Hey shills. Problem?

Attached: 1510904683222.png (750x585, 97K)

All this cope.

Hey shills. Problem?

Attached: trump immigration 4.jpg (1047x320, 57K)

>tumblr/twitter/reddit buzzwords
left can't meme

Hillary was never president you retard try making better bait next time

I find that very hard to believe. Sounds like one of those "alternative facts" you guys are so fond of.

Trump had 2 years of House and Senate control and couldn't repeal and replace Obamacare, something that all of the Republicans supposedly hated, get funding for his wall, drain the swamp, or lay a finger on Hillary. Now he lost control of the House. Just think about that.

Attached: 1541166617707.jpg (437x420, 28K)

yes, lets lose control of the legislative agenda just when cucks like Paul Ryan and Mccain were gone, very good goyim.

I suggest you simply look it up. Obama's first midterm election in 2010 was a disaster. Democrats lost over sixty, the massive House majority they built up in 2006 and 2008 wave elections. Plus they lost Senate seats.

Trump's party here in 2018 gained Senate seats and didn't lose even half as many House seats.

No matter how you slice it, Trump's first midterm in 2018 went better for the GOP than Obama's first midterm went for Democrats back in 2010.