>more young voter turnout
>the D's think they have it in the bag
>oh shit the kids aren't dumb libs anymore
Thank you based internet.
>more young voter turnout
>the D's think they have it in the bag
>oh shit the kids aren't dumb libs anymore
Thank you based internet.
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It's gonna be interesting. I have hope in the youth to be democrat, but I'm not confident.
>zoomers accomplish more in 18 years than boomers do in a lifetime
this 2 contradict each other
the majority of gen z is still under 18
So, you're retarded? No sane rational person could be a democrat in the current year.
I want lower costs for education and healthcare, more gun control and higher taxation on the richest of the rich. Don't see any good alternative to Democrats, unfortunately.
You sure love your buzzwords.
>I want lower costs for education and healthcare
>and higher taxes
Choose both
>lower costs for education and healthcare
so why are you voting for the party that subsidizes those industries?
I do.
Because they'll get the costs lower.
there is nothing rational about the current Democratic platform. It's really just "fuck whitey"
Tell me how replacing the demographics of the usa with third worlders helps our country. Under dems 100s of thousands of "refugees" (aka fighting age men) would be admitted to the usa
how? by taking money from other people to pay for it?
Yikes, didn't know the white ego was that fragile to construe the democrat platform like that.
>Because they'll get the costs lower.
When, in the history of the government, have they decreased costs compared to the free market?
Cheaper education= federally subsidized loans = colleges become overpriced drinking and fraternizing establishments = everyone graduates as slaves with $100k debt
I don't agree with the democrats on how they're treating immigration, but there's more I agree with them on than I disagree with. I also agree with their methods to save the planet from climate change, by the way.
From the richest, yes.
>I also agree with their methods to save the planet from climate change
Give up sovereignty in exchange for taxation?
>I also agree with their methods to save the planet from climate change, by the way.
Send money to china and india?
>feds start subsidizing higher education
>cost of attendance skyrockets
>value of degree goes down
>quality of education goes down outside of a handful of institutions that have outstanding programs
>we're helping!
You bring up a good point. Why the fuck is Jow Forums so anti-Jewish yet so against higher taxes for the richest? Never even thought about this before.
>young people
>He who is not a (liberal) at twenty compels one to doubt the generosity of his heart; but he who, after thirty, persists, compels one to doubt the soundness of his mind.
This is assuming the democrats bungle it hard. It's not as clear-cut as all that.
Trump owns the internet
(((They))) overplayed their hand with their dominance in the media. When the platform changed over to internet they were slow to change with it, and it escaped from their grasp.
Now the divide has only grown as people now look back to most forms of media realizing how utterly shit they are as the kikes desperately try to repair their image from fake news while appealing to younger generations more concerned about what their video game lets players have to say
Subsidies don't lower costs, faggot.
So your grandkids are going to deal with high crime shitholes right here in the usa thanks to your vote. Congrats. Have fun when diversity moves in right next door to you. Allahu akbar. Oh and someone tell don lemon that 1% of the population (muslims) commit 23% of terrorism here. Democrat policies move the usa closer and closer to being third world. You should be ashamed for contributing to the death of the usa. And i love how libs love to demonize whites but dont answer when asked why the whole world wants to live in white countries
because pol is a bunch of 19 year old edgelords who love to talk about killing blacks and jews.
>My kids deal with niggers and trannies
>My kids deal with considerably more fucked up temperatures lifelong debts if they want to get education or happen to be unlucky and get cancer, and my grandkids might not even get to exist because the world will be straight up fucked
Yep, pretty easy choice right here. Guess my priorities are different from yours.
>outs himself as a gun grabber
lifelong debts to jewish bankers because
the immigrants they bring in drive down wages and drive up mortgage and healthcare costs.
>falling this hard for the climate change meme
Even by the UN's own projections, if the US cut all carbon emissions by 2050 (yes, ALL emissions, an absurd prospect) the effect on the climate would be negligible.
true, how can it be it is people!
Cool, I guess we should just stop trying. Accept demise. Nah, that's pussy ass shit.
Okay, cripple your economy for literally zero reason then, you utter dunce.
Cripple the economy to hopefully save the world from death. Sounds reasonable to me.
Wait til the whole middle east is here committing suicide bombings weekly. The usa is HATED by foreigners. And they will come here to kill americans. Fact.
Watching TV is like reading those old snake pill ads in readers digest from the 1930s or something. It's so transparent. The propaganda on the internet is so high level it makes you perma-aware of the shitty propaganda in the real world being fed to normies and boomers
>hopefully save the world from death.
But China
I don't think that's a certainty, but if it happens, I guess that will mean our police will have to be tougher than ever. I'll think about that when we get there. Right now, I want education and healthcare costs to drastically go down.
Trying to fuck China up to either get its shit together or suffer is the next step. Look inward, then outward.
It will get there with liberal control and wont be simple to fix. Hopefully you wake up
Certainly will be simpler to fix than education, healthcare, climate change, etc
>This is assuming the democrats bungle it hard.
The feds are currently subsidizing higher education right now and that is exactly what happened you fucking retard.
While under Republican control. This is an half-assed push to fix shit that comes from the precarious situation the democrats find themselves in.
After growing up during the Obama years and seeing what it’s like with a Democrat nigger in charge and then seen how better everything is now that trump is in office.
This was my first time being able to vote and I voted republican.
If your young don’t be a fagget and vote republican so we don’t go backwards.
The program was started decades ago. Do you think the student loan crisis just fell out of the sky?
It's been sabotaged and not properly supported
>for the richest
Define what that means. If you mean people making over 50 million a year, they are so wealthy that they can basically ignore taxes all together.
If you mean people making over a million, you're going to be attacking a lot of small and medium sized business owners.
>they are so wealthy that they can basically ignore taxes all together
What does this mean? That they don't need to pay them? That's the problem.
After watching this commercial I don't think you should be able to vote until age 30. The world needs informed voters, not children being encouraged to stuff the ballot box by giant corporations
All of the problems you identify can be solved by killing off all nonwhites, all Muslims, and all degenerates. This is not even hard.
Ethnoeuropeans need to go on a holy Crusade to cleanse the earth.
eww. miss me with those ugle beaners
>this 2
evidence to the contrary
That's not gonna happen.
None of that is worth the regressive social justice thought policing.
Are you unironically dumb enough to vote for science-denying repubs?
>science denying.
Two genders.
>The usa is HATED by foreigners. And they will come here to kill americans. Fact.
C'mon, not all of foreigners hate the USA %%I don't%%
>What does this mean? That they don't need to pay them? That's the problem.
And how do you plan on stopping that? By freezing their assets and forcing them to stay? They avoid taxes primarily because they are not the same type of citizen you and I are. They can literally pack their bags and move their assets with them whenever they need to.
The last time you idiots were in power, you did the exact opposite on both healthcare and education, were almost directly responsible for the highest gun sales in US history, and the wealth gap between the ever shrinking middle class and the "richest of the rich" grew almost exponentially.
If pol is any indication, zoomers are a lot more conservative than millennials
>I can't refute you so I'll use shaming insults like a woman
>And how do you plan on stopping that?
Dunno, but I'm for whichever Democrat promises they'll try it.
Do you know where you are? That feint will not work any more.
That's as fucking hilarious as voting for republicans because they promise to crack down on illegal immigration.
A complete demographic change will be easier to fix than healthcare and education? LmfaoafmL
>Conveniently ignoring climate change
Very cheeky
3rd world countries and china are the worst contributers to climate change. In africa they have rivers of garbage and the streets are disgusting
how are american climate change policies going to fix this?
That's bullshit. I can just turn the question around, then. Why the fuck does it matter our demographics if we're all extinct in a century?
At best only white guys are republicans. All younglings I talked with today are voting dem.
I for one would like to thank all the based zoomers who do barrel rolls shoop da whoop and are OVER 9000
If they vote republican, yes they are still dumb.
Instead you'll get higher taxes and more niggers
Good choice
I am sorry, let us go hand in hand to Beijing and begin fixing it. But remember to check if the smog is going to be really bad this week.. and bring your mask regardless because the air is already toxic.
>you voted for jeb!
You realize that if you took all their money it wouldn't even be a drop in the bucket for what you want to do.
Delusional fucking retard.
sounds like 1930's Germany
I voted for Trump, and you're low IQ
I know a jeb! supporter when I see it.
Because your children are going to be raped by refugees. Heard of the grooming gangs in england? If not, look it up. And we arent going to be extinct in 100 years lol plus america cant stop the pollution of other countries
Lmao. I’m 19 years old and I just voted straight republican. These libs are in for a surprise
Did you floss afterwards?
>more gun control
Go fuck yourself.
Why are you faggots so interested in education for the future? Your white kids will still be discriminated regardless of their degree and will have an hard time in racist ivy leagues. You want to save the world? Climate change, population explosion and lack of reslurces... look in yourself in the mirror: is it really a white problem? And if it isn't, how can you trust democrats to solve it when they'll make niggers that attack cops into heroes?
Good shit brother. Im 25 voting for the first time, lol. All red boii
You just voted for the jews. Congratulations.
>The absolute state of dem logic
You'll REEEE soon enough
So why white people should care about the future of the world when they are being persecuted in their own country and facing a slow genocide? Face it, climate change can be solved only if the countries first of all take back their racial unity.
95% of broads are.
If you hate white genocide then why are you voting for open borders capitalists / jews?
Unironically wish Jow Forums had upvotes just so I could upvote this.
You also take some money away from the millitary (Trump has gone one step in the right direction here by being less hawkish)
Theres literally only 2 options in the usa, repub or dem. And voting dem will ensure as many 3rd worlders as possible will be imported here
Wrong. progressive dems are the only anti jew party.