We can't keep on losing seats like this, 28 and we lost the house, any bets on how this is gonna go?

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litellary nothing will happens the blue wawe is meme the senate is red

Its over, the best you acn hope is that dems dont get majority.
Forget about the wall, migration or passing anything that wouldnt benefit dems too,

Sounds salty.


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what are you on? dems get house reps keep senate retard it's a done deal at this point

even if we lose the house at this point the blue wave is dead. nancy pelosi might not even be elected speaker because of all the democratic infighting we're about to witness

kek be praised

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The Dems need a net 24 seats to gain control of the House. Calm down.

Nice cope. On average the party that wins the election loses 31 seats in the house during the midterms. They’re underperforming in both the senate and the house, they’re going to get slightly majority but that was almost impossible to avoid

bloody hell, another one..

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but muh nyt needle says they got it

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what sorcery is this?

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>in the house
stop talking burgerpolitics, greece. leave the idiocy to us fatburgerclaps. also pay your denbts

You mean House Representatives?

You gotta remember, the West Coast is BLUE AF

Another one
Yep, give me a break it's midnight here

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It's not looking good so far.

representatives greekfag, not senators

Democrats have exactly a 0% chance of taking the House. It's not happening.

well, we're on pace to keep control

If the GoP lost 10 senators today, it would be a cat 10 shitstorm.

That's already taken into account. It's about whether democrats take seats that were expected to go to republicans or not.


>Trump literally has a zero percent chance of winni-
Shut your fucking mouth

I know, I know

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Republicans are gaining 2 seats in the Senate, maybe 3 with a wildcard by tonight's end.
Dems will gain 20 to 30 seats in the house, which was expected.

C'mon son.

Yea and they're on pace. We lost the house.

Why does this happen to every ruling party though? Do voters just go right-left-right-left in every election cycle?

Even cnn is saying the seat numbers are tied. We were supposed to have gotten fully rekt in the house already, we probably wont win but take it for what it is we arent doing as bad as predicted.

If you're winning, you aren't as inclined to vote

Sounds salty.

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