It is high time to FACE FACTS

If you are a white male living in a Western nation, especially the US, read this and despair.

If you haven't already figured out that females, ethnics, and people from third world countries DO NOT share our ideals of private property, rule of law, individualism, then YOU HAVE NOT BEEN PAYING ATTENTION. If you are a white male and you have voted Left at all in the past 20 years, YOU ARE A PART OF THE DESTRUCTION OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION.

There is a storm coming. They are going to kill the golden goose, and OUR ONLY HOPE is violent overthrowing of the current system and what allows it to be run by low-IQ hordes of leftists, feminists, marxists, and left-leaning scum-suckers.

They are going to run this country into the ground, and whats worse, they are going to outbreed us, attempt to take our guns away, and END right wing white folk.

I never thought I would end up saying the things that a stereotypical white supremacist said. I always thought they were a little kooky. But I do not come to you now saying these things because I am necessarily superior or better than any other race or person. I say it out of fear of the extinction of my future lineage and race.

Unless you are a baby boomer, this race/civil war WILL happen in our lifetime. They outbreed us and the left imports left-voting aliens into the country by the millions, legal or otherwise.

Violence is the only answer I see. So prepare. Train. Buy weapons and ammunition, and learn how to use them. Move to white states, white areas, and find other like minded folks. Get ready, because this isn't a fucking joke.

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Other urls found in this thread:!rcVFlaIC!zhrCWGYn84ghOCNZyRkNcQ

Nice LARP, very cool!

You cant vote yourself out of genocide

I know this is not the ideal place to try and do it, but I am trying to get people's attention. I am trying to drill it into peoples heads who are on the fence.


Shy of immediate violent revolution, all we can do is prepare to weather the storm.

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You are a deluded child. What will happen here is what happened in Europe. A slow decline into slavery and extinction. It happened in Egypt, Rome, and many other places throughout history. There will be no civil war. The best you can hope for is that your race will survive and transmit some genes through the ages, so that a couple thousand years from now a new civilization can be built. Regardless though, it doesn't fucking matter. White, black, brown, whatever, does it really matter that much? You are still a serf. You are still ruled by men that chart the course of your life and can crush you at any time. Does it really matter that your ruler is the same race as you? Does it even really matter if your neighbors are? You are still a slave. Your life is still worth nothing. The idea of freedom for anyone other than the ruling class has always been an illusion and a bad joke. You are a pleb. Your parents are plebs, you grandparents and great grandparents were plebs too. Your children and grandchildren will be plebs if you even have any. Is that really so valuable? Life is a brief layover in a penal colony in between long silences of non-existence. You are trying so hard to preserve something that never was all that great to begin with. Moreover, you are powerless and can do nothing about it. Just reality friend.

Speak for your fucking self. I do not intend to go out lying down.

Sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Report any and all troll threads.

Fuck you and your defeatist nonsence.


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Neither does baseless contradiction


This is such a fucked time to be alive. Fuck baby boomers man..... I don't hate them, but just fuck them... they have no idea what is going on. You have to be a young hungry man to understand. There is practically nothing left for us.

Private property and individualism is cancer.
The only good thing about whites being replaced in Europe is that muslims will turn this continent traditional once again.
Who gives a shit about what values minorities have? That's like saying its cool if white people are replaced as long as the non-whites have nationalistic
values. (((Western civilization))) can die out for all I care. What is most important is that the European race is not bred out of existence

>They are going to kill the golden goose, and OUR ONLY HOPE is violent overthrowing of the current system

Cool, I get to shoot at OP. See you on the battlefield. I'm probably a better shot than you.

Unless this is a FBI psyop to get the retarded folk to poke their heads up and actually try something. In that case, godspeed, and I take back the part about being a better shot than you.

You have an air of arrogance, which is quite rich considering your defeatish, nihilistic stance. What is there to be so condescending about, you scum?

We will be pushed into a corner, and that is what will allow us to win. They will get what they deserve, and we will happily oblige.

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The West is not (((The West))). The skypes are but one of many groups we will need to eradicate or otherwise do away with in our civilization. Perhaps the most important group, of course.

But to say that our race and our civilization is not intertwined so much that we can disregard one and not the other is foolish.

Tell me, with all your bravado, do you know anyone who has ever engaged in real violence that was of their own volition? Sure you may know someone who was in the military, who killed or died for the interests of their rulers, but do you know anyone who actually fought and killed and won anything in the process? No. That never happens. The only violence allowed is that which the rulers condone. If someone is fucking your wife and you kill them, you will be confined like a rat. Because it disrupts the system. You think you are going to shoot back when they come to your house to take your guns? Maybe you would. But no one will come to your house. Your rulers will never even know your name. They will simply enact economic and social policy that will allow you to live, or will slowly and gradually destroy you. The men who do so are mostly not even public figures. They ork behind the scenes. They aren't even conspiring really. They don't mean you harm, they just don't care about you either way. they are just trying to do whats best for their own family and their own descendants in a hosile world. In doing so, sometimes people like you get crushed underfoot, but there is really no way to avoid that when operating on such a high level of power. God or chance made the world this way. It is designed as a zero sum game- a place of slavery and suffering. Nothing you can do will ever change that.

>cunts and shitskins think they can replace the white man
so they're going to start paying taxes to fund all their handouts?

Eurasian pussy is smooth af idk what you incels are on about.

What's the problem to destroy white civilisation?
Just destroyed, so what?

it doesn't change the fact that you are all bark and no bite. you want to do something? support patrick little!

Smart guy

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I am not being condescending. I don't like the world. I recognize its uselessness. People use illusions to navigate the world. They tell themselves lies to create meaning when there isn't any in order to survive, because they have a biological drive that compels them to do so. My circumstances are different so I can take a more objective look at things. And it is all horrible. Honestly I am jealous of people who are able to live happily because of the lies they have told themselves, and the illusions they have created. I have tried to do that many times but always failed. Reality always came and whispered to me why it was a lie. So I am stuck with living in the coldness of the real. Its not because I'm better, it just is. And it gives me pleasure and comfort to destroy the illusions other people embrace due to emotional need. I like to blow up hypocrisy and lies. Genuinely happy, hopeful, idealistic people are always deluded and hypocritical. I like to tear their world views apart. I could make arguments that it is right or wrong to do so, but honestly I don't think it is either. It just gives me emotional pleasure and I like the way it makes me feel.

we're just gonna secede legally once we're pocketed up in 20 years and then we'll have a conventional war

and we can gas them
strong sovereign countries of independent nations, not weak internatonal forced meme alliances
Ave Maria

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Must sleep. Have some blump to feed on while I’m gone.

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>t. Chicagoan
I grew up in a stereotypical white family, which has slowly been chipped at my the hordes of illegals who fill in for the vacuum of middle class expansion. The idea that you can do nothing is morose and also retarded. Get a clue, anyone can do anything they really want, including making changes as they see fit. Status is nothing but an approval stamp for what “special” (no one is that special) people do every day.

Also, white people are great. And growing up in Texas, I see you self-haters as nothing more than practice targets to make public examples of in front of surrounding slaves.

myself detected

You are a fucking idiot. Not because you dont have actual solid points; you do. Except that since we create all meaning, to deny any meaning is to admit you aren't even worth our fleeting time on this earth. No, youre an idiot for thinking you are so smart for "figuring this out".

Literally kill yourself, because if you do not wish to live toward a meaning, your life means NOTHING, at any time, ever. You are useless as tits on a bull.

I completely and emphatically agree with everything you're saying, and I think that the writing on the wall is such that many many others - anyone with an IQ over 100 - can see. BUT for fuck's sake, take off the retarded memeflag you cuck. That's how kikes hide themselves, here. How new are you.
That being said, yeah, violence is seriously the only answer. Think of what they're doing and how much they've already done. They won't stop until all that is white is dead and gone. They do not make efforts to even hide this fact.
Therefore, reciprocal genocide is in order.
Kikes must be eliminated to the last man because if we do not do so, they will continue to try to do so to us, generation after generation.
They are a hydra, and we have already cut their head off inumerable times in the past.
It's time to destroy every single cell of their body until nothing is left but smoke and bones.

What choices or changes have you or your family ever made that has altered the trajectory of this country's decline?

Agreed. But what goddamn shitty flag am I supposed to pick then

>Kill yourself because you have no purpose
>Yet there is a purpose to killing yourself???

Look at South Africa or Rhodesia, even if you have a well trained militia (most ex-military, extremely good knowledge of terrain, disciplined, capable of fighting, well supplied, etc) or even army, the world is against you and will do everything to make your opposition win, so the only way to survive is to leave.

>White, black, brown, whatever, does it really matter that much?
Everything good in the world was created by a white man, silly.
Shitskins make everything objectively worse, no matter where they are.
Without them, and without kikes, we'd be colonizing space. That's just a mathematical fact, not even an opinion.
lol it's hilarious how hard you shitskins try to avoid the obvious reality that is your inferiority in all things.

Your own, my dude.
Don't worry if you're a leaf or a poo or whatever. So long as you're not a kike your words will outweigh your national affiliation.

Based and correct

Sadly it will be I who will have to permanently set the world in place, via a borg esque hivemind

And I am also LARPing when I agree with this. Nothing for you to worry about, glownigger, just LARPers.

>I see you self-haters
It's a kike

Yes race matters. Race is to a large extent why white nations are first world, dumbfuck leftist cunt. Niggers and spics are genetically dumber.

>le nihilism xD

>Being blackpilled
Absolutely disgusting.

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I would have killed myself long ago, but I am an only child and it would hurt my parents too much. I couldn't bring myself to do that. Once they are gone I probably will. I recognize given my worldview the hypocrisy in choosing loyalty to my parents over the release of pain. But I have my illusions and biological drives too. Loyalty is deeply imprinted in me due to a combination of nature and nurture. the pain I would feel knowing I destroyed my parents is worse than the pain of life. I wouldn't be alive to feel that pain, so it shouldn't really matter, but like I said, that is one of my own delusions. I am suffering for a value that probably has no real meaning in an ultimate sense. Like I said, I'm not being condescending. I live with the weird manifestations of my own emotional drives too.

>be white
>marry jewess
>move to israel

Replace THIS. I'm gonna bleach the milkers.

You are morally obliged to submit to your extinction.

For more information like pic related check out this fuckload of files from we dedicated Jow Forumsommando's.!rcVFlaIC!zhrCWGYn84ghOCNZyRkNcQ

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What if I'm a pro-white shitskin though? I support white majority America. Neo-nazis hate me, libitards hate me, other shitskins hate me.

>inb4 "why don't you leave then, shitskin?!?!"

I was born here, I only know English, and like I said, other brown people hate me too. Where else do I go?

Seriously, America was great when it was 90%+ white, with a small batch of minorities mixed in there. Keep a large white majority, allow a very small trickle of merit-based immigration to boost economics. I really don't see anything more "realistic" than this.

I have been tested with an IQ around 150. 99th percentile on the LSAT. And have a doctorate in a hard science. I'm not a "shitskin." I am drunk though.

See, here is the problem: even if I wanted to rebel I'd have no practical way to do it. No rebellion to join. Nobody has my back. I couldn't do anything productively destructive if I wanted to.

Revolution requires organization and logistical support. We have neither. We'd never have public support either, not even among whites.

I also want to believe the West can be saved, but just because I want to believe that doesn't mean it actually can. There might not be any hope.

Civilizations come and go. That is how it has always been.

Finally someone who understands.

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I never wanted to be hated, I still don't. All I ever wanted in this life was a girl to love and share things with, someone who loved me as much as I loved them, someone to buy gifts for and be wished a happy birthday from. I never cared about video games, or feminism or anything like that. I just wanted love, but no woman wanted to give me a chance.

My whole life I've been rejected for everything, always picked last. Now you pricks are even rejecting me from life itself, all because of my skin color. Fuck it, go ahead and march me to the chambers then. I've got nothing to live for at this point.

My favorite part of cutting Democrat is nutting in Latina womb right after. Diluting the White race is the best.

Goldberg is right.

If you still believe voting will change your current situation you are fucking delusional or just plain retarded. It's fight or perish.

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Appeasement will not work. For Jews, the lesson of yesterday’s massacre is very simple and very old: Protecting the strangers among us is not charity. It is self-defense. Every time Jews defend the right of American Muslims to follow sharia, we protect our right to follow halacha. Every time Jews reject politicians who demonize Latinos we make it less likely that those politicians will demonize us. “Hate them, not us” is a losing strategy because once empowered, bigots widen their targets.

Absolute shock

I have nothing against you simply because you arent white. But I hold no illusions that, once whites are a minority and they are hunted every night by gangs of minorities, you simply will fall back into your race and keep your mouth shut. It makes sense.

So all I can say is, do what you can to prevent that eventuality. You know its gonna turn into a shithole. Do your part, friend.

Reminder that Abrams is over $500k in debt and now probably owes even more since she lost and Dems have abandoned her.

You'll have to fight for that happy life, brother.

Survival of the fittest always comes back into the equation.

Degenerates and the kikes that puppet them aren't going to purge themselves.

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This is quite possibly the dumbest thing I’ve read all week. If you think nothing can be done by an individual or a small group to change the course of history in this country, you’re an idiot. There’s always something that can be done to fight back.
I seem to recall that in September of 2001 a group of cave dwelling rag heads flew jumbo jets into NY skyscrapers and forever changed this country.
It’s been done before

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>so the only way to survive is to leave.

There is no place to go.

that's what they want, then they win that's the whole point, i hate women

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>I don't hate them

How the fuck could you docile, cucked, domesticated ass not hate them?

Boomers get the fed into giant blenders feet first on the day of the rope.

They deserve to suffer for what they've done.

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Dem titties tho

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Ok this is epic

Not him, but the only reason that leftist indoctrination never got a hold of me growing up was because of my hard-right father. He was born in 1948, hes as boomer as a baby boomer gets. But he shielded me from lefties and jewish tricks.

So when people say fuck baby boomers its hard for me to go along. Are most baby boomers that fucking bad?

Ultimately, I don't blame you as much as I blame my forefathers. They knew better. They let you in anyway.

If you want actual non glow solutions do pic related

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some boomers have been hardcore conservative a longer time and I kinda don't hate the ones that are actually based but LIBERAL BOOMERS should be fed into woodchippers feet first. they will be the first generation that is truly abandoned when they reach the end of their life


Todays the wrong day to use a meme flag user, but good try

Once again, you are missing the point. Racial integration is a relatively recent phenomenon. For most of Europe and America's history there was little interaction between whites and other races. The vast majority of people, your ancestors likely included, lived in states of poverty, disease and constant striving for survivial. Moreover, with the exception of a brief period of frontier life, almost everyone had their freedom and choices largely guided by a ruling class that they never met nor saw. White societies, Asian societies, black societies, regardless they all had their hierarchies. The average person in any society never really had any free agency. Their actions were mostly determined by those at the top of the hierarchy. Whether that hierarchy was determined by who best swung a club, or whether it was determined by who could go to Yale law and become president, the basic structure of life as a pleb is the same. Doesn't matter if you are the average shmuck in a naked jungle tribe in Africa, or middle class cattle in a modern country who sent men to the moon. Either way, your life is controlled by your betters. And for the few circumstances where it is not, it is controlled by your biology, natural environment, and need to satisfy base drives. If you are more comfortable around your own race, and find other lower IQ races irritating, that is fine. But your life would probably be that of a controlled slave in an all white society too. The serfs in Europe when everyone was white probably didn't feel all that free, happy, or comfortable.

Why are you so pathetically weak?

It is disgusting. But is it not true?

>TFW the Jew is right.
Hey how strict is the right of return policy again?

My parents are borderline Boomer/Gen-Xers. They are completely arrogant, sheltered, selfish, egocentric, out of touch, brainwashed idiots.

My mother is very generous but refuses to even consider any idea that makes her feel uncomfortable. She and many other boomers I know live in la la land and refuse to step out of their bubble no matter how much evidence is presented to them.

Why are you so weak? If we could, discover the new world, kill the Native Americans, invent the plane, invent the car, invent the lightbulb and colonize the world then why the hell can't we fight off shitskins looking for genocidal revenge?

based and blackpilled

I've browsed Jow Forums for years but never understood why people take pride for their "race"

yeah, some guy with your haplogroup did something cool hundreds of years ago, why are you bragging about it like it was you? It's on the same level as people who use the term >we when talking about sports teams.

it depends, they're all over the place. my dad is super based economically but pretty cucked socially and especially on jews, he's basically a non-jewish jew

the liberal boomers really are that crazy I know a white lady in DC who hangs a portrait of Obama in her kitchen like Mao. unfortunately the real enemy at this point is retarded commie millenials like octasio cortez but they're becoming pretty anti-jewish because of trump so maybe we'll live to see another shoah even if it isn't white people doing it lmao

Because murder is illegal.

It's true we should start the race war now before whites become the minority.

>durrr I'm sooo smart but I think that exceptions disprove rules
If your skin is the color of shit, you are a shitskin. THE OVERWHELMING MAJORITY OF YOUR PEOPLE ARE CANCER, even if you aren't, though I suspect you actually are and are just larping, but even if not the point remains.

ConservaBoomers are just as bad. They are selfish, greedy, individualistic capitalists who would sell their own children into slavery for a thousand bucks.

Neo-cons, Neo-liberal boomer vermin are just as much a cause of this country's collapse as liberal boomer hippies if not more so.

They don't give a rat's fucking ass about this country or their own race, only making money.

Not if everyone is at war. Then there are no laws. Most cops are white. If cops refuse to imprison white killers then what?

>Most advanced
>Can't save themselves from a problem of mere indifference
Doesn't add up mate. Whites have become docile. This needs to change. It will change. When it does we will reshape this world for ourselves.

Yet you have created shit.

All this shit was benificial for the human species. Dont you get it? Youre just their slave. Inventing shit to improve their lives and then they overpopulate and demand more shit. White people are slaves.

Every bubble we create the jew fills with subhumans.

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Depends what you mean by weak. I make six figures, live comfortably, and support myself. What else should I do? If I could fight and die to fix the world I would happily do so. Sadly, the problems with the world and existence in it are problems of biology and physics. Not much you can do about that.

We ceated tractors and had a shit load of food all of a sudden. Import foreigners! Shit. Now we need new technology

And yet you are a weak pathetic coward with no balls.

But that's hard work and sacrifice. I want to sit on my fat ass and vote for someone on the TV who fixes things for me.

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They didn't refuse to stand down when Antifa threw rocks, bottles, and pepper spray at the Right and Trump Supporters. Think they'll stand down when ordered to kill your ass?

Invent something new slaveboy!

No you can fight like a man you spineless little wimp. I'd rather die fighting than live waving a white flag submitting to a bunch of subhuman shitskin retards.

>lmao, why aren't you guys defective like me????
>Plato? Who's that?

Absolute fucking state of leafs

>Herp muh rocks
We have actually killed antifa. Antifa never killed any right wingers.

Bla bla bla