When will results start coming in?

When will results start coming in?

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As soon as the script has been rehearsed enough times.

6:00 PM EST
1 hour from now

Non murican here, what are you guys voting for right now?

Midterm elections.

6:00 pm EST is when the first polls close. Results should be known by midnight.

That's not true. 7 PM EST the polls close. They cannot, by law, begin to report results anytime prior.

The exit polls are about to be released, however.

midterms? can you regret voting for someone and vote again for a different president? is that even allowed?

>Non murrican here
We can literally see your flag. We fucking know.

Yes, its going to be HER TURN!

Damn it Mexico, if you don't learn our civics better you'll never pass the citizenship test. Oh wait, you didn't plan to take it after you snuck in.

"Exit polls don't mean anything" - old people

Just here to watch Jow Forums get dabbed on

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come on man, cut me some slack

The rabbit kicked the bucket.
Details forthcoming.

It is going to be hilarious one way or another.

Exit polls are exactly when we figured out we shit wasn't as it seemed in 2016. And this is the first year that factors in early votes.

We are voting for various senate seats, house of rep seats, and governorships and other state government posts, with some ballet questions tossed in as well in some states.

When they come up with the excuse for the red tsunami.

Can't wait to wake up tomorrow and see those crying faces again. Just like 2016. Gonna be good.

You’re gonna be suprised. Trump will win house and senate

so that means this midterm is to decide if your country will be full republican or democrat regardless of the president?

It could, but it could also mean two parties with rough parity and achieving only gridlock until the next elections.

Should be similar order this year.

So Indiana Senate and a few competitive House races will start the night off. The Senate race is a must win for Democrats, while Republicans can win without it if need be.

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I hope so guys, but I have a bad feeling about this one. Then again, two years ago I was sure Hillary would win and strip the franchise from huwhite males to the thunderous applause of NPCs and the media. So I have a history of being wrong about this shit.

let's hope the US goes full republican, i just want to see twitter implode

Our legislature has staggered elections so there isn't a one day turnover. This is just one of them

Last night on the FL governor race.
MSNBC fucked up and let the fix out of the bag

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Idiot and a liar. The FIRST results (indiana, kentucky) come in at 6pm EST.

It's a win/win for non-Americans.
If democrats win, we can enjoy seething Americans on Jow Forums damage controlling and coping. If republicans win, we can enjoy seething Americans on Twitter, Tumblr, etc damage controlling and coping.

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The most likely outcome is that the dems get a slight advantage, as is often the case in midterms. I'd be surprised if it's a blue wave but more surprised if red keeps it.

It's my first mid term holy shit I'm nervous.

>as is often the case in midterms
historically conservatives have an upper hand in the midterms cause young people tended not to vote in them.
this year is different cause social media and TDS has got them all uppity and shit.


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