Why are video games so political now?

Why are video games so political now?

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also i doubt it states how kkk are democrats

Does it really fucking matter which party they were affiliated with? Everybody hated niggers back then, including Lincoln and the Union.

>trying to go for a realistic take on the era
>implying there weren't KKK members at that time
It's not being political. It was just part of the time period.

Can you join them and lynch niggers like that one scene from Bioshock Infinite?

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capping dems.. what's wrong with that?

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to brain wash you duh

daily reminder that Nazi have existed for more than 3200 years

No, the problem is that a hardened southern, murdering outlaw would actually give two shits about the Klan or niggers. The fact that you're forced to kill them is retarded.

What’s the evidence that they existed for 3200 years? If you’re talking about the swastika that’s different

cuckservatives wont shut up about the democrats hating niggers like any good white man would.

the kkk died in the 1870s. the game takes place in the 1890s


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>kkk died in the 1870s
>literally still klan members today
They may not have been as prominent but there were still surely members in the 1890s.
You're not forced to kill them. You can just walk or ride away if you want. You're not even forced to find them. It's just a random event you can stumble upon.

This is part of the main story? If it's a side mission than its your choice to do that

Ok, you're not "forced", but stupid shit they do when you engage makes it seems as if that's what Arthur "should've" done. Why can't you kill any redskins though? You can't even raise your fucking weapon in their camp.

Dunno. Same reason you can't use weapons in your own camp or attack kids in the game. Rockstar didn't want it. You could probably try going out of the camps range and throwing dynamite in there though. The game doesn't let you blatantly attack your allies.

You can't raise your weapon in your own camp. Maybe Morgan isn't heartless towards Indians? I don't know, but you don't seem to know that this isn't your story, it's Morgans. Sometimes you can say yes or no towards people, events and question's, If you don't like that Morgan is a character that you don't get FULL control, than maybe you should wait until the online comes out and kill all the Indians you want there. I'm sure the restrictions won't be so harsh there

the klan of today and the klan of the 1860s are completely different entities
>In 1870 and 1871, the federal government passed the Enforcement Acts, which were intended to prosecute and suppress Klan crimes.
>Klan costumes, also called "regalia", disappeared from use by the early 1870s, after Grand Wizard Forrest called for their destruction as part of disbanding the Klan. The Klan was broken as an organization by 1872.
>By 1872, the federal government's evident willingness to bring its legal and coercive authority to bear had broken the Klan's back and produced a dramatic decline in violence throughout the South. So ended the Reconstruction career of the Ku Klux Klan.
the klan was dead until 1915 when the birth of a nation was released

t. fanboy who defends m'red dead m'demtion cause he m'preordered it.

seriously don't be such a whiny faggot and play the game, you are worse than SJWs

Everything is political now. Why don't you faggots get this? Millennials are incapable of doing anything or pursuing any career without pushing their politics into everything and they are slowly becoming the main working force. Believe it or not it is going to get much worse before it gets better.

Yes, let us all purchase Red Dead Redemption on our PS4 console. And let us spend not only our cash, but our productivity into a moderated reality that widens the void between us and the real world!

>crying about a game letting you BTFO klansmen on a korean loli board
hyperproductive indeed. go buy it used then you sensitive diva faggot

video games have always been political, chump.
they're a vestige of """nerd culture""" which has always been left wing, whether its progressive ideals pushed in capeshit, scifi liberal "utopias," etc... the game industry has never been for us.

I have no problem with killing the klansmen. But you must admit they didnt fear public rebuke for it. But make it possible to shoot up a black church in the same game, they would be eviscerated by SJWs.


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Can you join the KKK?


They didn't start wearing hoods and formal uniforms until the 1920s. Game is set in the year 1899.

It's political because you can get away with murdering them without lowering your character's honor level. If you murdered anyone else in-game, your character's honor would decrease. The KKK are the only exception in the entire game.

Youre already in a clan that is objectively worse than clans men...

The homestead missions left me feeling really fucking grimey.

All in all, left me with a very Gangs of New York feeling.

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No its not you bird dogging faggot.

My brother bought it for me. I'm just pointing out that some of you idiots are trying way too hard to hate this game. It's a fucking master piece and you hate it because "can't kill injuns" if you're so hell bent on killing someone of whatever race or gender then why don't you go actually do it? Loser

PC fucks tryin to shit on it cuz they the masta race...

>PC runs faster... Like niggers.

>killing klansmen for being klansmen
>killing blacks for being blacks
next you complain about killing nazis in video games, right? you faggots seriously

>But make it possible to shoot up a black church in the same game, they would be eviscerated by SJWs.
Yeah, its almost like black people going to church are somehow different from a terrorist organization in terms of the empathy most people feel toward them.

Even Red Dead? Fucking hell, I was going to buy this when I get paid again... not anymore. They've just lost themselves a customer.

To treat a group differently based on their group identity, kinda sounds political.

>Why are video games so political now?

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It’s not a “real” take
It’s a parody of the era. That’s why KKK are bumbling idiots, Feminists sounds like they’re reading off Tumblr with bits about female presidents in 10 years, and inbred hillbilly societies.

They never said it was gonna be historically accurate. It’s a cowboy parody like gta is parody of modern life

I called it when this video game came out that they'd be some horse shit

This. Imagine still falling for the vidya jew. Games are for children and stunted failures.

You make a lot of assumptions about me. I am looking forward to playing it. But even after I have enjoyed it, it will still catch criticism from me for any "shortcuts" they took.

if they were being realistic you would have an event where you found a KKK lynch mob and a nigger that actually did rape a little white girl and they were lynching it.

They like all 10/10 ratings from kotaku and IGN

Why so many people bending over backwards to defend this game? It's almost as if you dont want to acknowledge you cant recoup $60 and 12 hours you spent on a game that isn't 100% unbiased.

just torrent it faggot, yeah a decent release isn't out out yet, but in a few days it will

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So can i join the KKK in this game and can I purge the game of non-whites I dont like? Or will it end game me?

as if this game got its rating because of PC you dense NPC

I saw them in game and took a picture

no, you can also rope and shoot women or drag them behind your horse with a lasso if you got that THICC incel urge

Why are so many people bending over backwards to attack it?
Its fucking red dead, its one of the most successful western video games ever made, if not the most successful. Rockstar makes it too.
The only other one that I can even remember was Call of Juarez, and that shit was terrible.


Shitting on rayciss whites and inbred hillbillies is not edgy. Its the safest thing ever. I wouldnt even care but its the only jokes they have on the game. Nobody but whites are the butt of any jokes in the game. Blacks are dindus and you cant even pull out your gun around indians. The game is cucked.

HAve to fight them,, no choice, lots more bullshit like this crops up at anything leaning Right Wing.

Well if it wasnt PC it wouldnt get 10/10

The best butthurt is still yet to come in this thread. Wait until I mention that San Andreas was cultural appropriation of inner city blacks by basement dwelling game dev's.

Saw a gif of this part of the game on reddit. The player just threw dynamite at the cult and killed them all in the gif. You should have seen the beta boys cream their pants in the comment section.

correlation =/= causation
but we agree that the review industry is way too much into story and cutscenes anyway..that said this games mechanics are a masterpiece

In what way?
Can you even kill a non-white in this game?

You actually don't have to kill them
I just left them alone when i was playing

Nah, with San Andreas the Devs paid a group of Bloods to come in and give them pointers.

The portrayal was pretty spot on culture wise for the era in Cali, so it would make sense they reached out.

No doubt but they played it safe.

>playing western games
japan is the only country that makes good video games

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Gamergate 2.0 except this time it went from feminist thots to jews

What game is that?

because nowdays games are shit

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They played it more than safe. Does anyone need a history lesson on how bad the indians have it?

It wasn't just directed at you, it was really just a loud message for anyone who feels that way.

>not having a bounty of 300$ on your head in every district
are you picking oregano again user?

TBF, This game lets you beat up KKKs AND feminists.

It's just disappointing to see Rockstar take a "safe" stance like this. They were the ones who blew the door open with GTA3, and they were fine being politically incorrect then. They never claimed RDR2 would be historically accurate, but they chose the "safer" time line where you are encouraged to kill the kkk, who everyone can agree they hate. In the end, they calculated this would sell the most copies.

yea you can leave the KKK alone, kill feminists by feeding them to Alligators and kill niggers
if you want this can go full Turner Diaries if ya want

Fpbp. Jews forcibly insert themselves into any and all things that have cultural influence. Then they pervert them to serve their purposes. So long as they are allowed to exist in Western countries there is no escaping them.

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How can non-polical gaming developers even live with themselves anymore? Just say fuck 'em and their retarded ideologies and continue making what YOU want to make instead of what OTHERS want you to make ffs.

This shit is killing the industry. These liberals suck the life out of everything they touch. So sick of this crap.

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There was a house with a nigger boy and his alcoholic dad that i stumbled into
I blew the dad away with my shotgun then made the boy tell me where they kept the money
After he told me i blew his head off too and took the money

You can kill feminists

It's called dreamfall, if you want to waste 20$ you can get the SJW shit off steam (including all the DLC) Make sure you pay for pic related as well goy

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Personally the KKK bit is fine. It’s not even a side mission just a set piece and you don’t have to kill them. What annoyed me was that side mission where you help out that drunkard and find out he was a slaver and Arthur throws his ledger into the fire. Arthur talks about morality and how awful him being a slaver was and yet he’s a murderer and robber.

Yeah...no you're an idiot. All they create is generic cookie cutter bullshit. No substance in their games. Characters with 2 dimensional personalities. All the chicks are little girls, just taller and way bigger boobs. The guys are effeminate little moody faggots who are always awkward around girls and carry oversized weapons to compensate for this lack of masculinity. The settings are the same. It either high school or post-apocalyptic world in the future with robots and aliens but mostly boring ass dialogue. Nah bro, Japan fucking SUCKS when it comes to...

>playing video games
Jesus christ you virgins

GTA has always had a SHITLOAD of politics in it, but they've always just made fun of both sides. I really enjoyed the humor of GTA 5. Hopefully this is the same

maybe they just wanted to trigger SJWs like you?
What events are you missing, infecting indians with pox or ripping them off with booze?

What the fuck did you do that four you Nigger lover?

GTA 5 is good, but nothing beats Postal 2 for Jow Forums

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That's literally the main downer of that Game. The whole Political bullshit. I mean this is about a band of Outlaws right? I doubt that any Outlaw gives a shit about politics.

Because it sells. Video games are an industry.
Because it sells. Video games are an industry.
Because it sells. Video games are an industry.
Because it sells. Video games are an industry.
Because it sells. Video games are an industry.

Because it sells. Video games are an industry.
Because it sells. Video games are an industry.
Because it sells. Video games are an industry.
Because it sells. Video games are an industry.
Because it sells. Video games are an industry.

Because it sells. Video games are an industry.
Because it sells. Video games are an industry.
Because it sells. Video games are an industry.
Because it sells. Video games are an industry.

I hate when people make threads asking stupid fucking obvious questions.

just save him lol wtf are you doing faggot

I’m more worked up over the fact that we can’t plow those Wild West brothel thots. It only gives you two different choices to decline. Wtf

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Can this game be moded? So that you kill a bunch of niggers with Bongo drums instead of the KKK?

All art is political.
Hence any game containing a significant degree of story, graphical style, or worldbuilding will have political components.

If you want to plug your ears, stick to arcade titles. But even then, games like Super Hot or Hotline Miami have the fingerprints of the creator's political leanings.

Or, you could stop being a little bitch, and learn to tolerate opinions different from your own.

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Because muh feminism.

why can you shoot Indians in game? treaties or some shit, or is there no explanation

The way they approach infians is the biggest cuck. In the last rdr you could fight gangs of indians. On this one you get lectured in the beginning about how they got a raw deal and put on reservations. Then it has them and the only interaction you can have with them is them telling you to go away.

I think the real problem isn't that games have politics in them, it's that games today take themselves way to fucking seriously.

>Because it sells. Video games are an industry.
No it does not. Get woke go broke. What fucking planet have you been living on for the last few years?

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Dutch's rants are worse than any of the shit they did to make the Klan look incompetent. Him and Hosea both.

You're utterly retarded. The game plays to both sides. There's a shrill feminist who spouts hysterical dialogue about how once women have the vote, all wars and crime and violence will end, and you can beat her up too. Take your pick. Political hot buttons fucking sell, crawl out of your "waah they insulted my side, we have to boycott!" hole, you stupid dipshit.

Pol should start making games of their own. How about Klans man or Nigger lyncher?