Just found out pol is full of retards

You won big tonight but you still don’t realize it and keep crying.. fuckin grow some brains and think about it retards.

>the party that wins presidency lose house and senate after 2 years
>its been like this since forever
>but reps didn’t lose senate only house
>still you consider it a loss
>what logic is this?

Also you let democrat trolls get under your skin with their cope bullshit, come on lads you are better than this

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Next time, guys! Next time we'll win big!

And in the meantime we go from this

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To this.

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Even more cope.

Would have been better with mashed potatoes.

wtf are you eating

Won what? All we ever do is delay the inevitable. It would be better to accelerate things so we can still have some numbers when things go south.

Two filet pieces of chicken with fries and salad and grapes. Jalapeño, mustard and ketchup on the side. Good shit.

You don;t care that literal mongolid apemen are going to try and do anything the law allows them in their small majority position to harass and attack Trump for no reason other than he is great and loved by WHITES? this is the Rise of the Planet of the Apes come to life.

Attached: beneath-the-planet-of-the-apes.png (851x365, 383K)

Oh, that looks ok then.
Can't see myself eating grapes with lunch though.

>Just found out pol is full of retards

We prefer the term "mentally special"

Those are grapes and a carrot. Pretty common here.

Dude they cant do shit without senate, the gov will be useless for the next 4 years. Which is good for business owners that don’t like regulations, oh guess what republicans don’t like regulations as well and thats why they didn’t do shit when they had power in all 3 branches. Its maybe too complicated for you to understand but trust the nordie, republicans won tonight.

Based and blackpilled.
Pic related, it's your average republicrat voter.

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>having 2 mudslim shitskins, of who one married her brother elected is a le epic win.

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Grapes are basically dessert but healthier. I am not a hippie i swear.

A lot of us are new to politics. I never voted until the 2016 election. Trump promised a lot of winning and when there is a supposed "loss" all the new/uninformed voters don't tend to look at the bigger picture. Politics is a war and elections are only battles. Republicans came out of these midterms with a pretty big win and a minor loss. Can't win them all but the war is far from over.

nigger food. 2 pieces of chicken with ketchu p and fries.

>I am not a hippie i swear.

Has anyone ever shoved anything up your butt with your consent, if so you are a fruity lala man

Sorry special boy, you are so cute moooah

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the absolute state of Norge plates

to this

Attached: Jon_Taffer_0_33092819_ver1.0_640_480.jpg (640x360, 75K)

Fine i made steak for the second round, happy?

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My psyche is a chopping block. And it makes me sick.


essentially Trump has not had the house, it was controlled by RINO's and anti Trump republicans.
so he really has not lost anything.

why is all your food in those aluminum trays ? why not on a normal plate?

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The fuck is your problem?

Donald trump is your president
kavanaugh is your supreme court judge
Republicans have your senate

More like a major loss and a medium win. Without House it’s so much harder to pass bills. And now shitlibs can have investigations and generally grandstand. It helps to have a safer margin in the senate, but we were better off before the election.

why are you eating out of a tin foil baking tray that's my problem

I think it's take away stuff from the kebab shop...

Attached: 1539552953159.jpg (1333x2000, 359K)

That sounds awful.

Yeah, 56% -> 50% got DELAYED for a few years, not stopped. Stop being delusional.

Why the fuck do you sloppily have the tortilla laying like a plate? Do you eat the tortilla plain? That's fucking gross.

False. The house passed way more bills. The problem was the senate. Republicans should have abolished the filibuster.

I owned a restaurant that used these plates. Closed the restaurant but still had these laying around so i use them because too lazy to clean plates. Just throw it when you done, its the best thing

Based archivenigger

did you own a kebab shop?

I don’t want nothing to happen for the next 4 years you kike motherfucker. We couldn’t even get anyone indicted for election interference with a mountain of evidence the house and the senate. What the fuck do you think is going to happen now being stonewalled for 4 years. It’s over. This country is lost. There’s only one option left.

Yeah, how did you know? No kebab shop use these plates

You are right.
Historically the Dems should have easily won 50-60 seats in the house. They didn't come close to this. This wasn't a blue wave. It is pathetic and the left thinking they won is proof they do not understand the system.

Dude fuckin relax, america is too big to fail. You guys had bigger issues in the past. All you need is a war to unite you and i think trump will start one soon

>its been like this since forever
it's all so tiresome.

Like I said, I'm new to politics but I've been heavily invested since the 2016 election. I think that this election says a lot about Trump's chances in 2020 so far. The house is elected according to the results in each district, the senate is elected according to everyone's vote in a given state. Trump fever is still going strong for states to be able to flip 3-5 seats. Plus, when RBG kicks the bucket, Trump's next SC nominee will have no trouble getting in.

they all do in the UK

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It doesn’t matter. Historical data doesn’t mean a god damned thing. This is just 4 more years of bullshit until they figure out a way to disarm and enslave us. 4 more years of boo hoo refugees racism misogynism fucking progressive BULLSHIT blocking anything decent from happening in our country. 4 more years for the to flood this place with illegals and brown us to the point that we will never recover. This is the beginning of the end for white people.

most kebabs here use polystyrene ones, chinese takeaways use those 100%

Fuck you dude. They elected 80 something women and a fucking Muslim woman that married her brother. They have the most corrupt people you could ever imagine in power. This was the biggest loss this country has suffered since JFK was assassinated. It’s over. We have to resort to plan B now.

I lived in south London SE6. I guess it depends

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Oh i meant kebab like this, i meant kebab the sandwich thats why i have long ones not squared. Pic related.

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now im hungry

OP is right.

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Jfk never did anything good, people like you like him because he died, which makes him special somehow. Plan B is civil war, embrace yourself..

Whats the red thing on the left?

In the next 2 weeks there is expected to be the 3rd of 5 stock market drops, a major one. Trump can simply say "I told you so" regarding not voting Dems.

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Kek looking forward

Yeah I don't get it, Trump lost less seats than the Dem God Obama and these people here acting acting like it's some loss. Even with them Dems pulling out all the stops, outside contributions and fuckery, the races were close.

Get a grip guys.

Shit is retarded but you shouldn't quit, just be ready to fight man. I'm ready to fight to the death because it's one of the only causes I actually care about in this world. I have total confidence we can win this. That's all we can really do is be prepared with the right mindset.

This is what I keep telling people, this is what people on /pol were talking about months before the election.
I'm convinced the people sperging out are fresh newfaggots.

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You’re definitely right that more control in the senate helps with appointments, especially to courts. But don’t count on RBG to die. Hope she retires but she’ll probably hang on like grim death.
I think what this means for 2020 is hard to tell. I still give trump 50-50. It’s far off. If the economy goes south will voters blame him or democrats?
Numbers-wise, today doesn’t show a lot of Republican strength. The senate gains were in seats that were already pretty red. Look at it this way: there are more areas/states that Trump won in 2016 and we lost tonight than the other way around.


this was the last chance to change anything. now the demographic tide will make it impossible in future elections.

have you ever tried halal fried chicken ? Its pretty good.

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Yet we are still doomed to become brazil 2.0. So fucking what? Every day we waste not gasing kikes and shit skins, is a waste of time.

>Nothing will get done now without the House
>Why you guys sad, you dumb

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ok that's pretty terrifying

It’s all the brown people. When will white people wake up and realize that we are slowly succumbing to genocide. This country was founded by white men and we now have a record number of shit skins and women in power. Fuck. 90% of the blue votes come from sanctuary cities and degenerate shit holes. My own state flipped blue because commie motherfuckers won’t stop moving here and they’re shipping Mexicans in by the truck loads. I’m so sick of it. I’m sick of my college instructor being a broken English speaking paneer. I’m sick of having to look at nasty Mexican women and niggers all day everywhere I go. I’m so fucking sick of this world. Why won’t you go back to your own shithole countries you already destroyed. I want it to stop.

This. Sadly at this point all we can do is commit suicide as the white race is eternally vaporised. It's destiny.


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I shouldn’t have to spend 12,000 dollars a year to get a stem degree from a shit skin pajeet that can barely speak English, but I do. Because this is no longer America. The only people that are proud of this country are white. We are being destroyed. The Jews have won. I don’t know what else to do. It’s fucking hopeless at this point man.

a zionist jew is my president
a jesuit skull and bones man is my SC justice
a political party that loves israel and immigration has my senate
thanks for telling me, didnt notice

As if we won’t take 100 of you with us.

Nothing being done is always good for business and economy retard.

Werd. Pretty much all of us have taken the blackpill at this point. We have no choice but to blow our brains out. I'm fucking crying. It's all over for us.

this administration is not making new regulation, it's throwing out old ones that don't make sense.
Are house and senate involved in these at all, or is it just Trump's "magic wand" (pen) signing a presidential order?

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Trump didn't get anything done in the timeframe needed so the midterms were his last chance.

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You first

>muh economy

oops, meant for norsebro

Yea if you haven’t noticed, american economy is tied to the west, bad american economy effect us Eurofags as much it effects them, just like 1929 and 2008. How stupid can you be to not understand this, holy fuck!!

Most started following elections and politics when Trump started to run and don't know better.

North Europe = shit food

We lost just about all of the RINO cucks because they spitefully retired to fuck Trump. They just opened the door for Trump to install his own breed of Republicans in the house in 2020, everyone is gonna be pissed at dems for the next two years

Lol true

We are just more ambitious than cucked nords.

Everyone loves fried chicken. Every culture across the globe (that has domesticated chickens) love dem sum gud old fashioned fyed chikun.
Prove me wrong, with the the exemption that those South of the USA prefer their chicken girlled, as their savage, native culture was unable to realize the potential of Deep-Frying technology (aka Oil cooking at a high degree).

>come on lads you are better than this
this iz 200yo KULTURE

That is... true but still retarded of you to consider last night a loss.

It looks like dims are going to have a tiny majority in the house, like 216 members probably.

That's about as bad as you can possibly do in the presidents first midterm election, almost historically bad.

They need 218 to have a majority :))))

Not a loss, but a victory that could have been better.


Fried Chicken is actually more of a political topic open to discussion than the bullshit (you)s currently in this thread.

RoFo for best fried chicken.

>Just found out pol is full of retards

Just now. Only just now. It took you until just now.


obviously a typo :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

The snownigger is right.
>Senate races are every 6 years
>Trump gets to blame Democrats for no wall
>Anti-Israel movement in Dems
>Jewbucks for Republicans in 2 years, 2020 a lock
>Senate is the won who votes for Supreme court
>If Supreme Court gets opened up Republican Senate will shape the US for a generation.

This was the Dems last chance. Not to mention that Gillem and Beto had been shilled as prospective Presidential candidates. So it's Trump vs. the generally despised Pelosi.

pol practices a cuckold personality.
They enjoy feeling dominated by a bigger stronger male

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