Brain fog II: what is the cause of this?

Contd from Posts included sugar, dopamine abuse, iodine deficiency, Mercury poisoning, and deep state lobotomy rays.

Ho lee fuk keep it rolling.

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Keep it going, fucking getposter caused the thread to get spammed

The thread post limits are gay. Always ruin good threads mid conversation!

Bumping with good article from first thread

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Bump god damn you four chan

Is this bump locked?

it is a complex condition that often appears in individuals with multiple lifestyle faults that are correlated with it.
take iodine, pop ground corriander seeds and chlorealla, take tumeric, take vitamin D, take boron.
and just RELAX about the shit thats hard to fix so you can stop destroying your body with stress cortisone.
that is the first step.


This seems like such a complex issue. I guess the real question is how do we achieve ideal health, rather than how to reduce bad symptoms (of a wide variety).

I’m partial to the mercury poster.

I have been down the road of nofap, noporn, nosugar, adderall, workout, sleep schedule, turmeric, vitamin d, vitamin b before.

I'm usually in a haze all the time.
More redpills on this, please?

if you still arent on those roads youre doing it wrong. there is no instant miracle cure, your body is a big machine and many parts take very long to regenerate, some like neurons usually just dont.
also amphetamines will give you mental illness dont use that stuff

Demons. So stop sinning and pray to Jesus and read Psalms

Just dont sin. Pray to Jesus to save you. Its simple as that.

I started taking iodine supplements, first some seaweed pills available at the store. I noticed a big difference in cloudiness or fogginess. Then I started taking some good quality iodine from our favorite supplement merchant and the clarity went to a whole new level

pls take iodine for your thyroids, anons, It will stop the harmful effects of fluoride, bromide, and other halogens

america is very retarded about iodine. the fact that the japanese are so smart compared to mainland asians should hint that it's something.
also note that many fast food places dont use iodized salt at all.

Mostly still on them. Agreed on amphetamines.

Numerals galore. Read the thread linked in op, tons there.

Unironically agree - cognitive dissonance and shame induced from transgressing one’s deeply held moral convictions can cause acute stress and unhappiness

never drink alcohol ever. not kidding. drink more water

I'm suprised no one mentioned gut problems and vitamin B12 deficiency.

or maybe you are just stupid

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Do intermittent fasting. I'm serious.

Microbiome and gut flora is a whole topic by itself, was mentioned briefly last thread in regards to vagus nerve. I really think there’s something there. Rhonda Patrick is a good source on some of that stuff.

I would say demonic influence, but God extinguishes demons like light repels the dark. Demons are the same as a state of Godlessness

Ok got it, stop repeating yourself don’t shit up thread

Yeah maybe

genetic stupidity is likely uncommon and the bell curve would look very lopsided toward the higher end if the government subsidized nutritional and preventative healthcare

It's a brain cloud. No, do not go get a second opinion. The only cure is to jump into a live volcano.

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or maybe you are just stupid

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Anyone else have mercury fillings? Notice a cognitive decline after?

often times redditors who accuse everyone that doesnt agree with their beliefs of being stupid are those same genetically doomed room temperature IQ types.
also keep in mind that thoughtless repetition, even in jest, is often a sign of autism and schizoid personality.

Clearly need more Glucose

i’ve been doing a Keto diet and my mind feels a lot clearer and I don’t feel as tired generally.


maybe you are just stupid

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Seriously I quit sugar and it fixed it for me. Ever notice you feel most clear 2 hours after waking? If you're like me it's because you haven't consumed any sugar by that point then you snack or have a soda, and an hour later you wonder why you feel so fuzzy headed. I know this because I've tested it many times. Cut sugar drastically.

My brain damage started when I worked for 6 months with a half-retard who always had his brow furrowed hard.

Something weird clicked and I felt worried that I looked like that and for years since have been perpetually "aware" of my brow and have never been able to relax it. Ever since my brain has been in a constant fog.
Please tell me perpetual brow awareness isn't an obscure feel.

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i dont believe you, and this sort of speech is harmful and only aimed at whites. please leave (((memeflag))).

eat raw beef liver from a grass fed cow every day and youll feel fine.

eat some raw eggs, drink some raw milk, and maybe eat some raw oysters too and you'll be super fine.

add in semen retention and you'll be mega fine.

also cannabis and alcohol help relieve stress.

Im keen to participate when I get home from work. Keep this thread live boys

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>receives suggestion that he may not be as intelligent as he believes
>must be a Jewish conspiracy against whites

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>consume protein, THC and alcohol to relieve your "brain fog"

I really like this thread.

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>what is the cause of brain fog?
Instant-gratification consumerist culture designed to isolate individuals from pre-disposed racial tribalism and teach learned helplessness, thereby robbing an individual of their ability to not only empathise and relate to their fellow tribesman, but also removing the ability to think critically and instead take things as they are at face value. This cognitive dissonance creates (((brain fog))).
>See: Holohoax, social media, entertainment industry

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I'm one of those NPCs that never had a single internal dialogue for my entire life and I'm fcking stoked after finding out you can think.
I was unironically dropped on the head as a baby and I think that's what caused it. Probably a similar effect to jews and boomers being psychos because they were circumcised the second they were born. I've been practicing ever since and my mind is 10x clearer, the only thing is my anger builds up as no one fucking told me this, EVER. Especially my dad. Now I can fix things around the house, do mechanical shit through verbal reasoning, and everything is just so much easier because I was borderline retarded before.
Saddest thing my life has been shit and I've humiliated myself too many times by thinking I'm smart or some shit, everyone would just ignore me. Fuckers never told me about internal speech. You fuckers saved my life!

Mine started when I disclosed my childhood trauma.

Have no idea why if lifted.

nuance isnt strong in you. the world doesnt revolve around your meme posts.
what an absolute retard. take off the memeflag or leave.

please clap

>triggered by "memeflag"
>thinks his "brain fog" is due to external influence

kek, please keep going

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waste of digits...

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you are hiding the fact that you are from a faggot nation. believe it or not your value here depends on where you come from.

>determines value by physical location on planet earth
>thinks his "brain fog" is due to external influence

good lord

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Shitty diet most of the time. Used to eat like crap in school (4 large cookies for lunch, or, 4 random shit snacks from the vending machine), absolute brain fog that took me half the day to get out of, and even then, still couldn't focus for shit. Started lifting and eating right years later, mind is sharper than a fucking Ginsu at this point. Toss in a morning dose of a piece of 4mg nicotine gum, 3000mg Acetyl-L-Carnitine, and a large coffee, and my mind feels like it can do 10 things at once.

OP from the first thread here. Did you not see kek shut down the keto diet?

eating carbs fogs up your brain

so you dont understand nutritional deficiency or the effects of being socialized under certain cultures but you're certain that the only deciding factor of cognitive function is genetic.
maybe you're just stupid.

i’ve been thinking about getting some nicotine gum - you chew it every morn or do you have days off?

or maybe you are just stupid

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Brain fog can be caused by a buildup of heavy metals in your system. Get a blood test for heavy metals if you can, especially if you have other heavy metal buildup symptoms like digestive issues, migraines, general fatigue, etc. Supposedly this affects most Americans without them realizing it.

So, you mean to say booze for adults and terrible parenting for kids?

thats how we know youre a wannabe kike. you only have emotional shaming and 'no u' repetition because you cant think of anything else. youre just stupid, but maybe you dont have to be.

>genetic stupidity is likely uncommon
HAHA, no.. No it isn't. My job puts me face to face with maybe 300 people a day, on some days, and each day about a third of those people are completely different people than the day before. The special third I have come in contact with, are mostly fucking stupid people.

No dear 8-Jow Forums there's no such thing here on Jow Forums, we just don't care.

yes and they are victims of manmade pollution, not genetic destiny.
at least the white ones are

>i kno u r but wut am i??

are you suffering from "brain fog" right now?

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you started it faggot

Brain fog is a collection of symptoms such as
forgetfulness, lack of mental clarity, confusion,
and inability to focus. It’s not a clinical term and
is also referred to as ‘mental fog,’ ‘clouding of
consciousness,’ or ‘cognitive dysfunction.’

It is generally caused by inflammation in the brain,
stemming from some underlying cause.

inflammation can be caused three ways, strikes
to the skull, or breathing in toxins that inflame
or drinking/eating something that inflames.

C-Reactive Protein (CRP) is released upon the bodies
discovery of inflammation to patch up the area.
this will lead to Parkinson dementia and brain
fog as proteins will build up within the brain
causing neurons to misfire or not fire at all.

there is a natural cure or treatment for that.
silkworm extract known as serrapeptase
dissolves the protein bonds thus clearing up
the internal scaring from CRP and eliminating
fog at least from an inflammation circumstance.

herpes also causes brain inflammation which triggers
CRP and leads to Parkinson.

Incorrect. You replied to me first. You are the one who "started it" brainlet.

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It was funny, but I got pissed the whole thread was spammed immediately. Such an important topic. we should have a /health/ general

Goddammit every post in this thread has a different "cure". I've counted at least 65 totally different treatments between this thread and the last!

Just tell me the best way to make my brain work again!

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Take nootropics like ching chong from chinaland does, especially if you are still in school.


drink at least a gallon of water a day and eat your fruits and vegetables, the end

tfw i drink less than 500ml a day

Socialized Healthcare is dumb as fuck

>>Jow Forums used to be Fitness & Health. Try asking there. Avoid the gay (99.99999999999% of it)

Sleep and eat properly
Drink lots water
Get rid of stress from life
Get plant

Strange this thread popped up. Just started with the iodine last week.

other user say sour plant kill Grug with sugar. sour plant good or bad?

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would you mind keeping a journal and sharing?

Yes iodine has cured my homosexuality.

This place attracts people of a certain age, background, ethnicity who have been banned from the misc and stormfront too.

Drink the break fluid and breath slower you retard

Stress hormones aka adrenaline and cortisone.

If the digits in the last thread haven't convinced you all to take the Peat-pill then nothing will.

Mercury and fluoride, same as most chronic health problems.

How much sleep do you guys get?


>brain fog
Have you ever just considered that you're fucking retarded?