Weed is degenerate and NPC, bluepilled trash

weed is degenerate and NPC, bluepilled trash.

it makes you fat and constantly buy into the consumerist mindset of the world. it keeps you sedated and retarded.

>inb4 weed made me woke. it actually opened my eyes to the jewish question and other redpilled ideas!1!1!!
no the only thing that might awaken you is some psychedelics. weed just give some the illusion of being awake while you suckle at the jewish tit.

stop smoking weed. it’s literally for niggers and spics.

switch to tobacco. nothing is more based and redpilled.

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>weed is degenerate and NPC, bluepilled trash.
[citation and proof needed]
>it makes you fat and constantly buy into the consumerist mindset of the world. it keeps you sedated and retarded.
i legit have outgrown money, op.
your argument is invalid.
>inb4 weed made me woke. it actually opened my eyes to the jewish question and other redpilled ideas!1!1!!
if you believe the jews are a problem you are not redpilled.
>no the only thing that might awaken you is some psychedelics. weed just give some the illusion of being awake while you suckle at the jewish tit.
weed is a hallucinogen, dumbass.
>stop smoking weed. it’s literally for niggers and spics
then how does it work for every race?
>switch to tobacco. nothing is more based and redpilled
tobacco is for terrorists.
quit funding turkey.

>it makes you fat
Didn't for me.

>constantly buy into the consumerist mindset of the world
Didn't for me.

>keeps you sedated
That's why I smoke it, you dolt!

I'm like, really smart.

Have Americans never heard of moderation?

yeah i dont get this. i use it for sleep

Not true, I smoked a bowl and went out to vote for Gillum earlier

2/3rds? how much is a gram in burgerland?

I don't fucking care just stop fucking talking about it both of you

Meh, I smoke on doctors orders for nerve damage. People don't even notice if i'm stoned. If I didn't have the small amount of relief I do get, I would have already an hero'd trying to kill politicians.

I grow my own you bait nigger.
And fuck the (((feds))) listening in.. got my 5 plants legally

$10 per gram of HQ weed in Cali

>citation needed
hm yes, lemme just pull out my book on degeneracy and bluepilledness
>how does it work for every race then?
yeah it works by turning you into a nigger-minded retard.
>it’s a hallucinogen.
it’s a cannabinoid, dumbass. i see the weed is working it’s wonders on your mind.
>your argument is invalid
“i’ve outgrown money and materialism but i still need a material to calm me down and i spend all my money on a drug.” NEET detected.

tobacco is good for you.

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yeah man i use meth and heroin in moderation. ain’t even that bad.

weed is definitely expensive

im blowing mufuggin 1g of tree per day of the best shit on earth and its definitely costly
and just back in 1995-2010 the best weed, which people used to call "chronic" used to sell for 20$/gram
and today i would smoke 2 of those weak ass grams up easily in a single day, so it would literally cost 40$/day is this were early mid 2000s

Pot is being pushed around by the NWO agenda. You guys should've known better. I witnessed a lot of people lose like 10 IQ points for smoking it for a long time

OP BTFO literally first post lmao

God it was maybe no more than 4 years ago that loud grams were $20. It still adds up no matter what if you smoke daily.

you will never stop white people from holding onto their God given right to farm. KILL YOURSELF FAGGOT

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i smoke homegrown weed and american tobacco

Honestly I smoked weed so I could "close my eyes" to all the fucked-up truths in this world. I used the substance because it allowed me to become more "NPC" like.

I haven't smoked weed in about 10 years, but I believe the Injuns were high as fuck when they made us slaughter them. Guns>Bow and arrow.

im pretty smart with my weed
i got muh habbit to around 8/$ day
which aint shit
and thats for the most top shelf strain you can imagine

fuck niggers fuck green cocaine

That's why I only eat it. I get to spend two day's time in the span of an afternoon because edibles make time slow to a crawl.

how much do u pay here in usa for 1 gram?

> tabacco
Enjoy your rotten teeth and shit breath

>smoke tobacco goy
>don't smoke weed

>it makes you fat and constantly buy into the consumerist mindset of the world. it keeps you sedated and retarded.

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$10-15 in the cities for good quality, less if you're not picky. But it depends on where in the US you are.

I used to hit the bong a lot in my 20's. People don't use it correctly, that's the problem. You're supposed to take a pinch off and smoke it in a micro hitter that is the shape of a cigarette. It's particularly useful for artists. Don't more than this is bad for you, and costly.

and you can bet your ass i will personally sabotage any movement that tries to fuck with farmers rights or gun rights.
white people are going to have weed and hemp in the ethnostate whether you like it or not

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>>>the only thing that might awaken you is some psychedelics.
>>it’s a hallucinogen.
>it’s a cannabinoid, dumbass.
THC is a mild psychedelic, dumbass

>Weed raises Estrogen levels:

>Weed decreases testosterone and growth hormone, tobacco increases them (but also raises cortisol which is a catabolic hormone):

>Weed Reduces Volume Of Various Regions Of The Brain And Negatively Effects Motivation :

>Weed Causes Depression And Anxiety Disorders:

>Weed Worsens Symptoms Of Social Anxiety Disorder:

>Weed Causes Long Term Cognitive Damage:

>Children of Fathers that Smoke Weed More Likely To Suffer Sudden Infant Death Syndrome:

>Weed Legalisation Results In More Frequent Use:

>Weed Causes Lung Damage:

>Secondhand Weed Smoke Impairs Psychomotor Function And Working Memory:

>Weed Is Addictive:

>Weed Causes Deficits In Dopamine Release:

I too am quitting the herbal jew

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>be waiter
>talking to coworker about life
>"yeah user I flunked college, am in big debt and am always late on rent"
>asks if I smoke weed
>tells me they spend $100 a week on weed
>"yeah user I need it to deal with people, did you know it cures cancer? thats why its illegal b/c the drug companies"

weed makes you a retarded nigger

all politically and financially biased to fit the narrative of jews and or big pharma to sell more useless pills instead of real cures. kill yourself you socialist lying kike

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>changed from cynical doomer into hopeful bloomer
>quit smoking weed
feels much better

>switch to tobacco. Nothing is more based
“Start smoking cigarettes, so we can beat pussy China!”
-Terry Davis

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I agree with it being degenerate and for niggers, I think people should stick to drinking instead. But if it gets legalized I don't give a fuck, I still get to scoff at potheads so I'm happy

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This. Weed and hemp will fuel the ethnostate just as George Washington intended.

Voted yes on prop 1 in michigan today

#420 blaze it faggot

That would be cool if we already had an ethnostate to legalize it in.

checked. Satan approves


Thanks I look forward to thousands of leftists stoners moving here.

Legalizing American grown reefer would be huge for our economy. I don’t know why /pol is against conservatives using pot. If I take a couple hits to relax after an especially hard day I’m still ready for work the next day no hangover. A couple of whiskeys makes me useless. Alcohol is horrible.
The overhead for growing pot is so low and the profit so high we could make billions in tax revenue. If you can be a responsible adult with pot it really is a huge benefit.

This. I went from being a cringy commie fedora wearing tranny to NatSoc because of weed.

Why do you amerifats name their weed? We dont have any naming here and from what I understand its all consistent 'quality' all comes from the Ndrangheta families in country NSW, smart cunts too, can only be part of a Family if your a son of a member, No ratting if caught and they control pretty much all the drug importation in to 'straya and are completely controlled by the Ndrangheta italy not a seperate entity like the Sicilian American Mafia

P.S. Grow the fuck up and have a beer, weed is for niggers

If there is any hope of having psychedelics decriminalized in my lifetime, I need legalized weed to help pave the way.