Elon Musk. Genius or Cooked?

He's up all night on crack digging holes under LA, and obviously delusional. He thinks Australians are starving and the world is about to end. Wants to plug wires into our brains and connect us to AI so that he can populate the galaxy with Saudis and has already sent his car. He's reporting great profits.

>Elon Musk Never Sleeps

>He's on Crack (Meth imo)

>Digging Holes

>Reaaaally Long Holes

>Convinced the World Is About to End

>Almost Crying for us Starving Australians

>Sending His Seed to Mars to Repopulate After WW3

>Helping the Saudis Colonise the Galaxy

>Scared of AI? Obviously Solution: Direct Neural Connection

Attached: elon3.jpg (968x645, 38K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Why does he dye his hair darker? Did the memes get to him?

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I think its his actual hair colour.. he looks unkempt, even looks like he's not showering...

>Australians are starving
I'm starving for some shitposting
Already made a few ledditors cry

Election results in? Haven't been paying attention.. thats what i was waiting for...

He's a genius, and if Republicans keep their majority today Trump will bring him on as the architect of the new Space Force.

The first interstellar Battlecruiser will launch from near Earth orbit in 2023.

gotta dig those bunkers under big cities for when the meteor hits. also gotta have excuses for it

I love this man


nah mate
couple of killjoy lefty cunts in australia sub having a cry over melb cup
gave em a bit of a rise

I'm not convinced he's everything he supposedly is.. he's very scripted if you watch a lot of his videos.. you find him 'contemplating' with pauses at the same places for the same things hes said 20 times..

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CIA front company

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ahhh that's more fun in footy season.. ;)

nobody's THAT invested in the trots..

You know Trump will trust the guy and hop on board.. will be the last you ever see of your president..

Yeha he's got a lot of dreams and a lot of money. Where's are his kids though? Is this another genius virgin? What legacy is he leaving behind "I created the basedmobile and shit a car into space. I occasionally talk to myself in Twitter and like anime" dudes a successful loser

He's an absolute sperg and humanity's best hope for long-term survival

He's got five kids

He's a massive fraud. The biggest of our time.

The solar city shingle reveal is when I first saw it. 100% B.S. product promoted so he could get SCTY bailed out by Tesla.

Well, I know what its like to be highly intelligent, it gets frustrating and a bit lonely up here (even with a partner). He's obviously a few clicks higher than me, I ahh.. absolutely would not fucking want that... I bet he doesn't want to pass that on.

This faggot can save the world....stfu u ignorant faggot...also fuck a.i.

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From someone I know who's close to him he does coke, not crack

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If you took his bankroll and gave it to me, I could do at least as good a job of being a crackpot genius. I guarantee you I'd put something more interesting than my car in space, though.

I won't reveal who I am, but I know for a fact that they fried his brain after the "420" twitter debacle.

>rom someone I know who's close to him he does coke, not crack.

yeah I would still think meth. he's never even mildly aggressive in any of his mannerisms.

you, leaf, are the biggest fraud of our time.

What does that even mean? The dude's been loopy for fucking ages. He seems to cycle between healthy and schizophrenic

To be fair mate, anything to do with the sun would look like lunacy to a country that doesn't have one.

He's a tranny.

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That all sounds based

The biggest fraud of our time is NASA and the astronauts from the Apollo missions

I've got a windows peak are they really that rare?


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>Not doing crack
Cringe and blue-pilled


Colonizing the galaxy with the Saudis sounded biased to you? I think you need to give Elon a call, I think he need a deep-thinker like you on-board...

There's no way that man doesn't take stimulants of some kind. No way.

Doesn't like to drink or smoke pot.. Autistic as fuck.. High IQ.. Stays up day and night, writes the code for his teslas... stimulants..

He's a tranny.

I'm nearly done.. but I really don't know what I'm looking at.... maybe.. i dunno..

nah, I'm not big on the trots either but had a bit of fun at the office anyway
leddit cunts are downright miserable though

I decided to leave a few days ago. Like I wouldn't consider myself to be right-wing but at least when you post something political here, people actually debate you. I've found a lot of the posts a bit dull, but that place is just insane.. like.. those people fucking disgust me. I still have a lot of the beliefs of the left, but I do not want a fucking thing to do with brainwashed lunatics like them. I'm at least keeping my distance for a while.

>i wonder where he gets it fro-

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I really gotta try to remember the weird way people talk here.. I haven't spent time here in 10 or more years XD .. no fucking idea what the fuck you mean with the picture and the greentext.. XD

back 2 redddit you soft cock

yeah, nah, get fucked cunt.

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>Elon Musk will never make the Tesla roadster work
>Elon Musk will never fly the Falcon 1
>Elon Musk will never fly the Falcon 9
>Elon Musk will never land the Falcon 9
>Elon Musk will never make an electric vehicle with real world range
>Elon Musk will never make a network of sueprchargers
>Elon Musk will never fly Falcon Heavy
>Elon Musk will never cheaply dig a tunnel
>Elon Musk will never ramp up Model 3 production capacity
>Elon Musk will never build a Methalox engine


>Elon Musk will never prove rapid reuse of rockets
>Elon Musk will never fly BFR
>Elon Musk will never fly based jap man to the moon
>Elon Musk will never tunnel under every city in the world, shoahing every shit tier 2d road system on the planet
>Elon Musk will never replace roofs with solar tiles and battery banks, shoahing every rentseeking utility company on the planet
>Elon Musk will never fly BFR to Mars
>Elon Musk will never colonise Mars
>Elon Musk will never terraform Mars
>Elon Musk will never become Fabricator General of Mars and conquer and colonise the solar systems using the ingenuity of the white man

If you don't support Elon, you don't support the Faustian spirit and should report to SpaceX for immediate removal via airlock.

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I don't support the CIA. Not right now anyway.

the absolute state of kiwi education

>writes the code for his teslas

Progressive belief systems are inherently flawed. Technology doesn't save the world or make life better.

If Musk was CIA they would be using Falcon 9 to drop payloads onto mud huts.

Stupid meme flag, Elon's on Ambien and alcohol. If he's doing crack or meth, it's just supplementary to his main addiction.


No question. That house of cards company would be defenseless if not for In-Q-Tel.

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Both. He's clearly pushing himself to hard. Everyone has limits and we need him whole.
>Sell Tesla to Ford or Toyota
>Turn Boring Company into just a tech development project for licensing
>Fuck the satellite network if it's not going to work
>Don't smoke weed on national podcast when you have Air Fucking Force contracts
>get some sleep and eat properly.
>SpaceX and Mars is the only thing that matters
>If that gets screwed because of lolcars/whores/drugs, fuck you.
>Get your ass to Mars

You read that last line in Arnold's voice.

No homo but i’d fuck him so hard

This is the most australian post that I've ever read.

Well done, honestly.



imagine jacking your cock to businessman that does 0 things for his in south africa where he crawled from ,only care in his world is AI and larps about colonizing mars while all he does is helping companies launch their spying satellite in orbit and selling flamethrowers to incels while naming failed car brand after an actual genius while talking trash about him
muh amerimutt genius

The only thing that's "amazing" about Musk is how he managed to avoid having all his companies declared bankrupt no matter how much debt they get into or how little profit they make or how many years behind schedule they are.

He's basically like the Steve jobs of space travel and other random shit. He hypnotizes people into believing that he's doing some kind of special shit and then much later everyone realizes that it was actually ridiculously overpriced and mediocre as fuck.

in-q-tel, user.

Shorting Tesla is shooting yourself in the head.

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Grimes bragged about Elon Musk’s “giant penis”, don’t know of any ftm trannies like that

That only applies to SpaceX, which is pretty much the only one of musk's endeavors that isn't a complete fraud. It's not like SpaceX has a monopoly on private sector rocket launches though.

>He's basically like the Steve jobs of space travel
No. He's not producing Chinesium crap (iphone) after producing something great (NeXT). Musk should just be warming up. The problem is that he might be the Howard Hughes of our time. Late onset mental illness is prevalent in his family, he really needs some self-care and rest.

OP is a memeflaggot

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NeXT is honestly overrated. Objective-C is/was a shit trash language. I mean it's cool that they managed to maintain the same codebase for the OS for over a decade but the technology was not anywhere near as good as they made it seem. I had a very rude awakening when I switched from mac to linux regarding that.

Youre not as smart as you think. Perhaps you have dunning kruger.

OP you're an NPC. Considering Musk has achieved far greater than probably 100% on this board, its harsh for you to criticize him like that. He is simply the only based CEO

rased and bedpilled

wow this guys a nut case

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Various companies are working on actually usable electric vehicles.

Russia and Europe are working on next generation rockets that will claim his market share in the sat launch business.

He even lost important (((USAF))) bid recently when virtually all his american competitors got billions from it.

That criminal is toast and he knows it. All that's left now is to run the mars scheme a little longer and trick more american idiots out of their money.

It is his manifest destiny

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cooked autist

He’s an autistic NEET with hair plugs

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>He thinks Australians are starving
>Implying they aren't

2018 is good, we have replaced the president with Jow Forums and california is ruled by doctor doom playing minecraft

Battery technology is suspiciously feeble, the Tesla front plays a role in that. Buying lead time for DoD to get its shit together.

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How is he a NEET you fucking retard

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Hope he will become America next president

you wouldn't be a crackpot genius though. If you were a crackpot genius you'd already have his pay roll.

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I'd say.. . everybody has to come down sometime...

I'll have you know I looked very hard to get those specific soundbytes... I had all the full discussions just fine... but those soundbytes were very hard to find by themselves..

I think someone as compassionate as him is a good thing to have, cracked or no. The mad scientist/ manic inventor/investor image is good for pr, since people like to see him as a cartoon character, but he does good things.

I do like the guy. I also think I'm right. I also have concerns about the very deliberate manner he repeats things, having the same contemplation pauses, or slipped words in different interviews where he says things verbatim..

We're doing pretty good here... we don't have the kind of social problems most other countries have.

He has an odd sense of compassion though. Just in my personal opinion, he seems only reactive but not contemplative. He almost cried talking about us here in Australia who have it pretty fucking awesome, I've seen other countries. He seems to have this big picture view for survival, and making things that "maximize fun". At the end of the day nothing he does really seems borne of compassion. Visionary and empathetic yes but not that compassionate.. That might sound a bit strange but he doesn't really talk about any social issues. He's scared of google, but that seems to be a base fear of his.

>does not smoke crack
>barely even drinks

Try reading the article. You are a drama bitch that likes to gossip. Go suck another dick faggot.

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Cuz he's white privilege

Confirmed am starving send Tim Tams.

he was mkultra'd

>"Racial prejudice, national and local patriotism had not existed since time out of mind

Well, pol will never understand that one...

What if he's trying to blow up LA?

I read Elon Musk pees really , really fast. There is that new book about him and that really stood out for me. Can someone shoop Elon’s face on this comic?

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Not gonna lie, Musk supporter here. It hilarious to see him crash and burn but we really cant give him the SkyNet codes.