Who is right here?

Who is right here?

Attached: b.jpg (960x720, 152K)

I want the fucking flute
might makes right

Child D, the one who payed for the flute.

Attached: gimmedatfofree.jpg (957x1429, 278K)

>Of the three of us, I am the poorest.
How to rule out a child in one sentence.

I get the flute.

Execute all three of them for disrupting the peace

Child B. Then convince Child B to lend/sell/give it to Child A of their own volition. Child C can enjoy the music rather than being a fag who wants something he can't really use and didn't pay for.

So we stole someones flute? Just give it back.
If music is important child b will forfeit the flute to child A.