TURN ON CNN! The blue wave has commenced! Get ready to turn your guns in you stupid, inbread rednecks because tomorrow there's a new government in town and we aren't stopping until that orange freak in the White House is impeached and your guns are confiscated.
Your days of silencing the opposition and killing minorities are OVER. YOU LOSE!
Also I'd like to see you try and take guns. I'm an LEOfag and Isure as shit ain't gonna do it. Idon't know anyone who would.
Julian Green
You'll turn them in once you are worn down. That's literally ALL we have to do to achieve this. Shut down your power/water, seize your bank accounts/assets, and let you go hungry for a while. You'll turn those guns in pretty fast.
Ethan Cox
you dopey shill cunt. Why are you posting ausfag police totalitarian nanny state posters here?
Tyler Miller
Lol nah. It'll never happen. The guns thing is non negotiable at this point.
We have them. There's nothing you can do about it.
>Shut down your power/water, seize your bank accounts/assets, and let you go hungry for a while. Why wouldn't the people with guns who've been attacked then go take what they need?
John Martinez
We certainly will give them to you.............bullets first faggot.