Germany won’t share its fusion secrets even in case of Bluewave

You know that, right, Americans?

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Fusion power is fake news.

I wouldn't share it either. I'd drop a fusion bomb on the mutts.

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this, fusion is a fucking meme

>Scientists are working to dramatically speed up the development of fusion energy in an effort to deliver power to the electric grid soon enough to help mitigate impacts of climate change.
An easier solution: stop all migration from turd-world counties to developed ones where an individual's carbon footprint is 20x higher. First-world populations are already naturally falling due to low birthrate; demographic replacement in this scenario wouldn't be an issue if there weren't mass migration into those countries.

Remember when America was a scientific powerhouse

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fake news, america already learned how to fuse black and white together.

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no you are thinking of nazis

how bout u fuse mah dick in yo ass *dab*

Then we'll simply take it from you. Again.

That’s not fusion power, that’s wakanda power.

Haha, you can’t. We just stop selling finasteride to your president. He is in our hands!

chinks will just steal it from you anyways.

What progress they made so far will probably take decades to actually produce any real results. Not only that, but do you honestly believe we won't be looking at you the way we look at muslim countries with oil if it ever truly happens?

kek have a (you)

We will take what we want from you if necessary

lol just notice the twp blacks in that image... now i know it all a meme

They ran out of homogenous populations to exploit and are left with mutts now.

Like never, Eh?


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Didnt you guys already have a sub that its powered by a fusion core

If you look closely you can see that they are stealing something.

Isn't this an american/MIT project? Yes, fund it. Total radical design iirc. Steel is used as an insulator around the superconductors. It may be conductive, but it isn't that conductive.

>have immigration policy that literally administers IQ tests to upll the best people from the best countries.
>become scientific leader of the world
>change immigration policy to instead exclusively pull the most braindead people from south america
>fall behind countries you've dominated for 100+ years could this have happened..

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Tesla was Serb, von Braun was German, and the Manhattan Project was a bunch of Jewish physicists we stole from Germany.

The shockwave would hurt Canada faggot

Won’t have a choice once we invade your country.

>Yes, fund it

They have tried to get US government funding for several years. Nobody in the US care, not Obama and now not Trump. They had to go to Europe to get funding. And only after an Italian energy company got the funding did they get some additional funds from Bill Fucking Gates.

What I'm more surprised by is how those populations that were originally imported aren't producing children to continue the legacy.

Perhaps it's something about the degenerate culture that corrupts people? Nah. Lets just keep importing more people from more civilized societies.

What's that? They're building Hypersonic missiles to blow us up now because they're fed up with our faggot culture? Wh...Where did it all go wrong!??!??!

We'll just use our Jews to get it from you as Holocaust reparations.

>Manhattan Project was a bunch of Jewish physicists we stole from Germany.

I don’t think “stole” is the correct words, most fled from Europe.

>US doesn’t waste money on fusion
>Germany spends ungodly amounts on it
>finally has a viable product
>US just invades and steals it
Kek thanks dipshits.

black technicians = BASTE

Nuclear fission =/= fusion energy

Naturally, a nation of mutts polluted with NIgger DNA would propose stealing from superior people.

Literally NIggers.

You know we already have it, right? The information is most likely updated in real time There is nothing you can keep secret from us.

Fusion wouldn't work as a bomb it's a reaction that needs a strong constant electro magnetic field and would essentially fizzle out once the field is no longer stable. This is why there is no risk of a meltdown at a fusion plant.

The NSA is so deep in your ass, you don't need to share they will know anyway.

>when america plays security so your free to spend on immigrants and other things while simultaneously calling Americans hit headed bigots

we can't, mutts are compromised

>cold fusion
what use?

Vested capital is all in oil and hydrocarbons over here with few countries in this hemisphere not having significant reserves of their own. Anything that moves domestic consumption off of hydrocarbons is a threat. It's why the government is threatening sanctions against Europe over Nordstream II. There is a limited market for American hydrocarbons because of geographical happenstance and they have tons of it.

We dont need fusion, we have a better ace up our sleeves

Watch, Trump is going to release future tech that is going to change the world.

Fusion power would send humanity to levels of prosperity never seen before. Unlimited energy means unlimited resources. So it's obviously not going to happen.

Trump is threatening historical "allies" [at least that's the narrative, even if we know different] for not purchasing American natural gas at higher prices that the US doesn't have the shipping infrastructure to supply over purchasing Russian natural gas that would come cheaply through a pipeline that skirts ZOG-controlled Baltic/Polish territory. He isn't releasing anything but shills.

trump is with the jews and you can keep that foreskin burning reactor technology to yourself for all I care

Tokamak is outdated
Stellarator is where it is at

>Space Force
I would keep my eyes on Lockheed Martin and buy stocks

Fine. We won't tell you about the terrible secret of space then.

>lmao fusion
By the time it becomes commercially viable China built 20 LFTR plants and laughs at your inflated power prices.

Germany should share royalty free

Trying to create a fusion reaction using magnetic fields is like trying to crush jello with rubber-bands.

Magnetic force is made up of LINES of force, it is not all-pervasive, like gravity is.

We could be again if we got rid of lottery citizenship and replaced it with a merit based system

Tokamak can still work. I think ITER is still a viable project.
The Stellarator concept has been tried once in a big setup. I think it's too soon to say it is the go-to design for fusion reactors in the future. There's still a lot work to be done.

Oh fuck, are we going full fallout universe in here

You know... We'll just take it.

Theory isn't empirical

Is this is a wendelstein 7x thread?

t.fusion plant

Stop taking everything, the world doesn't belong to you.

All the uneducated mutts need to read this

>proxy fag

I believe we have 2 of the 5 "fusion" generators that take more energy to fuel then we get back (is used to study things not create a Solution to energy problems that nuclear already does desu) but everyone who has gone into fusion research eventually gives up. No matter whether or not you are here in US or at CERN you see fusion as a waste of fucking time and money. Source: half my profs in Eng school

>This technology totally exists guise

lockheed martin: compact fusion. technology has been around for a minute eat shit, faggot

>It's why the government is threatening sanctions against Europe over Nordstream II.

The opposition to North Stream II is the most curious thing out there. There already is a North Stream I pipeline through the same route which is delivering gas to Germany and other EU countries from Europe through the North sea - that pipeline has been operational for over a decade. The new pipeline doubles the total capacity (it’s just a second line), why is anyone opposed to that??

Do tell I wonna kmow, pleeeease.

Indeed it is, wendelstein 7x is the best stein-x.

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Here's a question, why are we still using all of these breakthrough to just turn turbines with steam. Why don't we ever try to harness more of the energy?

More stein

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Literally all thermonuclear bombs are fusion bombs you pillock. The primary fission core induces fusion in a tritium secondary. Without fusion all our warheads would be something like 10kt.

Can't the democrats hate violence

How far along are tbey? I stopped following them some time ago

Because if they wanted us to all go solar who would pay the bills ? with fusion they can just kick you out if you dont pay just like with the classical power suply

Your energy secret? Oh you mean the fact that you rely on russia for power since you dont have enough natural resources to power your own country.

you know the germans have no way of harvesting the thermal energy and have a low conversion rate of hydrogen to helium

a sub 4% conversion rate and no way to dump water on the plasma. why bother.

"hey lets waste grant money on something oh i know lets make a reactor that doesnt provide enough power for a office building"~germany that time they got to drunk at octoberfest

Why does that look like a plastic miniature?

Tokamak can work but you'll never be able to reach the same efficiency as with more complex/fucked up coil setups
you can only run it in short bursts because the stabilising coils need a consistent gain in voltage, which only goes so far
>maybe one could use different sets of stabilizing coils that get run after each other, to get the transition right should be possible, even if more complicated because you would no longer drive up the voltage linear
>I'm not shure if other boundaries would prevent this tho, could well be possible since there would be the need for lots of insulation, best call would probably be to put the whole coils into vacuum (or are they already, I don't really know), plus lots of other stuff I just don't really know enough about

They need the new plasma equations discovered by the SAFIRE project or it won't work.
Whoever incorporates this new math into their design will being the new epoch of post-scarcity!

Attached: SAFIREproject2017-1.jpg (1008x612, 105K)

Tesla's mother was Croatian, a woman by the name of Duka Mandic, and his dad was born in Croatia too but of servian parents, but he called himself Croatian because he didn't like the servs

Fusion is always 50 years away. Very practical. Fusion research is just a way to employ white, boomer males for the next 20 years until they die.

the magnetic field is not for crushing matter, the main funtion is to contain the plasma that is so hot it would melt any metal.

the electricity requiered to create that magnetic "insulator" is so high that you are using more electricity for the electromagnets than you would get out of the tokamak.

that has been the problem all this decades.

The lines are a mere visualisation as a model of what really happens
You could compare them to painting arrows onto seamaps to visualize the great streams

>Why don't we ever try to harness more of the energy?
If you tell us how.

>a low conversion rate of hydrogen to helium
There is no hydrogen to helium fusion taking place in any fusion reactors at the moment.

>you know the germans have no way of harvesting the thermal energy
What do you mean? Are you talking about our Wendelstein 7X reactor?
Of course it has no means to harvest thermal energy. It's a prototype for a certain kind of confinement design.

>a sub 4% conversion rate and no way to dump water on the plasma. why bother.
You have no fucking clue what you are talking about, don't you?

Wendelstein just completed the second phase. The new upgrades started and will be completed in 2020. The third phase that starts then will get Wendelstein to maximum fusion power possible with it at continuous operations (30 min a shot).

It’s 10yrs - 15yrs away (ignition), 20-30yrs for production.

>you can only run it in short bursts because the stabilising coils need a consistent gain in voltage
But isn't the purpose of ITER to make a continuously running fusion reactor?
Why would you need a consistent gain in voltage? You just want to have a certain magnetic field in place, right?

lol whore cares, if we feel like it we'll just steal it.

>The new pipeline doubles the total capacity (it's just a second line), why is anyone opposed to that??
That's exactly what the US opposes it. It doubles the amount of gas that can be supplied to Western Europe that isn't traversing over land pipelines that have to cut through ZOG territories. It leaves fewer and fewer supply gaps that have to be filled with expensive American gas shipped across the ocean on tankers. The "geopolitical excuse" is that this makes Europe too dependent on Russian energy -- but of course the real solution to that would be to manage consumption and pursue renewable to cut Russian purchases. The real reason is because it brings Russian resources and Germany technology together in a sphere that completely cuts out the nigger USA and reveals how superfluous this worthless nigger country really is. Nobody actually needs niggers around. So the US uses violence and economic sanctions to try to disrupt the project or force Europe to buy American gas that is does not have much demand for outside of domestic and Japan [because most North/South American nations have tons of hydrocarbon reserves; Canada/Mexico/Brazil/Venezuela. Argentina supposedly has tons of shale oil and the Falklands are rumored to have huge deepsea oil reserves].


Good analysis. Interesting to read from an American who knows his shit.

Force is a vector so it will always have "lines" as determined by the direction and magnitude

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doof, fusion literally only works as a bomb right now. Or in this case a tremendous energy sink...

Of course it does, silly.

The video I saw about this was impressive. The amount of energy released with how little was put into it is pretty amazing. Remember the video of the tungsten probe just suddenly vaporizing?

You know we could just fucking take it if we want too right?

And if you succeeded we would. We've playing nice with you, we rebuilt your country after the war, we trade with you; but if you try to shift the world's balance of power against us then you'll learn why we're a superpower and you're not real fucking quick.

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Fusion hell, you fusion CUNTS.

you mean better efficiency? thats what everyone is doing , every company is pushing the efficiency mark every year.

for example one of the big things in the recent decade is using DC for transmission lines, remember the war of currents AC vs DC ? well DC developments are proving to be better in many cases. in reallity is a hybrid DC AC system but the rumours in the electric field is that the future may well be DC all the way to your house. (by the way solar is DC )

you can easily buy solar kits , all you need in one set ,i remember 10 years ago you had to get all the pieces individualy and make it work by yourself even the converters were not readily available. now its very easy to do solar in your own home, i got a very basic 100 watts set with a car battery for storage and planning on goin bigger.

We could come in and kick your ass again if we wanted and just fuckn take it lol, who do you think you are talking to son?