the buddhist weebs are right. the best thing you can do is to just try to not affect as many things as you can because your ego will shit on everything it can and that is the condition of your very existence. your happiness, in every sense of the word, is at something else's expense. even if you don't turn it into a moral issue your existence is based on sadism. and the worst part is knowing they're only half right and reincarnation isn't real and life is just some weird accident that served no purpose other than to create suffering where there should be LIFELESS ROCKS.

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pic related

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And? Life is a large competition. Some win, some lose. You might think you're better for not playing the game, but from my point of view, you're the biggest loser of them all. If life's so bad kill yourself - it'll make it easier for the rest of us.

read uncle schopie

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Life is life.
It has four letters. It's a word.
Words are labels you put on things.
Things are things.
Things can be both tangible and intangible.
Tangible things would be things like rocks.
Intangible things would be things like concepts.
Life is a concept.
Life is intangible.
Lifeless rocks...
What if rocks have life?
What if life rocks?
Because gess what, life fucking rocks.


>it'll make it easier for the rest of us.
That is the only reason not to kill myself and you won't kill me because to stay alive you must assume a moral high ground. What now you gay fuck.

"love" is a simbiosis and exception.

no. injecting your will into the universe is the true way forward

I am not an incel, "love" does not bridge the gap between two people who understand this existential hell.

Keep eating that fruit see wat happens

It also says nothing matters so do whatever you want. If you haven't come to that conclusion yet go read more.

thats where ur wrong, retard.

but its pointless trying to convince you. ww3 will happen and i will meet fate. you will meet death.

>but its pointless trying to convince you.
I want you to try with your best effort. This is me screaming for answers that you don't have. You didn't have them in the 1940s and you don't have them now.

Reincarnation is very real. Time flows in both directions

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Something exist
thus something will always exist forever
thus we're here to create something forever

>committing sin of lust to get a boner and have sex to impregnate a woman so that another piece of god breaks apart to enter this hell know as life.
Satan’s ultimate trick

Energy being recycled through biomass is not "reincarnation"

After your lament, rejoice. You are free to laugh again, more than ever before. May the corners of your eyes wrinkle.

Guess I'll enjoy some boipussy since I'm now a gay fuck. Also I'm pretty sure I haven't assumed a moral high ground, since A) I literally just told you to kill yourself and B) "It'll make it easier for us" is a selfish reason. You'll either recover from your edgy teen phase or you'll get gassed, and I couldn't care about moral high grounds in both cases.

What came first?
The rock or the life?
The thing or the other thing?
What is first?
First comes before second.
Second comes after first.
What is before and after?
Time is money.
Money is time.
Life is money.

Mu is the path to follow user.
Nothingness is everything


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A literal faggot pretending to be a PERSON when he is actually less valuable than a chunk of shiny yellow metal.

you're going to stick your dick in an asshole and get poop juice all over it. gross.

Quit turning Buddha into a pussy in order to justify your own neuroses. Compassion begins with yourself. Consider that Jainism was contemporary to Buddhism. Why didn't the Buddha go to such lengths to avoid killing insects et al.? Because the point isn't to act like a fag. It is to embrace life (and death) in its entirety. The point is not to turn away from the world or likewise neglect the mind.

You are a pussy. No need to justify it with Buddhism.

The land of freedom sounds shit bro. Care to tell me what troubles you?

Now that would be a shitty situation, wouldn't it?

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It is, because all matter has will and human conciousness is caused by the geometry of brain/body mass. It's not magic spirits you retard

>The point is not to turn away from the world or likewise neglect the mind.
The world wants me dead. All of it. Every molecule of it. Fighting this just makes it seem to others that I want to live in spite of their efforts. I will always have to grin through my teeth at my closest friends, pets, family and community, knowing if shit really hit the fan I'd do anything I could to survive.

>cant do anything because its a prejudice to another human being.
>can really just drink water and meditate in order to have perfect karma
>can't make something because someone else will want it

Look, knowledge is a pandora's box. Only the fools can be truly happy because they don't know better. But if im to be forced to exist on this planet, ill build my paradise and you can ensure that im happy in it :)

>all matter has will
>It's not magic spirits

Just out of interest, for what purpose did you make this thread? Was there some realization that you recently made? Did you want a discussion or did you simply want to inform the world of your state?

also Heil Leafs

I'm just spazzing.

Fingers crossed it's not just a temporary chemical imbalance!

Aka "schizophrenia general"

Why not head to Jow Forums and check if they don't have a bar thread going on? Those usually help.

Why not take a broken bottle and shove it in your anus? It won't help but at least you'll feel something.

You'd definitely with into Jow Forums. It's a great group of people who spazz out without doing anything productive. You even have the perfect 15 year old vocabulary and way of talking.

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I came from there. Stop me faggot.

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next stop-->Christ


repent you little devil's bitch

You are the biggest cunt of cunts. I'll worship the dirtiest devils just to see this cuntry suffer.

The Czech Republic isn't even a real place, stop posting with meme flags faggot.

you are the one who will suffer

I am suffering now, can't you tell? Or is your brain too fogged up with weird chemically altered fish meat? You stupid fucking christfucks I hate poles.

Decent blog.

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How the fuck are you suppose to know thee answer if shit is in motion of evolving.

Dude, solipsism is a fallacy. You may think you made a terrible realization of forbidden knowledge because of some sinking ass feeling in your chest. You may feel feels of doom right now but let me tell ya, feelings are not a representation of objective reality.
If they were, the leftist snowflakes would be right about everything. It's your own subjective reality that is skewered. Set it right.
Call out to the Lord, and he will listen. You just have to be patient.

Its called the uncertainty principle. Which they slapped fermi in the face with.

Was the food web being a hierarchy of "who kills who to live" not make it obvious enough? Humans are no different than animals. Each have their own societies, governed by their different rules. And within these rule sets, both social or biological, we utilize resources to survive. Some of those other resources happen to be other living things doing the exact same thing we're doing. A hawk doesn't hunt mice out of a personal vendetta. If the mouse were in the hawk's position, it would do the same because they're working toward the same goal: I want to live till tomorrow.

So, just nut up, get some sleep, wake up, and work toward being the best, most satisfied person you can be. Living satisfactorily is better than being perfect, as they aren't mutually exclusive.

Humans are VERY differentfrom anima.
Am conversing with user human or droid.

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Not really, we’re just highly evolved animals.

You are wrong. There is only the EMPEROR

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Eternal life is paradox of time continuum.


Hell is the material world user.

The image that is one is perfect but you are in chaos.

All messengers are saviours, even the bad ones/.



Your already in hell an made of it what you willed.


So self conception suddenly makes us any more special than anything else. The mere fact that you're you means you stand above "lower" life forms? All that ego of yours won't stop a shark from eating you or a bear from mauling you.

>hurrr thats what guns are fhurrrrrr

The reasons WE need guns, is because THEY don't need guns. Yes, humans are more complex, but we still work from the same fundamentals that all animals have to work with as well.

I just got done screeching at my parents and they KNOW I AM RIGHT but can't form anything close to an argument. MONKEYS MONKEYS AA AA AAAAA

i warned all of you, stay away from buddisim. You fools, buddhism practices and the occultic arts arent worship tools or toys. Stay far away.

>doesn't have any counter argument
>threatens murder like a mongoloid

great argument

Ego gives one wisdom to overcome so try harder.,

You need guns becuase YOU are weak.



>that response
I’d expect nothing less from a Britbong.

Don’t forget to pay your tv license faggot.

>american flag

>you can get forced into literal eternal suffering if you believe in something literally nobody has proof of
fuck you and your nigger "god" lazy faggot wont even speak to his creations
fuck that ethereal cocksucker

You just need to pray harder

Imagine being this weak and low IQ

I dont watch TV i watch YOU.

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MUH FLAG do you think I want this ugly piece of shit representing me? Wearing it still makes me less of a pussy than a MEMEFLAG jewish faggot.

I actually laughed at the low effort involved in this post

Welcome to nihilism friend
Enjoy circling the drain for the rest of your probably short life, this is a one way trip

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you are the very representation of why your sniveling pathetic generation needs to be gassed with fire in a 360

who said i was christian or jewish lol, you couldnt control yourself emotionally and dived straight into buddism. Your supposed to live a quiet life or peaceful life of loving zen or you get bad effects from it, you control your inside and out. Instead you dived in with probable mental illness or anger that couldnt control things in his life. now suffer thy consequences and punishment of spiritually breaking yourself.

Go read some Jung senpai

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>tfw no gf

Luckily most boomers will die of ass cancer getting smacked around by dominicans.

This, to b q honest

200ug should fix you right up OP

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I can see how you can say that, considering the scariest most life-threatening thing Britain has to put up with are scorpions, bees, snakes, and cows. But in the real world, where big and scary animals pose a real threat of thrashing you to death, your wisdom and dyel newbie gains won't stop a pouncing lion.

Wtf is that?

Sup Paul Town

Not true, bongs have an invasive species of acid spitting simians to deal with

deep sea fish that sploded due to not being held together by water pressure I think

I don't understand. Do you enjoy eating your food? If not find what you enjoy to eat but what is also beneficial to your survival. Apply this to all aspects, eat everything that is usefull to you, suck in its energy and destroy it. Eat the people who will help you eat even more. Absorb the information that will help you absorb even more. Just keep consuming everything on this planet, life tastes so sweet and you should enjoy it before you become weak and are eaten yourself. That is the natural order of things, to be born and to eat and to be eaten to give birth to another. You life is your story of how you go around eating and just how much you will eat.

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>DNA is just a weird accident that happened by random chance
Are you retarded?

Not as much as jesus

fuck god
he wants my praise he needs to earn it
i didnt ask for this life
its a fucking curse not a damn gift and that lazy bastard in his ivory tower is too much of a coward to show his face to me

i have more power than he ever has
fuck you and that nigger
fucking worm

Oh! Oh look we have someone who know why minerals formed to create life. Guess what his reasoning is based on?

It's definitely not HORSE SHIT

Why not just kys then?

I'm not talking about their indigenigger infestation. The guy thinks wisdom and muscles can overcome being outnumbered and outarmed. Better rev up that Ultra Instinct of yours, Goku.

>The guy thinks wisdom and muscles can overcome being outnumbered and outarmed
Well it can but i'm unhealthy. Still it doesn't take too much to crack a monkey head open.

>because to stay alive you must assume a moral high ground.
No the fuck I don’t?

to annoy faggots like you
and you know, we're kind of hardwired to cling to life
use those two braincells im not sure you have
they can be useful in not wasting other peoples time

Do you think your brain generates consciousness or receives consciousness?

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I don't think it matter either way because somehow I know you're fucking gay.

>turns us into what we are supposed to be
>is dead