Why are (((scientists))) changing their minds about this so suddenly?
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Why are (((scientists))) changing their minds about this so suddenly?
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Page: edition.cnn.com
(((science))) is probably running out of money to prop up their bullshit
They're closing the Star Gate
The elites have abandoned this plane
Time to die
Cause they got BTFO.
The ozone layer hasn't been a big talking point in over a decade.
Climate change is real, and it is fucking excellent. Humans are the best thing to happen to this planet in millions of years. A third of it is a tundra and most of the biomass has been locked underground in oil, we come around and both of those problems are solved.
Science is shit because fedoras killed it.
>skip to 6 minutes
When even the url is suprised
(((They))) are saying that it's because we started regulating CFC's that the ozone is recovering. Idk if they're right though, since I am not trained in environmental science and haven't looked at the studies.
if there was a hole, the radiation of space would be in our atmosphere.
Something like this should take thousands of years is what I would think. I read somewhere that meteors entering our atmosphere repairs the ozone.
Climate change changed from fake global warming. All BS. Way to get government grant money do nothing professors
Almost everything the left says is a lie. Ozone was never an issue, coral reefs aren’t an issue, there is more trees now than any other point in human history, Brooklyn will be underwater by 2015...
It’s “man made” climate change hysteria, not just climate change. The climate always changes throughout time.
I wouldn’t go that far. Every real science can test hypotheses and used controlled experiments. Climate scientists only observe and measure things and go off of correlations. A physicist can come up with a theory and measure a particles speed. A geneticist can mutate genes and use a complementation test to prove their function.
>Why are (((scientists))) changing their minds about this so suddenly?
Ozone layer issue was an old problem that was caused by aerosol gasses that tore a hole through it. Greenhouse gasses are another issue.
>climate change and the ozone layer are the same thing
The Ozone hasn’t been an issue for a climate change, it’s an issue of UV rays increasing rates of skin cancer
They'll lie to your face and smile about it. They think your eradication is a virtue.
New regulations greatly reduced the type of chemicals that were causing the hole from being released into the athmosphere retards. We would have acid rain and shit too that they predicted in the 1970s if we didn't take those actions. Stopping global warming is harder though, and will take much more effort.
Peterson's hot take
If we nuke China it will heal in 5.
>nuke China
>radioactive dustcloud blocks out the sun and mixes into rain water and the oceans fucking up the planet permanently
Remember acid rain being taught as hard as climate change is taught today? Remember how scientists predicted a global ice age?
I do. I bet most of you don’t.
Still worth nuking China.
>Only now marked statistically
>Didn't exist before hand. ...
Read you illiterate room temperature protozoan IQ neutral nigger.
I don’t. Maybe you should stop reading Time Magazine
The "hole in the ozone layer" was always complete nonsense. Its a natural phenomenon that has nothing to do with humans.
Even the environmentalists admited back then that they don't have any actual evidence. In order to outlaw CFCs they cite something they made up called the "precautionary principle" which means "we don't have any actual evidence for this but we're gonna ban CFCs anyway because fuck you."
When will people finally get that Ultraviolet radiation is a contributor to global warming?
what a crock of shit, look at china...the world is more polluted than ever. china basically has the equivalent of 5 or 6 industrial revolutions all happening at once.
Ozone has been replenishing the past 30 years while the climate has gotten warmer.
It was about funding all along. Democrats believe in global warming so global warming was real when democrats were in power. Republicans don't believe in global warming so now global warming isn't real. (((Climate science))) is all about shekels.
Is there proof that the Ozone hole wasn’t there before? How can they be sure there wasn’t always a hole? This has always bothered me.
The destruction of the natural world is not the result of capitalism, industrialization, Western civilization, or any flaw in human institutions. It is a consequence of the evolutionary success of of an exceptionally rapacious primate. Throughout all of history and prehistory, human advance has coincided with ecological devastation.
>climate change experts
The Earth's ozone layer is doomed.
>china doesn't exist
>these frivolous regulations we passed in NYC & LA saved the world
>i-i-im totally not reaching and full of shit
>let us regulate a lot more for something else we havent proven
Solar output of Ultraviolet has also increased. And the data correlate with the warming.
My grandfather discovered acid rain
But what about the "precautionary principle"! We need to ban CFCs anyway because what if the theory turns out to be right despite the complete lack of evidence?
What you don’t know is the infinite amount of other things going on and also there the fact that you’re a dumb shit
bullshit, how the fuck can a few cans of hairspray make it all the way to the southern vortex and effect a breeakdown while the billions of tons of chlorine released by the oceans not go anywhere?
Chlorine does not like to stay in water. Seawater is full of chlorine. That's why the ocean air is corrosive, it is literally an outpouring of HCL. Whioch should unironically be worse with higher ocean temps.
Learn 2 chemistry dumbfuck.
And roving clouds of murderous CO2 are going to kill us all.
>actually heard this in a college class
No he was just tripping on acid
It isn’t real but the effects of the (((industrial))) civilisation are nature are fucking real.
>At the recovery rates projected by the UN report, the northern hemisphere and mid-latitude ozone is scheduled to heal completely by the 2030s, followed by the southern hemisphere in the 2050s and polar regions by 2060.
That’s pretty fucking good. I don’t care about the Southern hemisphere and oh my God, who cars about icebeads and pengiuns? Just smear them full of sunscreen.
Gonna throw out a guess that it was caused by nukes and not pollution.
Ever wonder why all sides decided to stop?
When i was a little kid all i heard was that the ozone hole was a global crisis that was going to destroy all life on earth.
>ozone hole in the news
Well....the students fell for it, and have filed a lawsuit against the US back in 2015. Curious to see how this plays out, considering the US Airforce's admitted geomodification program. The Trump admin has been attempting to block it from going before a judge, and hearing the 10-21 yr old plaintiffs' case.
>climut chng dunt real
The hole in the ozone layer and "climate change" are two separate issues.
OP picture dilated... Do I really need to answer your retarded question...
>Climate change
Remember that time Obama claimed the Earth would begin healing itself if he was elected?
Correct. The right way to say it is "Solar Change."
Related* fucking phone keyboard
There is no hole in the ozone.
What is above us is a firmament, a Jesus Bowl if you will, and we can't break through that.
This dumb bitch thinks she can break through however, but she can't because it's a Jesus Bowl, and she's just a dumb bitch.
at least we dont have any unironic flat earthers haha rite guise?
* A doubling of preindustrial CO2, absent any feedbacks, would result in a maximum forcing of +1.2C.
* The General Circulation Models, and the IPCC, predict 2-8C of warming because AGW theory assumes a positive H2O feedback. They assume that if CO2 causes a little warming, the atmosphere will hold more water vapor and that more water vapor will lead to a lot of warming.
* The warming predictions cover such a large range because everyone assumes a different average H2O feedback rate.
* Every GCM based on this assumption has failed to model temperatures for the past 18 years. They are all trending too high.
* In the late 1990's the modelers themselves stated that if they missed their predictions for more then a decade that would falsify AGW theory.
* There is no data to suggest a +H2O feedback either now or in Earth's past.
* If there is no +H2O feedback then we literally have nothing to worry about.
* The average climate change believer knows none of this. Politicians, citizens, activists, surprisingly even a lot of scientists are literally ignorant of the theory and the math. In their mind it's simply "CO2 = bad" and "experts say we're warming faster then ever."
I grew up hearing about this. Remember the drama over aerosol hairsprays destroying the planet?
Doom is always 10 years away- When doom never comes you just turn the hourglass over.
Rinse repeat and get rich for generations off of morons buying into the scam.
That's good news
We were taught about acid rain too
Does it not happen?
The ozone layer is a seperate issue. And they already fixed this issue by banning CFCs. Thats why your sprays tend to be flamable now. CFCs made them non flammable but hurt the atmosphere.
LOL what keks they are weaseling out of it
Remember when they said we needed to BAN gas cars and coal etc
The hole in the ozone was not caused by the release of CFCs like the EPA says. It was caused by the militaries weapon tests in the atmosphere.
The first time I made a flamethrower with a spray was when Mortal Kombat came out so they must have banned CFCs a long time ago
what about China and India fucking up the planet?
Acid rain happens. It’s not like it burns you, it’s slightly acidic and eats away at shit, most notably stone structures from our past.
Maybe, but we had record number (11) of days with +20C in October, and so far November is very warm too. (should have been 0-5C and heavy rain at this time of year)
SHEEP or NPC? Choose your flavor.
we just have to use high efficiency "green" nukes and offset the rest with carbon credits.
Changing their mind? Maybe new data pointed towards a new hypothesis or conclusion. Why the fuck is OP retarded on purpose?
In 70’s they said ice age
me too I saw it on captain planet.
No they were related they acted like that hole accelated the climate changes
Climate change Isreal
It was lightning. Every time electricity arcs in our atmosphere ozone is produced.
>I don’t care about the Southern hemisphere
Not a scientist but probably the radiation in the south causes indirect damage to the northern hemisphere.
That also makes sense.
Remember how CFCs got banned out of most products, removing the reason for the drama?
theres more factors to climate change as a whole then that
This is them trying to brag about how they've fixed things, and it's purpose is to justifying fixing more things like stopping you from emitting co2 during breathing
the hole in the ozone layer only pops up in the winter time around the polar regions when there's no sunlight which is necessary to create ozone in the atmosphere.
it's a giant fucking lie that humans are responsible for it.
Show me the bibliogaphy on that graph.
For what reason?
The only way to stop global warming is to kill all white people.
You got that right nigger. Without white people niggers will go back to living in the jungle.
Come get some.
Ay my dude, can you hit yo boi up with a source on this info?
I'm just now starting to doubt my stance on global warming and would like some solid evidence/literature to defend an anti-global warming stance.
Thanks in advance
It is chlorofluorohydrocarbons that are blamed for ozone depletion, not chlorine.
>the ocean air is corrosive due to chlorine
>Literally an outpouring of HCl
Lrn 2 chem yourself
Are you retarded? Acid rain is a verifiable thing.
>shut up and pay that carbon tax you goyim
Ozone depletion has little to do with climate change. Ozone depletion is caused by aerosols, specifically refrigerants such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
The reason for this recovery is because there was global action to reduce CFC emissions, and that impact is finally starting to show itself, despite some countries with little to no regulation on CFCs continuing to produce them and use them in large quantities.
I really don't know why you're trying to relate climate change, which is predominantely related to various human activities including CO2 emissions and the resulting changes in climate from a warming planet, and the ozone depletion which is in a completely different part of the atmosphere (stratosphere) than where climate change (troposphere).
Underrated post
Beacause people are starting to realize that the best solution to environmental problems is to embrace the demographic decrease. And this would mean to stop immigration.