I'm pretty sure you lose the right to vote when imprisoned

I'm pretty sure you lose the right to vote when imprisoned..

Isn't this illegal?

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Not if they are not felons

depends on the state im guessing. these crooked politicians dont give a shit about people they just want power

They shouldnt be able to vote until they're done with probation.

You gave up your rights as a citizen when you violated your society's rules.

Imagine being offended when you don't even know the law, Jow Forums in a nutshell

>Isn't this illegal?
If that was the case then blacks would never be allowed to vote

Over here jail and prison are two different things.

Its only if youre a felon britbong

900 democrats


900 niggers actually

States have the right to determine the eligibility to vote in their own elections.

only for felons, but you can petition to have your rights returned after a period of time following completion of your sentence

We all violate societies rules aka Jews rules. They just got caught. Some did worse things than others.

Jail ≠ prison

Imagine thinking it's legitimate for criminals to decide on the laws

Felons cannot vote, those jailed may be facing charges but not be felons and therefore are entitles to a vote.

It can't be illegal if the ones that passed it make the laws

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There are even states where felons can still vote.

This should be a new bill proposal, those convicted of a misdemeanor resume voting privileges after incarceration

Criminals who've been approved as fit to rejoin society should have the right to vote.

some felons can vote though, it's a state-by-state sort of thing.

me and all my niggas voted republican

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Even jail niggers will vote republic.

The Tax 4 Votez program

Attached: DrSc-CwX4AA4wkM.jpg (546x900, 105K)

>well goyim, if you vote blue, we’ll take it as you finally redeeming yourself and showing remorse for your crimes

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>Mexican gang members
>Incarcerated criminals
>Hollywood pedophiles
>Pride parade perverts
>Inner city thugs
>Single mothers
>Baby murderers
>Illegal aliens
>Antifa rioters
The left keeps wonderful company don't they

I think if it's severe enough to demand a prison sentence, the person shouldn't be voting.

Oh I forgot a few
>Big pharma
>Big banks
>Media conglomerates

Obviously Ted Bundy or John Wayne Gacy shouldn't vote. IMHO if someone's convicted of armed robbery or another such felony but after a while has been rehabilitated to the point of rejoining society, they shouldn't be blocked from doing so.

Can confirm.

When NYPD bring someone in for booking on misdemeanor charges they ask if they are a registered voter. If they are not then the police contact an "election assistant" to get them registered on the spot and reminded to vote in their next election.

The same process has been happening in the jails with folks serving time for misdemeanor charges. These "election assistants" come in on visiting days as volunteer workers and register people (inmates and visitors) to vote.

Felons obviously cannot be registered to vote and they are not registered. .

Line up Prisoners
Tell them they can get time off if they vote democrat

I see voting as a privilege, not a right.

It should be reserved for the best citizens. And criminals are not among them.

Imagine reading this post in 15 years when misgendering someone is a felony.

As an originalist, only white male slaveowners should vote.

It's not murder if the baby is a nigger and most furries are far right

incorrect blacks can vote niggers cant one fails to understand that roughly 70% of blacks are niggers but their are some good ones out there

>thinking voting will matter at that point.

Civil war will happen long before that.

Voting is a responsibility, not a privilege, btw
If a criminal has actually demonstrated remorse and will and capacity to become a full citizen (maybe not simply completing their sentence, but also being distinguished by the authorities as exceptional), and the original crime wasn't so heinous as to demonstrate an irreparable incompatibility with society, why should who they were and what they have left behind be irreversibly tied to them? That'd probably hinder or disincentivize the reform or reintegration of someone otherwise capable.

Responsibility and a privilege*

>literally getting the scum of the earth to vote for your party
I dunno', if this was my party I'd stop and reconsider things.

>most furries are far right
No they're not faggot

This should be a more widespread system.


But you have to be careful with this, as good as that ideally would be, what if people were convicted falsely? Or even worse, framed to cull inconvenient voters.

If they pass some other bullshit terrorism act and manage to twist it so your local proud boy-esque group's meet up is charged with terrorism, that's fifty votes right there. Yeah it sounds unlikely but always apply the law and its repercussions to the innocent first before getting behind a law.

>register to vote
>get a Honeybun