European here

European here.
Why should I care about who controls the american parliament?

I'm hiding my flag to avoid the retarded insults and get genuine replies.

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fuck off leaf

fuck you, real european here:
*ting ting ting*
Fuck Burgerland

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you shouldn't desu

us burgers are as confused as you as to why euros care so much, president I can understand that position can do stuff internationally as they please but the house and senate? 99% pointless

>retarded insults
So you’re a Muslim filled shit hole.
I’m guessing the UK, Germany or France. I bet I’m right

nobody who is from europe uses the european flag, burger

>american parliament
American what?

Because the Whigs are speaking of invading France!

Eurotrash embarrassed of his country.
>as he should be

hey dune coon its not a parliament

Only reason you should care is if you can't find anything better on television.

because it will influence the stock market and eventually due to that every economy in Europe.

a blue wave will cause a stock market rally a republic majority the opposite.

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>american parliament?
fuck off brainlet

Would it be easier to reform the EU's bullshit with anti-Trump or pro-Trump people in charge of the US? Anything that weakens the liberal insanity is a good thing to us, and provides an example to point towards.

Cuck faggot bitch show your true flag

Politics (specially American) are just a new form of entertainment.
Democracy has failed, might as well use it as circus.

I have half of my savings in US ETFs.

you shouldn't. eurotards should shut up on all our politics but they don't. they love to tell us to vote for shit presidents like Obama

Democrats would be better for whites so I support them they are more pro immigrant then Republicans so I want Democrats so my visa goes through a couple months sooner hopefully..

>why shouldnt I care what the most powerful government in the world is doing?


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that's retarded honestly not to invest in real estate and to invest in some shitty us are low iq


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Exactly because your European you should care, if they do something stupid economically, we’re fucked as well. They have so much influence on us, that they literally have soldiers on our continent. American politics matters.

The more R and D fight, the less time they have to intervene in our countries, the better it is for us.

>a blue wave will cause a stock market rally a republic majority the opposite

Maybe on the Euronext Amsterdam, but not where it matters.

exactly why europe should band together and nuke the jewnited states


Get out of here Swede.

You shouldn't unless you care about the most important economy and military in the world and how quickly its country collapses.

>intervene in our countries
LOL the Russian not wanting people to intervene in his country!

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Lol, like you bitches have any actual military power.

this. fuck american imperialism. we can't even look after our own.

kys canada

because its the parliament of the most powerful military and economic nation on the planet and a close ally to our countries you fucking retard

You should be asking your fellow euro cocksuckers why they are obsessed with this country

no u

We don't care about America. Now give us our gibs


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Show flag or im coming to shit in your mouth

No one is obsessed, you mutt. The only crazy obsessive morons come from your Fucktardland.
You're so fucking retarded, you have to make up shit in your mind (Q) to not go completely nuts.

>I'm hiding my flag to avoid the retarded insults
Guess you're out of luck faggot.

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Literally the opposite of how it has always worked

>hiding flag
Confirmed Swede, German or Oceanian.

And because we're more important than you and we exercise a big influence on world politics. I care about foreign elections but that's because I want to see good things for you. Meanwhile even if you hate America we're still important.

because it forces the eu to deal with a usa that isnt pro open borders and maybe even forces them reconsider.

"We can't spell Neighbor so we call it the hood."

Newsflash you shitty jewservants, it doesn't matter who is your "president", you are a slavenation ruled from Tel Aviv. Enjoy getting glassed because that's next.
Fucking asswipes.

>not expecting insults with an EU flag
user you fucking retard, you’d have had better luck using a confederate flag.

Wish we fucking could

>We can't spell Neighbor
European education everyone.

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Who the fuck is asking you to? I mean seriously. All your Europeans do is obcess over the US and deny you do it. Now, nobody's asking your opinion and you can't handle it and start a thread acting like you aren't obcessed.

Because jews obviously

Yeah, why should you worried when you 3rd worlders are ruled by muslims and shitskins? Lol Kill yourself.

Believe in Jesus Christ right now before you see your own death be decided tonight without any of your say.

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The USA is the dominant economic military and cultural force on the planet, we are the inheritors of the Pax Romana, and as such, who is in our legislature matters to you.
but you still dont get a vote.
outside belarus, it doesnt matter who is running belarus, but where america leads you will follow, thats just the nature of things.

Shit slide thread
OP is a faggot who goes on Jow Forums and can not handle bantz

explain please.

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You shouldn't really care all that much. I am happy when the right wing has some sort of victory in Europe or elsewhere, but I am not invested in it.

Lol "parliament"

show yourself, leaf

You should care because if America turns into a communist shit hole and starts going downhill, it's going to bring the rest of the first world down with them.

As much as they can, anyway. Europe is already ruined get fucked mudslim fuck slave shitlord lmao

I'll show my flag if I deem that this thread is of sufficient quality. Some interesting replies but the rest is not looking good so far.

I agree that the US have an impact on Europe. But don't you think it's pretty much the same whether it is democrats or republicans?

Still a republican defeat will be used as "proof" to the public that populism is a failure, and for the elite as proof that false-flags and constant smearing pay off. This can have some consequences in Europe regarding the resistance to the current invasion.

All vassals of New Rome should care about what goes on in our government.

I think bc it's a reflection of what's going on in the west. If things keep going right we might be able to take back control of our countries.
If it goes left then get ready for more of the globohomo agenda.

You can invest in real estate too with ETFs, moron.

>imagine looking like this ugly zipper and stating conditions

You shouldn't. No matter who wins America will still be dying for Israel, we'll still be outsourcing our jobs and industry to the third world, and we'll still become minority white. What we vote for doesn't matter. It's basically the same thing you have to deal with.

Senate control is more powerful than the president you retard

> democrat victory will cause stock prices to rise!
> B-b-but... republicans are the party of wall street!
you fools just cant keep your narratives straight.
the stock market likes STABILITY and GROWTH, neither of which cometh from democrats
the rise in the stock market under obongo was a result of panic, terror and doomsaying when King Nigger approached the throne, and once he was seated, he demonstrated that all his "smash capitalism" and "spread the wealth around" rhetoric was nothing but hot air, so wall street got back down to business.
the democrats are servants of wall street, because thats where their donors are, so thye talk big, until they get elected then then shovel taxpayers money into the corps that dominate the economy. the republicans are PART of wall street, so they know how economies operate, and thus, their policies make wall street (and main street) grow.

The US controls ALL of the world's oceans and seaways - that's all marine global trade. Europe is highly dependent on marine based trade to the rest of the world (mid east oil as one example). If the US gvmt decides to no longer provide that global security blanket, EU is fucked - stone age fucked. The battle in the US right now is about exactly that. Globalists (Dems) want to continue providing global shipping security. Populists (team Trump) do not.

The USA is the most important country, so it's natural that other nations would be interested in what happens there. And they always manage to turn their politics into a circus, so It's more entertaining than anything going on in my country.

Denmark could probably beat the usa by itself desu...americans are pussies

Forgot to change flag.

Wlecome to Jow Forums faggot. Now get the fuck off my board

>I'm hiding my flag to avoid the retarded insults and get genuine replies
Suck my nuts memeflaggot

>. the republicans are PART of wall street.

the average republican looks like this

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Lolwut? Denmark has a military?

Remember people, any meme flag, no matter what excuses made, is a slide thread. 100%, every fucken time.
If you insist on replying to retarded slide threads, for the love of God please put the word "sage" in the options field above.

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You are correct, but foreign policy is still the president's bag.

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>meme flag to avoid insults.

Must be your first day on the job, shill.

t. the corpse of a country that legally ceased to exist in 1945
We might be a golem but that just makes you a golem's handpuppet, kraut.

>republican defeat will be used as "proof" to the public that populism is a failure

A team-trump defeat today in the polls is only a minor setback, a road bump. The trend is highly in favor of populism/nationalism. The US is going to strategically retreat from defending EU / MidEast / and Asia. And at that point those zones are going to fight it out among each other. It is going to be brutal. The only thing in question is - when. A Dem victory today only delays it a tiny bit, it does not stop it. If push comes to shove, the US will have a military coup and will proceed with this retrenchment plan. It is happening.

>European here.
>Why should I care about who controls the american parliament?

You shouldn't, any more than we'd care about who controls yours. The media is trying to drum up as much anti-Trump, anti-republican sentiment around the world as it can, even though, you're right, it will have virtually zero effect on your daily life.

Heck, in all honestly, its effect on OUR daily lives as Ameriburgers is substantially exaggerated.

However, this IS an American weightlifting forum so American politics is going to be the main topic of discussion.


Denmark controls all the worlds trade you dumbass ignorant fuck

Because Europe is just a puppet State of the U.S. which is just a puppet State of Israel.

The lower down the chain you are the more effected you are by what happens up the line.

Danish military pound for pound is far superior to the usa...denmark also controls Greenland and the arctic circle...has vasts amounts of oil and controls world trade...Denmark could fuck the usa up if it wanted to

Dumbfuck Denmark has conscription and shit. It is the strongest military in the world you ignorant low iq circumcised american faggot jew


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lel dune coon

you shouldnt and you should just filter all threads by burger flags. pol will become much better

>american parliament

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dumb bitch the dems are not going to let white people immigrate here

this is why you're not smart enough to come here and need to stay in your shithole

no it couldn't

I'm just following for the memes

Trump election was so incredible posting with the lads while looking at our media getting assblasted like never before
I want to feel that moment again

Since France is fucked beyond repair, at least I can feel hope for my Jow Forumsacks

your opinion is irrelevant I just want residency I don't want shitty ass citizenship from your shithole don't worry I will have it either way just Democrats I think will give it to me a couple months earlier then republicucks