Tech giants are CAPITALIST

Google, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook.

all these evil corporations that police thought, censor us, and try to steal our freedom

so explain to me how marxism and socialism is our real enemy!

this neo-liberalism is the most rabid form of capitalism to ever exist. they destroy our society and brainwash people with their power of money.

but yeah keep REEEing that its the socialists' fault.

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>all these evil corporations that police thought, censor us, and try to steal our freedom

These corps are not private, they have hundreds of easements from the US gov so they dont have to pay taxes both federal and state making them basically public institutions.

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If you guys didn't push the SJW/PC agenda on social media none of this shit would be happening

One can only hope

China, US, Poland, Bahrain Italy are on israel's side.
UK and france will be on our side too after the the leftists will lose power, which is very soon.

also, we have enugh nukes to wipe all of them out without living a trace

who the hell is "you guys" SJW's and liberalism were always israel's enemies.

socialism is NOT liberalism.

of course that when these rich corporations get more powerful they start influencing the government! if the government really did have investments in these companies they would have demanded free speech to be enforced years ago

>I hate tech companies
>tech companies are run by capitalists
>therefore, down with capitalism!
This is why commies are fucking retardedly.

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