Great. So this just happened

Great. So this just happened.

Will Trump ever bring back the whole talk about banning Muslims ever again? Those were the glory days. That was peak Trump.

Attached: C1408D0B-0508-47C2-9822-8F2F5DD2F011.jpg (2048x2048, 425K)

how degrading
men like Henry Clay and Daniel Webster must be rolling in their graves at the thought of hysterical brown women controlling our legislature


Attached: 2snarky4me.png (720x930, 157K)

Your ancestors would be rolling around on a dying neonazi anime imageboard that circlejerks a lameduck president

Better to warm up on Quran, you will be legit beheaded in public by your MP for not being able to recite it.

That makes me sick. They have no fucking business even being in my country.

I can't wait to hear all about it on NPR tomorrow!

POTUS will make DIVERSITY greater again

I just realized that this bitch is going to fucking screech like all Muslims do, non fucking stop. And the tards are going to prop her up to use her. These next two years are going to suck.

Wtf? Which counties are demographically represented by Muslim women??