What counts as a win/loss tonight?

The Dems expect to win the House and lose Senate seat so lets talk concrete numbers here.

Dems win conditions:
- House win 15 seat majority
- Senate >48 seats

Dems instantly lose if:
- House Loss or
- Senate

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Really all that matters is who ends up ultimately controlling the House and the Senate. It doesn’t matter how much.

Right now the expected result is that Democrats end up taking the House, but Republican retain the Senate. In the case that one of the parties ends up having both after the election, it would be huge blow to the other side, especially the Democrats if they can’t even manage to dominate the midterms like the opposition party is typically expected to. Republicans at least have the presidency and the Supreme Court as a fallback.

we lose
dems and reps are the same people, working for the same people


The republicans are going to pick up 1-3 seats in the senate.

If the Dems don’t pick up at least 30 seats in the house it might as well be a loss, because there are two many red state democrats who will break ranks

Picking up 30 seats is just a 7 seat majority lol. I would consider that a loss.

Losing one senate seat is expected but 3 could be a bad result imho.

Dems win if you don't vote.

Edit: I mean 14 seat majority

What’s a realistic count on how many senate seats the republicans will pick up?

Betting Markets for 2018 Elections: Prediction markets provide above average predictions from aggregation.



Sen Ted Cruz R TX

Sen Dean Heller R NV

Sen Jon Tester D MT

Sen Heidi Heitkamp D ND

Sen Bill Nelson D FL

Sen Clair McCaskill D MO

Sen Joe Donnelly D IN

Sen Bob Menendez D NJ

Sen Joe Manchin D WV

Attached: Trump ICE Agents Elections.jpg (1824x1530, 410K)

Reminder : Trump's uncle stole Nikola Tesla's shit.
ctrl + f "Trump"

This. Modern Jow Forums are perfect little boot lickers, licking the boots of Republicans while they suck off Israel.

>losing a senate seat

What the gop is going to pick up seats nobody is suggesting they’ll lose a single seat in the senate

ND, MO, and MT if the polls are accurate. IN, NJ, MI, one MN race, and others if they aren't.


A vote for the democrats is a a vote for
> censorship
> thought police
> socialism
> open borders
> incivility
> high taxes
> big government
> social justice warriors
> political correctness
> racism (identity politics)
> rule of leftist mobs
> corporate fake news media
and a vote against
> jobs and economic growth
> the first amendment
> the second amendment
> the rule of law
> presumption of innocence
> meritocracy and fairness
> the USA and the American people

No matter what happens, dems will find a way to call it a "moral victory"

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if they lose they're just gonna blame it on russia anyway

I work for a state agency that aggregates the state count. In short, it's rigged.

Why are you ashamed to reveal your nation? Why should you care about Rs/Ds?

If we lose the House, we lose. All or nothing.

Opinion discarded

Republican win conditions (causes cat lady mass suicides):
- Win House, win Senate

Republican draw conditions (both sides get something, shitshow follows):
- Win Senate, lose House

Democrat win conditions (severely damages Trump for real):
- Win House and Senate, OR
- Win House, and O'Rourke wins in Texas, AND/OR
- Win House, and Andrew Gillum wins in Florida

>same people, working for the same people
>Modern Jow Forums are perfect little boot lickers

low IQ cynical faggots fuck off back to Jow Forums

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This, but there are too many high school kids here that dont know any better.

thats why i want to nail down some concrete measures

As long as they lose they can call it whatever the fuck they want

win - republicans keep majority
loss - dems get majority

simple as that

hmmm thats a good reasonable standard

No matter what happens both sides will claim a moral victory that gives them the mandate to do whatever they want.

Win-Republicans win
Loss-Republicans lose

Loss: Lose the house
Suicide: Lose the senate
Win: Hold the house and senate
Never come down: expand our majority in the senate to over 55 seats and keep a comfortable margin in the house

Literally this.

Andrew Gillum just won FL lol. Early turnout had R with only a +1% lead. In 2014 it was +5%. R won governor by only 1%. a +4% swing in early voting, is easily +3% for D.
>FL is already gone,

House is also gone at this point. So I guess they win.

Also early voting from NV has Dems +4%, so Senate seat is +1 D, -1R. Also R loses governor race there.

ND is +1 R, -1D.

the rest is uncertain, but as of now,
Dems won FL , NV governor, house, and kept senate the same 51-49

Republicans holding or gaining a few seats in the Senate but losing the House is partial victory, Republicans holding majority in both houses is total victory.

>House is also gone at this point. So I guess they win.
Don't count your chickens before they're hatched.

Everyone expects the GOP to hold the Senate. It would take a minor miracle for them to lose it. A win for dems there would be to keep the GOP down to a 1-2 seat gain. Otherwise, Republicans could easily walk away with a net +4 or +5 just by holding what they have and winning a few states Trump won by double digits. If the Republicans can't at least pick up 2-3 net in the Senate, it should be seen as disappointing. In 2020, the only Senate seat that looks like a likely GOP pickup is Alabama, where Roy Moore got Kavanaugh successfully. There are maybe 4-5 states where Democrats could reasonably compete. So at best for democrats, you look at a Net +4 in 2020. So getting to 55 is essential for Republicans.

In the House, the GOP wins if they hold it. Even by 1 seat. That would be a devastating loss to the Democrats, who have really bet the farm on winning the House. Even a narrow 1-3 vote lead for Dems isn't safe, since you get retirements, arrests, deaths, and other bullshit in the House that creates vacancies pretty regularly. there are currently 7 House seats that are just empty and won't be filled until the January after the election. So control of the House but less than a safe majority (I'd say 5-10 seats minimum) in the House would be OK, but not ideal. Not winning the House will cause a bloodbath in the Democratic party leadership. Expect Pelosi to retire ASAP and most party leadership to be purged (retire).

If the Republicans can hold the House, even by one vote, and can get to 55-57 seats in the Senate, then they will likely keep control of both chambers in the 2020 elections. And assuming Trump wins a second term, the democratic party as we know it could cease to exist. It would have the same name, but expect it to be far more radical.

Who taught all these boomers how to use the internet, honestly guys what the fuck is this Facebook tier shit

Until a third option becomes viable, saying shit like this is the biggest cop out you can do because you’re putting yourself outside the loop and trying to sound superior when truth is, your stance and opinion really doesn’t matter. Bring us a third party to support or continue to sound like a child.

Republicans retain control of both houses = win. Democrat control of House = lose.
Democrat control of House and Senate = total fail.

HAHAHAHAHA, the best part of the Florida race which isn't being talked about on here because you al are a bunch of idiots is that Amendment 4, which is looking like it will pass would restore the vote to 1.5 million felons, which are 75% black who mostly vote D, turning florida away from purple, btw gillum supports this as well haha

You saw the early voting right? A 100% increase in young voter turnout. Thats insane. Theres no way the democrats don't lose.

the best outcome is democrats ONLY gain 30 seats

there is no way the house isn't flipping, its just a question of how much

Can't figure out how anyone is confident in an expected result. There's no poll in the world that can be trusted to be accurate.

I see no good reason for the house to fall, but it's up to the voters. We'll see.

If you still have not voted do it already get out and tell everyone you know to go out and vote red down the ticket today is the last chance. youtube.com/watch?v=-kwPjrTsV4k

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Good take! so roughly similar to my OP, except win con in house reduced to simply majority then

Honestly forcing you guys to say madam speaker Nancy Pelosi is a rather large moral victory.

Realistically, we need at least 49 Senate seats, house flipped, and a few gains in governor races to actually be on a long term path of victory. On the off chance that we take the Senate outright Trump basically becomes a sitting duck unable to do anything.


>Win House, and Andrew Gillum wins in Florida

Reps already have planned out to allow Gillum to win to make an example out of him.

He'll be out by 2020 due to FBI charges.

Reps know exactly what they're doing.
Floridians will vote Republican for years to come after Gillum's stint in FL.
He also won't be able to change anything as Governor due to the the Republican legislature in charge.

His governorship is already stalled from from the start.
He'll basically just be the black poster guy for governor (Look what black people can do if they educate themselves!) and go down with criminal charges leading to his arrest.

thats completely inaccurate statement. Polls are really accurate, it just depends on which site your reading. Polls in the 2016 race had Trump losing the popular vote by around 2-3% which he did.

Polls also had trump wining/tied in, NC, FL, OH, IA, WI, PA, MI. The pollsters where wrong, not the polls, because they cherry picked the polls to fit their narrative

michigan might go dem/blue.... we have people showing up to vote for dude weed so liberals might be feeling cocky tonight and tomorrow . hope i am proven wrong bros

>100% increase in young voter turnout
So every youth is voting Democrat?

if amendment 4 passes, FL will be Virginia, it will vote Dem on federal/governors house

the vast majority.

Democrats lose senate if they get less than 51 seats.

>Polls also had trump wining/tied in, NC, FL, OH, IA, WI, PA, MI.
Every poll had Trump behind in all those states except for OH.
The polls have Trump LOSING Minnesota by 10 and he only lost by 1.5

Winning both House and Senate is the ultimate Dem winning condition

Keeping the House and Winning a net 3 to 4 seats in the Senate is the Republican winning condition

You can thank plebbit. Go stop in /ptg/ sometime to see where 90% of the cancer on this site originates.

And Hillary was supposed to win win women and do better than anyone with Latinos...

That is not true, that data had him tied/winning those states.

*white women

who else has dude weed on ballot besides michigan? theyre hoping it gives a bit democrat turnout i know it..............

>A 100% increase in young voter turnout

assuming they are all libtards, the few i've spoken with are about 50-50 split

*white women

Post some links to that data.

>black poster guy

sounds like the previous president

But that's a complete lie. Even if we weight the polls as Nate Muon preferred to do, the polls were pointing to a Hillary victory of over 5%, even when you include polls showing Trump winning by 7%. In fact, if we go to every state you mentioned, all those polls had him losing by an average of 4%. What kind of bullshit revisionism is this?

Sounds like a fair estimate.

bro this could happen in michigan!! i know faggots that are coming in droves to vote yes on the weed and probably GARBAGE on everything fucking else. i am scared honestly. bunch of dumb retards at the polls for a dumb plant nothing else theyre filled up on liberal logic from hs or college and ready to vote garbage ballots

what the fuck kind of dumbshit argument are you making? "hey you, random internet guy, if you can't finance a polititian on a huge enough level to let them compete with the two major parties, then fuck off." what the fuck are you even saying here? it's like telling someone with asthma to find a different planet if they can't handle this one's air. yeah sure, i'll get right on that. i'll just bring you a third party to vote for, and i'll found the party. with blackjack and hookers.

tldr there is no excuse for you being this idiotic.

That's what it is, revisionism, grasping at straws to say the polls aren't fucking useless. These people don't know shit, the electorate is not responding to polls, the polling base is not representative, and a billion other problems with the poll jews.

You'll grow out of that retarded mindset some day. Or you'll kill yourself. Either way, it'll be fine.

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that's michigan though, are there many toss up seats, i'm not familiar with their situation, legal weed on the ballot will bring out the retards no doubt

Then how is a third party supposed to rise in the first place?

I am not even saying that, polls were generally accurate for the western states, and their general ballot predictions of a Hillary overrall voting win was indeed true. The thing is, for all the things he mentioned, and the general election in general, the pollsters predicted margins far bigger than were seen in just about everywhere other than the west of the US and is why Nate Tau got it all wrong. The claim that the polls were generally right, it was just the bad presenters misquoting has no basis on anything.

>Reps already have planned out to allow Gillum to win to make an example out of him.
Sure, sure, it's 4D chess losing the most important swing state's gubernatorial election.

The real 4d chess is losing the Governor's mansion before the 2020 census and redistricting.

Post your bets lads

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>If the Republicans can hold the House, even by one vote, and can get to 55-57 seats in the Senate, then they will likely keep control of both chambers in the 2020 elections. And assuming Trump wins a second term, the democratic party as we know it could cease to exist. It would have the same name, but expect it to be far more radical.
This is what will happen. I can feel it. It sounds nuts but all the shit in the air lately and how momentous and unsteady political changes have been has me honestly thinking that the course of events will be Republicans win the House, they win the 2020 election, the Democratic Party is cannibilized and reformed much farther left, and an attempted rebellion against the government occurs. Out of the ashes an honest to god fascist state will rise up instead of the USA. Trump, the growth of extremism on both sides, dissatisfaction with the system, impending crisis - its all been paving the way for a strong, charismatic leader to come to power and end the Republic. Our Caesar is almost here.

theres no way R(+4/+6). keep dreaming lol
you guys sound like Hillary supporters in 2016

The domino's are falling.

The sins of neo-liberal dregs like Clinton and Sarkozy in murdering Qaddafi or Merkel and the Swedish leadership in bringing rampant sexual abuse and violence to their nations

WILL NOT BE blamed on the good people of the nations they ran.

The post-modernist morality fuck decimated the collective minds of many generations. The nihilism became strong and the prophetic letters from Albert Pike to Mazzini appeared to be what was in store. Hell it still could be...

But the nu new age of memetic warfare and recognition of the fake press for what it is may be the tools God has given us.

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if polls are accurate;
just ND