Lose the Congress

>lose the Congress
>secure the Senate and probably 3 new seats
>secure govern wins and probably get +26
So, who actually won more ?

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Nobody wins its not like the republicans did shit during their 2 years of governmental supermajoirty lmao.

nothing will get done, as is usual with american government

Blackpilled but true.

Their ideology its to literally do nothing, dont blame them for it. Less regulation is always good.

republicans could have passed so many based gun bills like legalizing silencers and they just sat on their fucking dick doing nothing

Dems won the short game
Repubs won the long game

Republicans are only pro-gun because dems are against it. They'd repeal them if they knew they wouldn't lose votes/

a split, though larger moral defeat for dems based only on the wifes facebook. Turns out this referendum on Trump, says that people are not on the dems side. They are on borderline suicide watch as they are slowly realising they actually lost the 2016 election.

Florida felon law though

>rep do nothing
>win long game.