>Latinos are overwhelmingly religious and conservative >could literally guarantee Republican victories forever >instead Republicans hate them, pushing them to vote Democrat
Has any political party failed harder than the US Republicans at long-term strategic planning? Pic semi-related; it's all the Puerto Ricans fleeing the island after the terrible Republican handling of the hurricane, and they are technically American citizens who can vote in elections. I wonder what Republicans were thinking.
Actually it brings up to Americans the fact that these festering pits which consider themselves "Americans" don't even pay taxes - then try to interfere in humans' politics from their ghetto island.
Andrew Martin
>don't even pay taxes Yes they do. They pay no federal income tax but pay other federal taxes.
Sebastian Robinson
If they're overwhelmingly conservative, then why it their country a leftist shithole?
The answer is because God is not with them. They're not Christian. If they were a Christian country, it would be a world superpower.
Aiden Peterson
>If they're overwhelmingly conservative, then why it their country a leftist shithole? Socially conservative.
Gavin Murphy
Look I don't care if they're liberal or conservative we need fewer guitars in the mass not more
Hispanics have the worst liturgical abuses regardless of their politics
Nicholas Price
Good for them in their home nation, bad for the nation that houses them as foreigners.
Sebastian Baker
>instead Republicans hate them How?
Kevin Brooks
>muh religious and family values thats funny because they vote overwhelmingly left, just like all the shithole countries they came from. gibs from whitey overrule anything else with these subhumans
Matthew Edwards
Spics, and Puerto Ricans especially, are not conservative. Stop pushing this lie.