Last one hit 300
Let's talk about politics, all anyone talks about is fucking
Publix subs

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Anyone /941/ here?

Season it yourself.

>not voting for Stanley

Explain yourselves

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Sitting here waiting on my blue tears drank.

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Just got off work, about to go vote in 386


Sweep is on the way for this county. Other county faggots get out and Vote your asses off!!!

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/absentee/ here. voted red down the ticket. godspeed

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that's a nice corvette
what bodykit?

Based Florida Man

Yeah doing that too

any chance Crist loses?

I was 813 when I lived in Florida.
>move there from Chicagoland area
>all of my sports jerseys were Chicago oriented
>get shit on every time I wear any of them
>nearly get in fight at bar for asking them if they would put on Blackhawks game
>Tampa Bay Lightning territory son
>you can get hurt wearing Hawks gear
>Tell them to fuck off
>get up and start closing distance
>A-user we're just giving you a hard time
Bleh. I wasn't even in town when the Cubs won the series although I was watching it on TV.
>Purdue University FTW

407 straight red. Just sitting at work desk waiting to decide if its a good time to leave or not yet.

also peep my flag you're in for a surprise

/904/ going to vote straight red with my girlfriend after work, so in about an hour

Non Floridianite here, redpill me on Publix

Florida is an easy win for DeSantis, literally no contest.

for real they are just a sandwich, the culture down here is dry
also fuck that one dem for governor

Best supermarket you've ever been in.

The Lightning and Rays are the only good thing we have going and we have to keep up with the northern and Candian hockey fans who don't think we count as a hockey town.
So we have to keep up with the smacktalk and chirps.
Any Bucs fans that bust other fans balls is just a subhuman shit for brains looking for trouble.
Same for any cunt who gets physical over a jersey.

it's like any grocery store, but with slightly higher prices and a decent deli and bakery

Just a nice grocery store. It's employee owned I guess but I'm not clear on all of that.

Reminder that this will destroy our tourist economy and anyone who votes for this guy is a retard.

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oh, and don't forget about the retard baggers

Just got done voting for Andrew Gillum boys. Did I do good

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Is this a thing at all Publix's? I thought it was just mine...

>it's like any grocery store, but with slightly higher prices and a decent deli and bakery
Weekly bogo, freshly made food, depending on which area you're great customer service.

754/954 broward bro reporting in


The thing I miss the ABSOLUTE MOST about florida

worked at store 627 for three years

561/954 here

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You can buy liquor here at liquor stores 7 days a week, 365 days a year between the hours of 6am and 2am

352 here. Voted early last friday. Gonna get me a Pub sub and get cozy.

Of all things I want Bill Nelson's mummified ass out and to make sure that closeted gaywad Gillium stays out.

apparently buying beer from walmart or cvs is taboo to northerners

727 here.

free antibiotics

the funny thing is that the legislature would never accept this


drinking costco johnnie walker tonight to celebrate the red tsunami

The guys in Zephyrhills sure seemed to get upset about it. Same shit every time I'd wear a different jersey or shirt.
>Oh look he's wearing a Bears jersey
>hurr hurr so original
>Oh you like the Cubs? I heard they are in the gay part of town
>It's the North side, can't help where fags congregate.
>Already talked about the Blackhawks
I did meet a really nice group of bikers at the bar I would go to though.

Florida is a strange place. I look at it and laugh. It's doom is all but certian and in many ways the peril manifests itself in day to day life. On the other hand, I enjoy it here.

I look forward to riding out another calamity with your meth addicts, inbreds, and other assorted classes of white trash. When the end comes, at least we can say together, that we deserved it.

They charge you more than costco but less than hoefoods and are much closer to your house, black employees will say hi as you're walking down the isle. I used to go to a local sandwich place (620 subs in boca raton) that was a great value, but then they stupidly remodeled their hole-in-the-wall store and had to raise their prices to the point where it was like $10 for an 8-inch cold cut. I switched to publix and go only when good stuff are on special and I like it better. $5 for an italian with everything on, the fried chicken tenders for $7 is probably the most hyped. Saw some college kids snapchatting it or something in august when school started.

From Hallandale, voted all red

Man I fucking hope because that nigger is beyond corrupt

Thanks. Are their sub sandwiches extra good or something? How do they compare to national chains like Subway?

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Only thing here is liquor can’t be sold in grocery stores, so the way around it is every Publix, Walmart grocery, Winn Dixie, etc has a connected separate liquor store. Along with all the dothead liquor stores. 321 here btw, voted straight red as did my wife and everyone in both our families

Personally I think they're shit and never buy them. Jersey Mike's for me.

Thank you for taking the time to type that response user

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Zephyrhills is infested with trailer park fuck heads and old tards.
You seriously have to avoid and ignore they're stupid asses.

To be fair, Jerseys Mike's has no equal

just got back from first time voting, red down the sheet
thank you papercraft/origami forum I would never let you down

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Jersey Mikes is shit. Real chads eat at Penn Station

High prices
Low pay
Stale sub bread that sits above the counter if they arnt busy
And they paid $800,000 to lobby against medical marijuana

Sprouts has better food and a better deli.

>penn station
time to suicide


i feel sorry for you florida fags
T. Ohioan

>Jerseys Mike's
would you like some lettuce on your salt?

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Get the fuck out of my state


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813/Pasco reporting in. Plenty of people voting red here. Panhandle still needs to come in clutch as always.

Jersey Mike's is worse than Subway


Sprouts? And how much more are you paying for your sub you fucking hippie??

I didn't mind living there though. It always seemed like some crazy shit was popping up on Liveleak for Pasco County and Zephyrhills. I'm on LL watching a video of a truck being driven into the front of a gun store and I have this feeling that I know the store. I look closer at it and I'm convinced it was the gun store in the plaza by Publix and Home Depot. Read the description and that's exactly what it is, not only that but they've done the same thing to this store and another.

If you have not voted yet do it get out and tell everyone you know to go out and vote red down the ticket today is the LAST CHANCE.

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>Plenty of people voting red here
of course, it's fucking pasco

Where are my 407/321 fags at?

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I have a serious question to anyone who lives in high Muslim areas/communities like Temple Terrace.
Do you notice the towel head women and their kids never come out until dusk?
We're on the subject of Publix but I never see these cocksuckers until then and they flood the supermarkets at night.

they're not allowed outside during the day

386 here, when will results be posted?

Ormond/Daytona, you?

Not even close. Their cold subs are comparable but "the juice" tips the scales in Jersey Mike's favor, and when it comes to hot subs like cheese steak Jersey Mike's wins by a mile.
That's funny

12" italian, with dirty chips and mt.dew. Awwww yisss!

used to live around a lot of Moroccans they're women are not allowed at all until their husbands are home.

Better than Piggly Wiggly?

I'd also like to thank Jacksonville for being the only major city in FL to go red in 2016.

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Best bakery known to man

I dont eat subs but pasture raised butter is half the price at sprouts. Sprouts has a better deli, great cuts of meat and seafood. They have good weekly sales and their fresh deli bacon goes on sale often. Ive got 6lbs of it at the moment cuz it was 2.99 a pound this weekend.

Only thing is their hot breakfast sausage. Bought 6 of them on sale for 2.99 each this week.

everyone talks about publix subs, but nobody talks about their potato wedges and tendies. have some of that with a tub of southern potato salad

321bro here. We fucking got this.

850 based panhandle reporting

Let’s not monkey this up anons.


my ldr gf and her parents voted red down there
Godspeed Florida

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I live in florida. I havent gone to vote yet. Just woke up actually. Ill be goin out in about an hour to do what I gotta do though.

What's wrong with Pasco County?

Another thing about Florida.
> I move there
>I'm fucking around on Tinder trying to meet some people
>get a feel for the area
>match with a verifiable cutie who is into craft beer
>knows this brewery from around where I came from
>she wants to hang out
>picks me up
>on our way to Ibor City
>she pulls over
>Hey user, want to do some meth?
>That's not really a thing back north
>Try it user
>I'm good
>get out of the car and start walking home
>fucking meth man

I know exactly where you're talking about.
I lived there for about a year and yeah crazy shit went on there all the time because it there is a law enforcement precinct mix up.
Zephyrhills and Wesley Chapel are pretty much on top of each other and there was a area code change in recent years. Also most of the roads are on a state road. So when you need LEO to show up you might get Zephyrhills/Wesley Chapel PD or you'll have to wait for the highway patrol.
Never forget my mom had a close call out there because some redneck fuck ran a light with his pregnant step daughter (I'm not making this shit up the highway patrol knew the guy by description and was familiar with him), all because he needed gas.
She had to wait almost an hour and a half for the highway patrol to come while city PD cruisers were driving by.
Old boy left the scene after almost hitting her and they let him off with a warning despite running a red light.
It's a real shit show out there. Quiet and the housing complexes are nice but some of the folks are huge cunts.

Okay that's explains it.
I lived next to a whole brood of them and they would all pack into cars and go to the big fucking gold mosque on certain days.
I always wondered why they wait until sundown and why are they so fucking rude?
The cunts will run carts into you and not even act like they're sorry.

Walking by my local mosque last week and 2 hijabis are on the sidewalk far away from the mosque. Walk by them and overhear "she says she's moving out when she turns 18." So much for shariar law hahaha



>What's wrong with Pasco County?
meth to the east, pills to the west, and minorities sandwiched in the middle

>based panhandle
Tallahassee doesn't count

Broward county here. I'm in college today. Worry not, I voted Saturday.

It's a total Trump rally in here. I found a single liberal classmate, but he's a noncitizen and can't vote. If this is the youth vote down here Democrats are FUCKED.

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>Zephyrhills and Wesley Chapel are pretty much on top of each other
fun fact, my mailbox is in wesley chapel, but my house is in zephyrhills

Keep your eyes on the news user.
Muslim father honor killing.

434 straight R reporting

Try Pensacola. Nigger

Fresh loaf of hot chicago italian bread. OMG!

386 here also. Ormond Beach Public Library near Granada Bridge is flooded with DeSantos signs. like 100s. Voted straight red ticket this AM at 10:30 and it was packed. Taking GF to vote after she gets off work. MAGA!!!!!!