A literal communist kike just won a local election in my city.
Historically, what is the best way to deal with communists?
How did we successfully stop them last time and can it be applied now?
Not sure how concerned we should be.
Other urls found in this thread:
Learn from based nips. Commies get the wakazashi.
she's a con artist just like most of the DSA.
she lied about her background for shekels.
Historically they were killed.
No tolerance for race traitors.
You get the wall too.
I'll give you 3 guesses
you know what you have to do user
>tfw no qt communist kike powergf
>ywn lick her armpits while snacking on christian foreskins
>ywn help her traffick refugee children to lavish Jew parties for their satanic necrophiliac rituals
why even live
If we do Pinochet America, there is no going back.
America under a military dictatorship will be unreversable since no one will be able to boss around from abroad.
We would have to make sure that no niggers/spics are in the military junta.
I feel your pain fellow NY Jow Forumsfag
This state sucks, too many niggers and old people
>Historically, what is the best way to deal with communists?
she cute
she looks white
honestly I don't get why people think cortez is hot, she's hotter even if she's a dumb commie bitch.
>Calling sections of the state with less than 50% of votes counted
My ballot box fucking broke down after I voted.
> Create a syndicate that pretends to be more socialist than the commies
> Call it solidarity
> Reform the system
> Win
Like this
Stop being a faggot and just canvas for your candidate last time. How many people did you actually discuss the election with? Did you, at any point try to convince people to vote along your lines?
get rekt bootlicker. 1917 will commence again.
Combat this (((Salazar))) with this Salazar.
She's a kikess.
>commiecuck calling anyone else a bootlicker
>How did we successfully stop them last time and can it be applied now?
Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure SOP used to be just exploiting Communist's natural allergy to passing high-velocity projectiles through their body.
what a babe
1933 will commence again to defeat the (((butchers))) of 1917.
You should look up what the words "literal" and "communist" mean.
She's a communist Jewess. She needs to be thrown out of a helicopter into an oven.
Everyone in this thread advocating political violence will either be getting a visit from an LEO tomorrow or is part of the fed agency I'm submitting my anonymous tip to
>what is the best way to deal with communists?
Never allow evil to take root
NYC feels like a lost cause. Too many spics, niggers, and faggots.
Amerimutts don't have the balls to do what the Nips did.
Always count on a leaf to be a snitching faggot.
Why are you, gringos, talking about our Chilean God Pinochet? Jajajaja
He saved us from communism
Why does NY keep voting communist? Is this just an NYC thing or what?
oh shit, I thought she was a spic because
How do I improve my radar?
> hurr socialism is the same as communism
Yes, that's why there was never a Spanish American war. That's why the Soviets and the Nazis were such loyal, lifelong friends.
Fuck off, OP, you sound like a moron
The number of grammatical errors and nonexistent words used in your post lead me to believe your opinions are very well researched.
If only she was as based as Antonio Salazar
>Historically, what is the best way to deal with communists?
We need a Salad Czar.
You should just give up desu
I live in New York as well and its always going to be Jew York at the end of the day, fucking dark blue with absolutely no hope. Either get out or take some satisfaction in the fact that you will get to see it absolutely obliterated by the right when the civil war kicks off. God, I hate this place.
You kill them user.
recognize the phenotypes of the sephardic jew
her features are too sleek and thin to be an afro/indian hispanic.
hnnng she p hot desu
Hey bolsonaro just wanted to let you know i think you're based af
You can kinda tell, plus on her Wikipedia page it mentioned she was in some clubs dealing with Jewish life.
>what is the best way to deal with communists?
-falls from great heights and chopper rides
Any bids on me going berserk on this fucking communist?
11 million and I’ll get her head and livestream that shit
>Historically, what is the best way to deal with communists?
Why do all socialists have that disturbing bug eye look. First the donkey bitch now Julia. Is it just an inherent trait of evil?
Because I'm Canadian for the beautiful natural scenery and American in political beliefs
>He saved us from communism
That's why. Lol.
Only way to deal with commies.
> "when the civil war takes off"
IF ... if, the south are dumb enough to rise up, again, Yankees will just burn them back down again. We invented Gatling guns, chemical warfare, and nukes. Don't fuck with us.
You ever wonder why the south is so eternally poor? Because Yankees finished the war after Lincoln declared it was over
>literal communist
she is a democratic socialist, you;'re an intellectual dumbass
White Americans are too distracted by Jewflix to participate in nationalist movements, protecting us from the invading hoards.
Let's be based together, Canada. Impeach Trudeau
Stabbing, shooting, throwing out of helicopters, all fine and lovely methods for dealing with communists.
How does a place that has extremely high rents, low job wages, overcrowding, nog crime, and a magnet for cultural enrichment keep attracting people?
Nothing but leftist pilpul.
Yes, most of the rest of the state leans right.
>Historically, what is the best way to deal with communists?
execution and/or imprisonment
>Historically, what is the best way to deal with communists?
I third this
Welcome to the Weimar Republic. No return trips, you have to fight your way out.
she's cute, just like ocasio-cortez, her voter base is mostly soi bois voting in exchange for potential sex
something something second amendmendt protest if I have to take a guess where this is leading to
She is cute as fuck.
She have a boyfriend?
wow she's so cute
Amerimutts don't have the balls to doom their country into being another country's puppet and forfeiting any sovereignty they would have had.
Protip: that Communist was a bigger nationalist that any of the capitalist pussies in this thread.
And rightfully so. They don't have the balls to say any of the stupid shit they say in public. I'll tell them I'm a proud red blooded communist and they wouldnt say shit but choke on their saliva lmao
It's a jew thing. NY is the most jewed state.
Yet another LATINA-GRRRRL POWER fuckwit who loves socialism.
What is with all the goblins and socialism?
I know, I was joking. I just find weird and funny see American people talking about Pinochet dictatorial stuff because I’m form Chile jajaja
Move to an area that supports your views. Your level of political activism is bitching on Jow Forums....so live wherever
Why are you acting like a gang member
I am seeing people advocate murder and reporting them to tthe lawful authorities before anyone is hurt or worse
She's only skinny Bc communists don't get food.
These people are engulfed in (((corporatist propaganda))) (ranging from Fox News to CNN to anything about "American exceptionalism") and really stupid
Or they're larping/memeing/whatever
I'm a Communist. What are you going to do about it
>red blooded
well yeah all of us are retard
>And rightfully so. They don't have the balls to say any of the stupid shit they say in public. I'll tell them I'm a proud red blooded communist and they wouldnt say shit but choke on their saliva lmao
kek, all your arguments are emotional bullshit not supported by anything representing empirical data
Here's the trash bag you faggots are drooling over. All commies must hang.
Dude, we love Pinochet here. We want to throw leftists out of helicopters here too, cause they keep destroying our cultural heritage.
>how to deal with communists
***innocent whistling***
>you do care about the community don't you user?
y-you too
I was born here, so its not like I came willingly. I plan to move out once I finish my education and save up a decent amount of wealth for myself. Not sure what state I want to move to, but I'm not going to rush it- I'd rather take the time and do the move properly than run out and end up fucking myself.
If you think a modern civil war would be comparable to the old one where there was a clear divide between what state is on which side and who did what, you're wrong. While I do believe the right would win a modern civil war, I don't care if they lose. At this point I just want to win and see the right America or die and not have to suffer through the left desu
>American pinochet
All well and good to joke about to rile up the communists, but America just needs to start enacting the laws put in place by this man, who also warned about the dangers of going down the Pinochet path.
Communism is literally treason against everything the United States stands for. Where's that Japanese assassination guy when you need him?
Communists aren't human beings, so no murder is being committed.
>tfw live in NY
Throw you out of a helicopter.
I want to fuck her, and that's why she won
Would shamefully smash
a bullet to the communist head
>MFW she runs your area out of money being fucking retarded
>Historically, what is the best way to deal with communists?
>Communism is literally treason against everything the United States stands for
Holy fuck, where do I sign up?