Official Democratic Celebration Thread

We got the house, boys!

The whole house!

Get in here.

Attached: darien-blue-wave-logo_486165.jpg (1600x1448, 176K)

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>Jow Forums unironically thought House could be kept

We let you have the House to prove to the world of your incompetency to govern. We still have the senate when Ginsberg croaks

nice "wave", this is the best you can do?

2020 is going to trump for sure. feels great

I feel so fucking good right now. FUCK TRUMP.

Fuck off nigger kike, suicide bomb the DNC

They never learn!

Attached: polls dont matter.jpg (1304x2264, 763K)

Funny how the GOP lost a lot of everything just in 2 years and have close races all over the place with literal whos. Ted Cruz barely won fucking Texas wtf.

Trump only won because he promised change
The swamp is undrained, the bitch is still free, and there is still no wall
This is the beginning of the blue war now