Am I getting these because I’m registered as independent?

Anyone else think they’re getting these because they’re listed as independent?

Attached: A879608B-9EC0-4EAC-A55A-35177EFDA5CA.png (1125x2436, 387K)

Also, system keeps thinking this part is spam, but consecutive identical numberical figures decides what I reply

>I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for votes, I can tell you I don't have a mangina. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my president go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will gas you.

Tell her you voted Republican

Tell her to fuck off.


>what's in it for me if I vote, baby?

Wasted by an uncreative fuck

Weird I'm from same state and registered indie but I only got the Republican ones. Guess Dems don't care about me :[

"This number is a registered as a do not call number. I need to speak with your manager immediately. Do not ignore this. Give me your manager's contact information immediately."

Welp, that's that then

You are just jelly

I'm not even registered to vote and I get that shit

Dubs, not trips. This isn’t creative lol.

I'm registered to vote and i don't get that shit

tell her the blades of the righteous are just and unhesitant. a real rain is coming.

Who thought spamming everyone was a good idea to motivate people to vote FOR you?

how the fuck do private companies get your phone number?

I'm registered as unaffiliated and never got one of those

I see OP is a fag as per usual.
Nothing to see here. Abandon thread.
Remember to sage

I wonder why americans get these. Where do they get your number from?

Our voter registration is public information.

I have zero social media and share my phone number only with people I personally know, and I still get mystery numbers that call me occasionally.

Text her. show tits NOW or GTFO


Could also reply: MAGA.

>and I will gas you.

Definitely do this Jow Forums, written death threats are the safest and sanest response to vote texts, and definitely won't get you in trouble.

Fucking cospiracy cunt.

> (((Joshua)))

Holy shit. I'm retarded, we live in the same town! We'll never meet, I'm on Jow Forums so obviously autistic but still cool to know we are out there.

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