The ultimate cuck test

>go onto wikipedia
>search for the article on race in your own language
>if it correctly lists the different races then your country is based
>if it incorrectly says race is a social construct then your country is cucked

Confirmed based:Hungary,Slovenia,Finland

Confirmed cucked:Germany,France,Anglosphere

Proof of the correct article with classifications:

Proof of the incorrect article that argues its a social

Attached: tumblr_nzlzi8TCX91tb6vkvo1_500.jpg (500x750, 100K)

Other urls found in this thread:łowiekaėças_humanas

Adam and Eve are humanities mother and father, all share the same lineage, one race

ray-says ain't reel

Attached: norfSlang.png (556x712, 50K)

"The European Union rejects theories which attempt to determine the existence of separate human races."

Attached: 1536746306134.jpg (600x722, 59K)

Sweden is at least redpilled on this. Before our descent to madness which started 40 years ago we practiced genetics and forced sterilization of lesser beings. I guess this wikipedia article is partly a legacy of that.

>Christcucks believe this though

It's not just the wikipedia article.
Races are taught like that in school.
I just find it amazing how orwellian all of it is.

The only way for EU to survive with it's people and culture intact is if we get rid of these rats in Brussels.

Nope, there is an adamic race(guess where it lives) and according to Catholic doctrines, Subsaharans are demi-child demi-devil.

>Rassi terminil on suur kasutus rahvalikus taksonoomias ja sellisena on "rass" sisuliselt sotsiaalselt konstrueeritud.
I don't even have to translate this.

It's really amazing though, how depending on the country it says totally contradicting things.

I see, our school is much worse here when it comes to propaganda and brainwashing unfortunately. Luckily I went to private school and if I had kids here I would also sent them to private school instead of community school where all the propaganda exists. Not only that but our community schools qualities have gone down immensely the last 20 years because of immigration from regions like middle east and Africa. These people only destroy and does not value education or intelligence, which is reflected in their culture and in their behaviors. These sand people would be better suited raised in the desert.

in polish
only speaks about animals
but we have also
>human racełowieka
pic related
but imo it should be human specie

forgot pic

Attached: HumanRace.jpg (474x686, 113K)


Attached: 1501953819239.gif (460x259, 1.93M)

It's kinda funny when they call right wingers anti science considering that they outright deny some concepts that do not align with their views.

ukraine confirmed as based.
also you faggots will never take uzhgorod

There's a really interesting thread on Jow Forums about 6 weeks ago about the realities of race and that whites are decended from Angels while browns are just garbage.

I think the average right-winger can be kind of stupid, but at the same time if you are right-wing and in academia there is nowhere that you can be when it comes to closer to the truth. Unfortunately the vast majority of academia is left-wing, people who can be objective in their own field but not when it comes to society or the world at large. It always confused me first how can people who see things very realistic in their own field, not use the same methods to see the world in a realistic way too. We humans are not rational agents without the right training and mindset.

i only found these articles : "freedom party argues: is politic that insulted/shamed(idk word) niggers a racist?" "why is white race in danger" "all people are intolerant towards foreign race" "niggers are dumber than white" "racism, rape, criminal: see what problems refugees cause if they came to estonia"

and theres more

>Romania: race is a social construct

I guess we are cucked. leftists cucked us a long time ago. thank you based anglos and french for killing the legionaries and liberating usė
Race is a concept of anthropological science that describes a historically formed group of people living in a certain area (region) of common origin, common hereditary morphological (external) and physiological features that are different from other groups.

Maybe getting annexed by us wouldn't be a bad thing.

Attached: 1505916643536.jpg (682x682, 272K)

The Dutch page is absolutely and thoroughly cucked. Doesn't come as a surprise to me.
I fucking hate this country.
Our universities are like a leftist cancer spreading the ideology to other nations as well.


Confirming Poland is based. Only biology in the article, no social bs.

Attached: smarter-german-a1-grammar-language-book.png (848x1200, 31K)

perhaps this is why sola scriptura is a failure since the Bible can't answer everything for us.

Catholics used to be based until the recent Popes started their apology tours

disgusting why are the naked. This is supposed to teach language not sex

Finnish article is basically the same nonsense any western country teaches. I don't see why you think it's based.

I just quickly skimmed through the different languages with google translate.
But if you say so.

Russian article lists all of them correctly, also argues that there are up to 30 different racial subcategories.
Good enough
I'm not reading the rest of that

Attached: Gorilla.jpg (778x296, 38K)

Spanish is Ok.
First describes it right. And in the second paragraph mentions that some people reject this idea, but it calls them social scientists and has a citation needed link at the end.

She's so pretty, her eyes melt my heart

Attached: 45342342.png (537x153, 7K)

Attached: 15415305852811.png (848x1200, 78K)ças_humanas

"Race can be understood as a social construct, used to distinguish people in terms of one or more physical characteristics.
In other words, race is a category used to refer to a group of people in which physical attributes are socially considered significant.

In this terms, race is an important analytical measure in the field of Sociology, for it is understood that perceptions and conceptions of race can affect and organize the social lives of the people, being responsible mainly for the creation and maintenance of a system of social inequality."

Absolute cucked. So many stupid terms:
>socially considered significant
>conceptions of race
>systems of social inequality

I am phoneposting sry for any mistake.

Attached: IMG_20181106_190916.png (1073x1680, 261K)

italy is cucked