>THIS is a 50 year old man
Why aren't you working out right now Jow Forums?
>THIS is a 50 year old man
Why aren't you working out right now Jow Forums?
men dont wear pink pants
I am
Also - hi LeShannon
I can't afford to get old so maintain my health isn't a real big priority for me
it was women who were designated blue in the past. pink was indeed a mans color for millenia
that nigger is doing the moloch hand
sign, he's wearing his body out faster
thus cutting his lifespan down.
OP is a huge fag, loves nigger dick
that's buff.
he need to start pickle training.
.t fat white boi
That is a 50 year old man with hormones 10x that of a 20 year old
Will you give me a new spine and a new heart?
who is this semen donor?
Former elite athlete + exercise and maybe TRT keeps you like that.
Okay Im usually hate niggers... but I want him to fuck my ass
Why are you sending out pics of black men showing off their bodies?
This man is in his late 60s and on all types of gear. So what? Is this a veiled black supremacy thread?
Is that natty?
American football player, what do you think?
because i didnt play in the NFL for 15 years
They pass roids around in the locker room.
That's a lifestyle of Henny and cigarillos
>tfw i life every day
>tfw my problem now is that my body cant keep up with how much i want to work out
what have you done to me Jow Forums, im going to turn into a giant muscle bound monster if i dont destroy myself getting there
>this is a man
no, that's a nigger
Too much effort. I don't see the point. Even if I improve something, there a million black swan events all those thousands of hours in gym I require to reach fit level that could strike at any time and make the effort a waste
Does he live in a hotel room?
BBC. Probably has roid testicles though.
What's the fucking point? i'll always be an ugly non-White, i don't even have a big dick to make up for it. I only train for strength when the other inmates try to punk me.
He's a sports broadcaster so he travels.
No it fucking wasn't you bullshitter.
yes you can die at any moment, which is why you should enjoy life to the fullest right? have fun trying to enjoy life while a fat fuck. same lesson goes to those who disregard education for partying in high school, have fun partying and having fun as an adult while being so poor you have to worry about homelessness olet alone having the money to have fun
>high end bags
>multiple moisturizers
>over the top fashion
Yep, it's a nigger.
retired football player
Yeah i know but all his pics are in that same exact room lel
Who says we're not?
How do you "enjoy life"?
Do heroine.
I do. Bowflex for cardio weight lifting on the other days Sunday off.
backstage room i think from show.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
I dig his shoes, but those trousers are the pits.
forming real and meaningful bonds of fellowship with other men and women and sharing with them the truly wonderful experiences that life can offer that make the whole thing worth it no matter the pain and hardship
Cry me all the liquid there ever was is and will be.
You're a dumb goy.
i did in the past did the whole routine fixing my diet, making food for the whole week, strenght and condie training every other day one cheat day per week did it all for a year... and now i am honestly too lazy to bother with it anymore.
Because I have two jobs.
I dig those shoes.
that literally doesn't mean anything
is that sum pizza and ice cream
I'm not black
You meant 50 year old farm equipment.
just got back from a two hour gym sesh and my chest and back are fucking toast right now. i can hardly lift my arms bro
but no seriously if you don't work out your life must be a terrible cesspool of low T.
Why is this thread here still? Report it. SIG threads are banned, so some nigger progress pic and no content should be removed too.
I worked out yesterday, today's my an off day. Plus I've got a paper due tomorrow so I've gotta do that.
Wish I could see my GP and ask for testosterone replacement therapy too.
Then again, the nerves in my neck are pretty fucked, so heavy lifting is an issue.
I don't feel sorry for you, i'm actually glad. I hope you die a horrible death.
Fuck me daddy.
You too, not-Paraguay.
I'm going to spitefuck an uruguayan woman now thanks to your post
Shannon Sharpe
Ex bronco te
Oh no, it's you again. Sigh
I would make sweet love to an Italian-Uruguayan any day. Some of those girls are absolutely beautiful.
Not me.
Because I'm working, at my job. I get paid to use my muscles to lift things into place and fasten them, rip stuff out, level stuff, etc. The muscles I develop are then useful for actual things that I might need to do outside of work. I have core strength and endurance. Who cares what your muscle definition looks like? What purpose does it serve? The muscles you develop at the gym are useful for... going to the gym.
You're going to mutilate your cock.
Make a hole in your arm with a knife.
Currently on a 2 / 21 day fast. No cardio just calisthentics twice a day..1kg a day lose
seems to me like you just dont remember what its like or you never knew in the first place. its been years for me but i still remember. have fun playing video games or whatever you base your life around
Pull out your toe nails.
>Who cares what your muscle definition looks like? What purpose does it serve?
Getting pussy.