Early voting results are in and they DO NOT LOOK GOOD FOR US

early voting results are in and they DO NOT LOOK GOOD FOR US

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Fuck off, this is 2016 all over again pansy. Red wave confirmed by god. We will not lose.

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All the Red you are going to see is actual libtard blood. YFW!

oh and


Where is the data on this? Where are you getting this from? There's so much extrapolation involved that such a thin separation could go either way.
Aside from that, 221-1-213 bodes very well for the Senate results. 6 year Senate seats are crucial, 2 year House seats are negligible.

>Dems don’t take the house

That is an ahistorical massive failure for an opposition party

Uh, you know this map says republicans keep the house right?


So a lot of red tossups and "blue" Republican districts? Kek

OP must a commie

Early numbers have been above better than expected for R's across the board

Wait till we get off work, faggot. Of course the niggers voted already.

Wyoming blue, good one.

Based on early voting results, if this is the projection as of this moment based on current votes cast, this is a fucking disaster for the Democrats. It's a landslide for Republicans if that's things as they currently stand.

He's not a communist he's a faggot.

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Democrats always vote by mail or early
Boomer republicans don't trust that and always vote in person

Red wave incoming soibois

Don't worry, when all the Republicans are done working we'll go vote.

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>Wyoming blue
>Montana blue
>Dakotas blue
wake me up

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shut the fuck up it is 9:30 am on the east coast

>blue anything




So you just assume everyone here is a Drumpf bootlicker ?
Fuck off.

cue in Trump @ 1% polls

If you have not voted yet do it get out and tell everyone you know to go out and vote red down the ticket today is the LAST CHANCE.

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>Not taking the day off to vote

Kek, what a fucking loser

if nc's 11th district goes blue I will suck a kek

If you think Wyoming is going blue, there is no hope for you.




florida was 98% dem in 2016 after early voting results

That's how I know it's fake and gay.

Yeah it's not looking good is it

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All them northern states completely blue hurrhurr

If thats the early results then things are looking great. There's a tsunami warning for 5 because when everyone gets off work you can expect a RED WAVE.

every fucking time

OP's face tonight

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Even though OP's map is complete bullshit, NJ has a shit ton of Republicans that get in on small local elections in the white suburbs. Statewide and national elections however have NJ go Democrat because of all the shitty places like Newark, Paterson, Camden, and Trenton. The suburbs are mainly white and go hard R, but that's not usually enough.

Explain yourselves Merica


fuck you, we have all the guns and productive jobs.


>"duh rebublickin is hard werkin' may-un"
>being proud of your enslavement

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>blue in wyoming

unironically kys


>we have all the guns
Don't be so sure.
t. Marxist

>Sarasota Florida region blue.
I'mma need a big fucking citation there buddy.

voting only started 2 hours ago

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>oklahoma blue in the most rural parts


>doesn’t look good for (((us)))
Where does sage go?


50th district in california is lost dudes, he is under indictment. Not to mention he called a half arab-hispanic a terrorist.

he'd end up posting a picture of his own anus.

>productive jobs
Not for long, you don't.
>we have all the guns
And if you think we have none, do please go right ahead on thinking that.

I'll look for you on the field, faggot.

There’s a difference?

> indiana

Being that much of a faggot

I'm in South Mississippi. I have grave concerns. My voting precinct was packed with blacks, and over half of the people working were black, which has NEVER happened before. It is generally old white people working. The blacks in my area are extremely low-class, loud-mouthed, flappy-footed Welfare kangz and quaanz. They NEVER vote in the midterms. NEVER. Today I had to wait for a long time to vote, because the precinct was packed with these retarded monkeys who would spend five minutes looking for their id, then another ten minutes voting (I am not kidding - they would just stand there and stare blankly at the screen before finally tapping something) and then they'd wander off and leave their voting card in the machine. These people should not be voting.


isn't this a failure for the bluewave? their goal was to steal control from the GOP by taking the majority

>being proud of being a beta

Never has. Republicans aren't lazy and actually go out to vote. Early voting has always leaned Democrat. Just wait for today's votes to come in.

>I will promote candidates who want to take away my guns
>Yup I'm real pro-worker, pro-gun y'know
Choose one and only one.

voting after work

Man, this election is so reminiscent of 2016. Correct the record shills everywhere with their David Brock approved templates.

Seriously, are you this underqualified for any job?

>southeast Idaho blue

wrong this is literally the 90% republican part of Idaho. If a democrat gets elected it's gonna be from Cour d'Alene/Boisefags

Fake news

We're taking it all


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>early voting results
>while all the reps are still at work

The republicans are still at their jobs tho

I expect to lose the house, if we don't great, if we do well thats what happens literally every fucking year.

I'm in Mississippi too; We're these older black people staring at the machine?

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>is a slave
>calls someone else a beta

Who said I was promoting anyone? Fuck the democrats.

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A proper job is pretty rewarding, you should try it sometime because your mother wont be around forever to support you.

What the fuck is this chart?

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>proper job

Pics or it didn't happen Cletus. Nice false flag propaganda.

I am going to make popcorn today to watch Republitards and Alt-wrongers cry.

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you're the first fat body in the furnace

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Rain suppresses Rat turnout by 3-5%. It is going to rain all day in Atlanta, Saint Louis, Tennessee, Indiana, Virginia, etc. God is a Trumpster!

Checked. Based and NEETpilled

Well I'm an operator in a power plant, pays above avarage and is pretty interesting material to work with.

>all work is inherently slavery

you must be very successful (inb4 hurr durr im a millionaire)

>cant afford to do anything other than post smug anime images from his moms wifi
>thinks he isnt anything other than a beta
hypothetically user were slaves to our needs. nice luck digits tho


It's 10:00 in the morning you stupid cunt

OPs a fag.Results wont start to come in for another 9 hours.

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Fucking this. OP is a faggot

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Data is fake. For example, virginia don't even have early voting.

should of let japan eat your ass 70 some odd years ago

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They are in user's fevered little imagination for the most part. He might be able to draw you a TRUE and HONEST crayon drawing of them if you ask him.

just came for voting in a "republican" state

loud "blue wave" chants and "is our turn"chants
holy shit drumpf is done

>tfw SOLID blue district.
Wat do.

>texan panhandle
i know this is a troll but you should still fuck off

rolling for red wave

Not all work. Working for an (((employer))) is slavery and exploitation.

>not liking smug anime girls

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shheeeiiit finna be #Cruzmissle n shiet

I own my own business and collect rent from my property. How does it feel to get dabbed on so hard by a lowly slave?

hey kike,


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That map doesn't look right. PA's districts are not the same.

I voted twice for beto today
drumpfph btfo

Even the head historian of the war memorial didn't believe the Japanese had any plans to invade. No one ever found any invasion plans.
But this probably isn't the place for actual facts and actual respected historians.

smug posting is alright. Dutch posting is the new thing

Being a (((landlord))) is not real work