>be a Utah mayor
>deployed in Afgan
>killed by his Afgan trainee
Why are we training Afgan national army again?
>be a Utah mayor
>deployed in Afgan
>killed by his Afgan trainee
Why are we training Afgan national army again?
Other urls found in this thread:
no reason
private contractors could be doing this but ooooh no we can't have that
Something something World Police
>Dead ZOGbot
So that we can develop the Afghan police and military force to the point where they do not need our assistance for internal stability
ANA is useless in every conceivable way and extremely sketchy. When I was there in 2010 they put an IED we found under our chow hall and detonated it during dinner. Didnt read the article but in sure that ANA piece of shit killed him on purpose.
More important question. Why don't we just nuke Iraq and blame it on terrorists?
This Trump's fault for ramping up his warmongering
>internal stability
It's not the lack of training that makes their countries unstable
>Been there for almost a couple of decades
And how much longer this training should continue? Kek