they've currently been held together under a false promise of "we'll win next time", and the supporters are being way more optimistic this time
SDPD has been told to prepare for riot control
If democrats lose the midterms, there'll be riots
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Only way to make it happen is to vote
Pretty sure you are right. After a few days of the usual not quite violent but almost riots my prediction (if they don't take the house) is that there will then be a bit of a drawn out process where they figure out what % of them are willing to go more crazy by testing the water with some targeted violence here and there.
Can't wait honestly. Gotta get me some popcorn
Here's something to get you in the right mood.
God I hope liberals cast the first stone after their inevitable defeat. we need a war. not a huge one, just one were we can finally duke it out. America has just been wanting to kick it's own ass.. I think it'll be good for the country if we could all just let it out and kill each other.. Survivor takes all. seems fair to me..
Looking forward to it.
I ordered a case of 420 federal "green tip"
5.56, along with 500 .223 hollow point rounds a week ago.
Only cost $250 total, the left better pull through with these "riots" of theirs
Can’t wait for Nancy “we will take the House” Pelosi to cry herself to sleep tomorrow night.
they won't be allowed to block the roads this time
based trump will make sure of it