what the fuck is wrong with this country?
What the fuck is wrong with this country?
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Too many self-hating white people. Political Correctness IS a religion.
Damn, the BBC really is true! Powerful.
Niggers and nigger loving race traitors being encouraged by a certain (((tribe))).
Fat hooker + nigger.
Someone should have tossed a molotov on them.
Based black man.
Yeah, but where is it from?
New York (area code 631)
I’ve held a nine inch black penis while he thrust it into my girlfriend.
>This is my thread now
lol only a nigger would be retarded enough to fuck a piss drunk chick in broad daylight like that just because she was willing
imagine if that guy on the subway trying to ignore the girl fingering herself next to him just started fucking her on the spot. thats heretofore unseen levels of retardation
>lol only a nigger would be retarded enough to fuck a piss drunk chick in broad daylight like that just because she was willing
>she was willing
Look at her, she can't even stand up, neither can the other guy next to her. This nigger clearly taking advantage of drunk girl, this shit is legit rape.
yeah this is pretty unambiguous. not just mattress girl shit.
t. jealous, tiny dicked whitebois
Did you see he has only one HAND ,....... sharia took him the Hand.
Think about fucking her with that „stomp“........
she raped him tho
>Mental gymnastics: The Thread
shit hole country
This is obvious. Writting all this shit proves you have insecurities tho.
prostitution isn't legal
legal prostitutes generally deny black men, but in America black men are their employers and primary customers.
We gave women rights
This is obvious. Writting all this shit proves you have insecurities tho.
People clearly wait too long for public transport
that's kind of hot....
he def wanted to nut all up in there tryin to keep his shit in when she tries to scurry away
>tfw she stumbles up like a drunk whore showing her pussy
are you confused? did you not see the video? it's horrifying. how fucked up are you that you think it's insecurity or jealousy causing someone to react negatively toward it?
not all of us are completely jaded
JESUS. Does anyone know how to like, zoom in on something like this? Did you SEE the way his cum shot out of his dick? I'm not gay but it just looked so fast and powerful. Can you even imagine if it had gone off in you or in your mouth? Wow...
But yeah can someone possibly do a zoom in starting at about 0:22 for me?
>oh my god so horrifying oh god oh gosh im literally shaking wtf
that's China
She feels him cum.and faceplants to dodge the AIDS niggerbaby
>getting raped by a nigger with one hand
It dribbled out pathetically. I shoot jizz rockets.
this is fucking surreal, it's like a scene out of idiocracy
I was only trolling anyway though. Haha, anytime you ever hear anyone say, "I'm not gay, but..." it's like, yes you are, you fucking faggot haha
he's jus getting his reparations, m8
The Aryan gods punish you for siding with the jews.
how many times are we going to have this thread today
We hate you. Every time you try to approach my I clutch the Glock in my purse just looking for an excuse to put one of you low IQ savages down. The stats bear it out nigger theblog.okcupid.com
why are you even carrying a purse you fag?
The irony is that niggers routinely get away with crimes in America that whites would be charged with. They only go after niggers doing real bad shit.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha lol good question
america , the shithole thanks to the jews.
that will happen if to us if jews manage to take over europe too.
but they dont have much control in europe as they own america. lets keep it that way.
are you legit retarded?
Take their women, male work able - enslave !
I see 2 whites people according to American standard
There is a typical leaf.
I don't even know how far i can actually shoot my load. Doggy style end of a queen hit the wall above the headboard with that shit.
Checks out
>Cigarette hanging out of mouth the entire time
Also checks out and reinforces shirt
>One hand
>Random beaner
>Pulls out
>"Bum Marriage" husband checking on her afterswards
Checked and fucking kek'd
they dont control our banks as they do in america.
media , yes they are there but not at the level of america.
america is infested. america has a different status to the jew than europe. jews are attracted to power.
Holy shit
>they dont control our banks
Mate every central bank is controlled by them. What are you talking about?
yes, they do, yes, it is as bad as in the US (what "our" banks lmao), the only difference is demographics and the extent we've managed to maintain homogeneity and how long we will be able to
the US are the enforcers of the replacement of Europeans in Europe, what the fuck do you think NATO is
have you ever been to Amsterdam?
>didn't even come inside
Whats the point
don't forget to pokemon
Our central bank isn't headed by Jews though. Neither is the ECB. What power they actually hold is of course not really known.
pursefag BTFO
Burn them all!!!
you didnt listen and now you get what you deserve
Death to all Anglos and Anglo spawns
around 7 minute
You can see he tried but she pulled away.
How do you know these things?
There is a typical unknown.
>wasn't even using a rubber
As far as I know all central banks are privately owned and that pretty much means Jew owned, but if I'm mistaken then I apologize.
>duke grandstanding and hogging the mic
god i hate him, Taylor should ban him from ever attending again
Officially almost all central banks are publicly owned. I do not know much about the 'inner workings' and it could be through some Jewish trickery that they are owned by the kikes anyway.
Well the modern fiscal/economic system was created by them, so there's that.
that's a pretty weak spurt of come.
Still that nigger crushed her pussy to shit and jacked fully in public with a wino standing and watching 3 feet away, which is an Ogami-Itto-esque accomplishment.
Not sure which of these people has hit rock bottom the hardest in this video.
he did. she tried to get away but he got most of it inside her.
>it could be through some Jewish trickery that they are owned by the kikes anyway.
Who has a monopoly on the world gold supply, who buys the most national debt from nations, who has enough money to literally assassinate national economies like Soros did on a whim in the 1990s?
yeah, he probably lopped off his own right hand so he could get a check and not work.
Also, 90% of central banks use US currency as "reserve currency", and our Federal Reserve is PRIVATELY owned. The owners identities are also secret. Bet you can guess who they are.
Saved so every time a mutt try to say how France is cucked i will show him that.
DAMN, pedro missed out on that action!!!!!!
OP, the problem here is that you're looking at an already shitty place under a microscope.
OHHHH That's why, NY.
Long island specifically.
Remember Amerilards, every cent Uncle Sam takes out of your paycheck is directly funding stuff like this.
Would have unironically shot all 3 and dared anyone to press charges lol
no you wouldln't
Prob would tbqh, just needs to be the right day, today is the right day
How come his dick is so big? I thought they used camera tricks on porn.
>so every time a mutt try to say how France is cucked i will show him that
it's not an Either/Or, Muhammad.
Wait... you think that's big? Are you asian?
They look like animals.