so whos winning
So whos winning
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Judging by that picture ... KFC
The Jews
Not ISIS or the people who give stinger missiles going to al qaeda - hopefully.
I didnt know Taylor was pregnant.
Please tell me she will lose
Whoever makes Spanx.
She looks smashing you incel
snooort oink oink snort snort oink oink oink oink
Im jk I agree that shes hot at that thiccness but im dating a recovering anorexo who made me see so many bodies as fat lmao help
The Jews.
They've taken Tay Tay away from us.
I've never found TayTay attractive, but this is clearly the best she's ever looked.
whoever is fucking this thicc, blonde, white Anglo goddess
Don't post this dumb thot ever again
Taytay and the manlet democrats
My dick
still rapable tho
Wow. She got FAT.
imagine training so hard to be an elite soldier all your life and you end up in pic related's sorry state
Men can't get pregnant you nob.
She doesn't do thicc as well as other white girls.
They can if they identify as women. It's basic biology.