Young people are supporting Democrats even more than they did in 2016. The GOP is fucked going forward, regardless of what happens tonight.
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I did too when I didn’t know any better. They’ll grow up.
Do these niggers ever learn?
Guess who creates all the memes? All the YouTube channels that BTFO liberals? Anyone under 30 is HARD Right, Gen Z is going to be the final nail in the Democratic coffin, why do you think they are so desperate for illegal immigrants?
This. Today's idealists are tomorrow's conservatives.
>Don't vote the same as me therefore they are immature
Nice strategy about trying to get people to your side, insulting them to their face.
Why are you mad?
They'll turn conservative the second they have to pop mommy's tits out of their mouths.
that's literally every single generation ever. then they get jobs and start paying taxes.
Im 19 and all my friends are 18-22 and we are all in college and all voted straight red. Most highschool and college guys and half the girls support Trump. MAGA
Here's another massive poll that shows just how fucked the Dems are and why they've been pushing immigration so hard
Oops I'm retarded and juggling 3 threads
>some people are so retarded they stay socialist their whole life
Yeah it happens user, not everyone can reach a rational stand on politics and vote according to their emotions that day
I voted for obongo in 08. I immediately regretted my decision the next month when he won the Nobel prize and I learned “change” is a meme
I'm not mad I'm actually the type of person you could go either way cuz non affilated, and just think this is a bad strategy, no matter what side.
by the time they're 30 they'll start turning red
Been conservative and hated kikes since I was a young 8 year old. That hasn't changed and Im mid 20s. Then again Ive been on Jow Forums a lot. So guess Im an outlier.
If you're not liberal when you're young, you have no heart. If you're not conservative when you're older, you have no brain.
But don't you want more people to come to your side? Honest question.
Dipshit, young people are fucking retards. People always get more conservative as they get older. Only high IQ youngfags are on the right.
This is really dumb stereotyping.
A new party will replace the Republicans. Literally Hitler. This will draw youth in droves, to a staggering extent. How do I know?
>I'm going to be the one who starts it
Are you're just really dumb.
It doesn’t matter if they all continue to move to liberal coastal states that were already blue.
>letting 18 year olds vote
amendments were a mistake
dems fucked up when Barrak let his wife fuck with gen-Z's school lunches. What they didn't know is that you make enemies for life when you fuck with someone's food. These kids will never ever ever forget or forgive.
sorry bud, the future is not blue
Wuts a democratic-republican?
but this old school Jow Forums troll said you turn liberal when you grow up
As opposed to the fine strategy of calling them nazis?
>The GOP is fucked going forward
Nonsense, this has always been the case. You would think humility would come from the fact that most youth vote D then when they grow up and have real experience they vote R. But it never seems to happen and idiots like you think that this is the first time ever young people voted D and they always will.
Explain this system to me, is there only 2 parties in the us? Why is this election important? Whats the difference with the two parties?
>exit polls
stop this meme
>2007 in France, 16yo rooting for the leftist
>2017 in France, 26yo rooting for the far right
I didn't vote inbetween, you just get brainwashed when you're young and gullible
That doesn't help either.
lucky young people dont vote then
You are about to be BTFO worse than 2016
please link all suicide streams to Jow Forums
>you're welcome
Democrats commies Republicans freedom
This is their next talking point? A couple months ago it was all about he BLUE WAVE!!! We will dominate in the midterms!!! Guess that didn't work out for them
Explain freedom
No they aren't! It's all a lie!
Most of us were democrats when we were young to. We’re voting to save them from themselves.