of the problem

Attached: you_have_to_go_back.png (800x820, 267K)

Niggers and kikes were never American.

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If both parties are the same then i preffer a white male-only congress & senate

is anyone actually voting? I'm afraid of the blue puddle that is going to win because nobody on /poll/ bothered to vote

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The only non-Republican I voted for was a Libertarian for some minor municipal position, and only because the Republican choice was a female spic. (CO fag here)

Male democrat judge is automatically "JUST" in my personal opinion. Lots of respect for women who choose to carry the boulder up the hill as self-ascribed Republicans, though. At least they're making the effort, despite the challenges, whether or not they make the right choices all of the time.


We are being collated and recorded, surveyed, and studied, classified, and sorted by an array of pollsters, global social media platform managers, state and federal election officials that cooperate fully with the first two, and of course the various globalist (((NWO))) powers that control all of them. The MUH RUSSIA false flag wasn't about making Trump illegitimate. It was about making it acceptable for government, security, and social media to work on the same page. They are using this newfound collaboration in the name of 'election security' to learn who you are, where you are, what you are, what you believe, what you can do to hinder them, and in what order they want to reeducate or 'retire' you. All this bullshit before the elections is just to get the public more willing to accept 'security.' Remember who owns Facebook, and who owns Twitter, who owns Google, and who really runs the deep state and the Fed. Remember that now they are the same people who count your vote.

>republicans in my state are fucking faggots but the one more senator is an extra vote for getting rid of birthright citizenship


The vote for recreational weed is on the ballot. I want it, but I know it'll lead to the further degeneration of my state. What do

While you are living in your fantasy land, the rest of us live in the real world. There is no white party to vote for. But there is a white man in power that needs our support. If the dems get power, they will make it their mission in life to destroy him.

Attached: Democrat_values_2.jpg (1080x771, 406K)