Guys, I just got back from my polling station, and it's not looking good for Republicans

Guys, I just got back from my polling station, and it's not looking good for Republicans...

Everywhere I looked, 'Resist' shirts, but no MAGA hats. Outside, 'Re-elect Joe Donnelly' bumper stickers on 90% of the cars in the parking lot and even on the buses loaded with marginalized Latinos, Latinas and blacks brought in to vote left...

Why didn't Republicans have a strategy to get out the vote?...

Attached: Itsover.png (400x450, 147K)

Other urls found in this thread: Calendar Brochure.pdf

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>Goys, I just got back from my polling station, and it's BAD BAD BAD for Republicans.................GIVE UP PLEASE

>Everywhere I looked, 'Resist' shirts YYYAAAAYY LIES, but no MAGA hats :DDD Outside, 'Re-elect Joe Donnelly' bumper stickers on 0% of the cars in the parking lot and even on the buses loaded with marginalized Latinos, Latinas and blacks brought in to vote jk blacks dont know how to read

>Why didn't Republicans have a strategy to get out the vote?........NO POINT VOTINGGGGG

Attached: sinister.png (662x858, 28K)

Attached: 871460DE76AE4C6ABF199B531E4BE1AF.jpg (480x671, 38K)

Most of us have jobs, and will vote later.

I hope you make minimum wage off of this.

Damn I was going to vote full republican ticket but what’s the point? Just kidding, I live in Florida and that nigger is going to lose

If you have not voted yet do it get out and tell everyone you know to go out and vote red down the ticket today is the LAST CHANCE.

Attached: 1541332058214.jpg (680x450, 57K)

If you are going to lie keep it simple. Partisan gear is not allowed at polling stations. Anyone wearing resist or maga themed clothing would be asked to leave. Go back to whatever hole you came from.

>he didn't even get the timing right
we deserve better shills