Why is the typical American home so uninspiring?

Why is the typical American home so uninspiring?

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Because you don’t have one.

just a warm box to live in
stop being so gay
we're all just trying to get by one day at a time

The average home anywhere is uninspiring.
Americans are a bit worse off because of their obsession with the suburbs and making houses that aren't built to last because their culture encourages children to move out by 20 instead of inheriting a house made to last.

Because normal people have families in the inside of their homes, so they don't care about superficial shit like the facade. Unlike you who would fill a house with cheeto dust, tissues used in maturation, and your salty tears of loneliness

buy a more (((artsy))) house goyim


based again

We already had this thread. Your idea of a good thread is uninspiring

also based again