""" Early Voting """"

Let me get this straight.

There now 36 FUCKING MILLION early voters according to the latest polling data.

There are 200 Million Adults in the entire country... and No more than 50% of the population typically votes.
- So that's 100 million, or slightly less than that as there are sick/disabled who won't be voting and which could be removed from the aggregate (at best 90 million people voting).
-AND, let us not forget, it's a mid-term which usually has low turn-out relative to presidential elections.
- 36 Million early voters....conservatively, that's 1/4 voters voting early, and based on the above, it's probably more like a third AND NOW at 36 million it might even be HALF of all voters in a typical mid term. Even one out of three people voting early is beyond suspicious. This is voting with dead and fake people.

Folks, I hate to say it but there IS going to be a Blue Wave. This is massive cheating and fraud, the likes of which have never been seen before. The senate isn't even safe with these preposterously unrealistic numbers of "early voters".
GO OUT AND VOTE STILL only so you can see first hand how right-leaning the polling places are.

Federal authorities MUST check for voting irregularities. You cannot trust state authorities because they would lose all legitimacy if "early voting" turned out to be rigged, so they have an incentive to cover it up. If there is cheating discovered, all elections with unusually high numbers of early voters should be nullified and redone.

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but the dems were destroyed in all early voting. there might be a blue wave, but it's meeting the red wave at the polls dragon ball z style.

Pretty sure trump expects this, he didn't challenge his election because he won, but this one he can go full beast on it and push full voting reform.

Oh fuck it, Republican here. I can’t stand all this chaos. I’m voting for the dems this time around. You got me shareblue!

What kind of retard waits on vote day when polls are filled to the brim with people and lines for hours? I don't get why this few people early vote.

It's up almost 1000% in some states.

>What kind of retard waits on vote day when polls are filled to the brim with people and lines for hours? I don't get why this few people early vote.
It's not allowed in all states.

If you have not voted yet do it get out and tell everyone you know to go out and vote red down the ticket today is the LAST CHANCE.

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I'm not mailing in shit or early voting, that just gives them more chances to change my vote

Reminder you don't need ID to register to vote in the US, you just need a few personal details.

There are databases with names, addresses, date-of-births, etc of dead people. All it takes is a coordinated effort by the democrats to make use of these and voilà, they're able to affect the election outcome.

>but the dems were destroyed in all early voting.
We don't know this.
Reports of early voting are at no more than 1% of the vote, if it's even published at all. Most states do not publish the final tally until AFTER the polling place votes are counted.

That's because they need to physically sort through mail. Even opening the letters to feed it into a reading machine takes considerable time, much less for 36 million votes.

My polling place was empty when I went and it's right down the block from my apartment. Checkmate

40% of people in my county early vote so my polling place is dead AF. I always like dropping my shit in person

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democrats have been moving homeless and illegals from city to city voting using fake ID's


If true this is quite suspicious indeed. Precinct was nearly empty this morning. Two years ago I waited over 30 mins in line at the same place and same time. Today it walked right up and filled out my little form, gave them my ID which they scanned, and they gave me a ballot. No wait at all. If this is record turnout for a midterm, it sure as hell looks like the last midterm at my precinct

>36 Million early voters....conservatively, that's 1/4 voters voting early

1/4 of voters have jobs to go and kids to pick up after work so have to get it in early.

3/4 of voters are on welfare being paid for by the other 1/4 and can go whenever they feel like it.

Why do you think early voters vote Democrat? If you can vote early why wouldn't you? Early voting is way better, way more convenient. People who are eligible to vote early are people who own homes or have established addresses and vote regularly. I always vote early. People on BPT don't vote early.

It doesnt feel special unless there is a little bit of a line when I go vote. I want the excitement and energy of election day in the air

It's much easier and lower risk to drop off several dozen Early Voter ID forms at a mailbox without cameras or anything watching you. A team of people could get in 10,000 early votes in a single day. It makes bussing around look like a joke.

No early voting in my state. You vote absentee ballot (only with valid reason) or go to your assigned polling place.

People who weren't smart enough to mail their vote in weeks ago, aka liberals.

>Reminder you don't need ID to register to vote in the US, you just need a few personal details.
>There are databases with names, addresses, date-of-births, etc of dead people. All it takes is a coordinated effort by the democrats to make use of these and voilà, they're able to affect the election outcome.
Bills, SSN card, anything with your name on it will work as identification, doesn't even need your picture on it. Don't belive the Dem's lies about 'voter ID'. It's a Jewish/Commie plot to get everyone fingerprinted and photographed every two years.

I voted today because early voting means I have to go stand in a massive line of spics on the weekend. It took 45 minutes to vote early last election as opposed to about 10 today.

I have 3-4 churches within a two block radius that are all empty polling stations

Dems use early voting for cheating purposes, but we still often outcompete them there because our side actually plans ahead / has obligations.

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very true

I just voted.
>walk in on my drive home from working all night
>see a couple of neighbors I've known my whole life working the table
>they ask if mom is coming, I tell them she'll probably be by later
>listen to one of them read a news report from her phone about a murder that happened last night in the neighborhood

>people voting
massive cheating

There has never been this many early votes. It's like 5x higher than even a national election.
>1/4 of voters have jobs to go and kids to pick up after work so have to get it in early.
Most workplaces give time off on election day to go vote.
You're also wrong. It's inconvenient to early vote (for an individual) in the US. You need to fill out a form and mail it in. That's a lot of hassle and you need to clearly write it. Most states even require you to add postage to early vote, so it costs money in stamps. I don't keep stamps around or anything, so I'd need an extra visit to the post office to purchase some. It would be much more inconvenient for me to "early vote" than to just go to a place on election day. You also don't understand the mindset of Americans. People here always postpone everything till the last minute and aren't sitting around saying "I say! I should vote early!".

>Early voting is difficult, you have to BUY A STAMP FFS
Now I'm sure you're a brainlet Democrat shill.

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>Reminder you don't need ID to register to vote in the US, you just need a few personal details.
Some places you need ID at the polls.
Ohio requires it. I had to show ID today

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I don't mail it in. In my town there are a couple of polling places that have been open for a couple of weeks. I just stop by and put it in the box myself just like I would today. There are a couple of octogenarians there keeping an eye on the proceedings. You can even get an 'I voted' sticker if you want it. I never had to fill out any form. I think I just checked a box that said "send me an early ballot" when I was eligible and now I get it in the mail about 2 weeks before.

even if democrats win this election it doesn't mean Trump leaves the white house, idk why anyone believes that removing someone as a president is as easy as asking someone to leave your house

Thank you user.


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>It's up almost 1000% in some states.
trust us goy, we know what we're doing :>


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Democrats are only racking up votes in noncompetitive states

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Funny boomer

democrats are so lazy they had to give them few more days for voting to make it

This is me, I'm to paranoid, I do it in person, already voted, going to give blood now, trying to be a good person

I still suggest that all voting be conducted like Vermont. All districts gather at the same time to vote, so you cannot be in two places at once. You have to be there at the start, you have to be there at the end, and everyone can see how you voted. Also, I suggest having a public list of how people voted.
But, anyone proven threatening anyone's job or life over a previous vote, is hung for treason.

I thought there was 6 billion people in the country

My good Democrat friend; we know, we know.

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Democrats can vote up to four times. It's just their right.

early voting should be abolished.
if you can't vote on election day, then you shouldn't vote at all.

6 billion on the PLANET

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>the likes of which have never been seen before.
every fucking election 4 guys are filling out mail ballots for dems

my dad voted republican his whole life, he's been voting democrat ever since he died

>everyone can see how you voted
this is unconstitutional, you have to protect people from murder over their vote

but who would do that? just go out in public and lie?

>early voting results in at 0.01% , full count estimated by polls closed on election day. unusual turnout may further delay count
imagine being so gullible that you believe these premature results without even looking in on them.

>6 billion on the PLANET
Why these divisions? Can't we all just hit a bong? Oh, the world just wants to like us, let them in, user, let them join us and everything will be peaceful then. Stop struggling against the inevitable.

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>Most workplaces give time off on election day to go vote.
not most workplaces it's literally federal law that employers must give employees time to go vote if they wish

See: Swedish voting system
>everyone sees who you vote for

>voting is rigged
>go out and vote
Are you retarded

>you have to protect people from murder over their vote
When everyone has the same threat, and murder is illegal, it's not really adding anything. And dude, if you think they can't track your affiliations and your opinions at this point, you're really behind on technology. Frankly, most of the electronic machines could probably code your vote directly to your name.
I'm aware there is some danger, but this is a dangerous game. If you want to be King of yourself, you have to take risks.

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Bad reading comprehension I see? Couldn't even finish the sentence?
>only so you can see first hand how right-leaning the polling places are.


they take the house and shut things down so we make 0 progress for the next gazillion years

I drop off my mail in ballot at a polling location on election day at a drive thru drop box for ballots.

My entire family and many of my friends voted early this year. There’s a much bigger emphasis on early voting this election than any before it.

No. My wife and I went the first weekend they had early voting in our state. Easily as long a line as regular election day.
We knew it was important to vote straight GOP this time.
It was like this at every early voting location. All white, all Christian, all Republican.

Not to mention the 50 poorly worded ballot initiatives that you've never heard of that you need to research.

Felt good to vote today! Let's make America great again!