We lost
We lost
Hear me out, the republicans are actually going to remain with a majority house when the west coast results come out.
Look at this Drumfag and laugh
Facts dont care about your snowflake feelings
>Washington, Oregon, Nevada, California,
Yeah definitely...
Sorry dude west coast is blue as fuck.
t. WAfag that voted red.
Gillum and O'Rourke lost. This is a victory
This would be the biggest embarrasment in cable news history if true. CNN would not recover.
Even if the Rs keep their entire left coast caucus there are too many races east of the mississippi that are flippong blue. It will take a miracle
Umm no, sweety. We are progressive city people, not rural hicks
Whatever you say Dutch
kek I can't wait for all those red voters
i actually would love to see it
the salt would never ever end ever
No kidding
holy fuck this delusion lmao
qek finds a way
>Gillum and O'Rourke lost. This is a victory
they were expected to lose though. That's no victory.
A bummer but not horrible
I'm okay with this
CA here can confirm, solid red
They really should not call it 100% until it's actually 100%.
No, they were expected to win. That's what makes it scary
Ya can't always get what you want.. but if you try real hard sometimes you get what you need... :(
>that shill that thinks "snowflake" means "delicate"
Remember it's not that Republicans need to take Democrat states.
It's that Democrats need to flip rural, traditionally red California districts to blue.
Current predictions are based on this happening. Dems must flip 29 seats. So far they have flipped 14. Doesn't matter how many traditionally blue districts they win. They need to flip 29 total from red to blue.
Nate Bronze gives it less than 1% but there has to be a chance.
finally antifa will have a platform
these nazis were getting too powerful
WAFag, voted blue straight ticket. Excited for my sons to make gorgeous mulatto mutt grandbabies with some thic-ass black girls.
have no fear
take the torah pill
guys it is over
The President side always loses midterm
After 2 years of constant shilling
billions of dollars
>they lost senate seats (most important)
>they picked up the house (totally expected) but by much less than they thought
>GOP will control the courts and the WH
>Its's much better then expected
This nig nog lost both and never gained either back
the mental gymnastics you retards play lmao
Trump will win tonight
The money drain from the DNC was phenomenal.
If it makes anybody feel better, they will only control it by a couple of seats. They hold seats in republican districts that could be flipped over the next two years and this happens all the time. Of course it could also go the other way during that time too. But yeah it’s still a possibility and not really even a slim possibility. It could definitely happen.
But I’m mostly disappointed with allowing criminals to vote in Florida. With as close as Florida is, that basically guarantees a loss from now one. Texas is also way too close and really will start going blue within the next few years. No Texas and no Florida from now on. That’s devestaring news. Trump can’t do anything about it. Republicans pissed away two years of majority control in Congress because they dragged their feet and because of neocohens and cucks and never Trumpers
Who is "we"?
Sorry but no. There was never any doubt. The only troubling point in all of this was seeing how close the race in the end but Cruz had it from the start.
Redditors belong on a cross
Hear me out, the democrats are actually going to have a majority house when the west coast results come out
>I know Trump was just sworn in but here's how Bernie can still win the election!!!!
This is how retarded you sound.
They've already flipped a lot of house districts, and the bulk of the uncounted ballots are coming from ultra liberal states next.
Ah, no.
It's over bro. Throw in the towel. We kept important seats.
I voted dem because they're actually making positive changes like legal weed
I'm quite butthurt over the Beto loss. I still don't understand how they can call it when they're still within 1% of each other with only 60% reported. People were still in line to vote 15mins ago.
>still expressing impotence over a brown man having been on tv for a few years
Well 2020 we got another chance
Lets keep the salt low guys
A lot of them seem to think that
>Dems get House
>Repubs have more seats and the votes are still being counted
What ass-backwards logic determines this shit?
Haha so many nervous dems lurking here. We see you. We win.
fuck you for making me chuckle dem
Look at this rural and suburban retard. Look at him and laugh.
This. Does anyone actually know what the fuck CNN is talking about or are we just meant to take their word as gospel?