How are you feeling about the election results so far?

How are you feeling about the election results so far?

Attached: trump.jpg (250x250, 16K)

Pretty White pilled. This country is fucking DONE. No matter what. We just have no more fight left. This is about Demographics.

Good. House was corrupt and always undercutting Trump under Paul Ryan's leadership. Rs gained seat in Senate.

This is a repeat of the midterms in Reagan's 1st term. If Trump cleans house of neocons, he easily retakes it in 2020.

I'm pretty confident hill dawg is gonna win. The polls say so

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I'm okay with it. Florida was big. Never expected to retain the house, though the final numbers will be interesting.

Good. 2 years of Pelosi leadership will propel Trump to victory in 2020. Republicans gained seats in the Senate, which Dems failed to do in 2010. The only way you can spin this as a Dem win is if the MSM has brainwashed you

pretty damn good, if i do say so myself.

pretty much!

Attached: svaeddd.png (4200x3105, 563K)

>White pilled
you mean black pilled?

republicans btfo