reminder that not voting is the morally correct thing to do
Reminder that not voting is the morally correct thing to do
Bye bye kike.
desert plant
poor meme lefty fuck
In a situation of force there is no "moral thing"
When the state has a gun to your head morals and ethics are out the window.
Voting or not voting doesnt matter at all
jesus fucking christ Jow Forumstards are completely state indoctrinated
there is NO difference between the two parties.
there is NO good politician
there is NO reason to comply with the state
wrong you kike
also, morally correct thing would be organizing in big groups, marching down and burrning all government offices
go back to bed lad
It is over.
Suck my cock brainlet
It’s why you Bongs are permafucked, you didn’t voice your hatred for degeneracy and leftist lunacy, you’re now just a warning to others to NOT do what you’ve done. Fuck off.
Vote red for salt. Glorious salt!
>taking advice from the most cucked Bong faggots who handed their nation to Muslims
die kike
>1 post by this id
shut the fuck up fake libertarian, republicans want limited government, democrats want communist corporatism
false and homosexual
enjoy sharia law cuck
you bongs should fear the day of the lighter.
You’re terrified.
>Please stop using your rights
Nice try, Schlomo
fucking with schizophreniacs is so fun. I can smell the desperation to keep your love for the state from here. I may very well do this more.
oh look another DONT GO OUT TO VOTE GOYIM thread. wonder who posted this shit
u mad black bois?
Reminder that OP is always a faggot.