Listen to this brave white woman discuss her thoughts on white supremacy. If she can address it, you can too.
It's Time to End White Supremacy
Hunter Taylor
Adrian Martinez
>As a white person
Hunter Gonzalez
As a ((((WHITE)))) person
Henry Watson
The only way to rightfully end white supremacy is to genocide all subhumans including the jewess termite in your video.
Hunter Flores
I remember when that show first came out I thought the frizzy haird jewess was hot. Thank you redpill for teaching me the truth about (((them.)))
Jaxon Nelson
Whites are like 8% of the world population. How can a minority be supreme?
Aiden Wright
FUCK why do Jewesses turn me on so much?
Xavier Sanders
Because you’re a retarded kike
Joshua Reed
high IQ
Mason Stewart
Only 1/4